Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 199 Cruel Experiment

Chapter 199 Cruel Experiment

"This is?"

Xiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at everything in front of him in surprise.

In front of Xiao Ye were two huge transparent jade vats. The two demonic beasts inside had been tortured so badly that they couldn't tell their true colors. They were too horrible to look at, but they were still alive.

Xiao Ye couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes were burning with anger, the two monsters were covered with scars, and the wounds on their bodies hadn't fully healed, so they were separated again, the wounds were all pink and tender, and they couldn't heal at all.Like a guinea pig in a previous life, conducting a heinous experiment.

Xiao Ye looked at the two monsters in front of him, one could vaguely identify it as a tiger, but the fur on his body was white, his back was full of scars, and a pair of wings were forcibly attached, but it was obviously a failure.As for the other monster, it was almost a blur of flesh and blood, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

"This is your experiment?" Xiao Ye suppressed the anger in his heart, and Xiao Hei also stared at Chen Cang and the two coldly, obviously trying to suppress himself.

Lei Ling frowned, stepped forward, looked at Xiao Ye vigilantly, and ordered: "Get out of here, or I'll kill you!"

"Hehe, did you just want to let me go?" Xiao Ye smiled disdainfully, took out the spear again, and smashed the two jade vats with a "bang".

"you dare!"

Chen Cang clenched his fists tightly, looked at Xiao Ye nervously, gritted his teeth and said, "I can let you go, as long as you don't hurt these two monsters!"

"Injury?" Xiao Ye smiled coldly, looked at the two poor guys in front of him, and laughed at himself: "Aren't these injuries caused by you two? Why don't you ask me not to hurt them?"

At this time, the white tiger raised its head slightly, looked at the spear above its head, and then looked at Xiao Ye, its eyes were full of longing, as if it was begging Xiao Ye to kill it.

Xiao Ye couldn't bear it in his heart, turned his head, looked at Chen Cang and Lei Ling, and said coldly: "Unless you kill me today, I will definitely tell the dean and expose you two!"

"Hmph, don't threaten me with the dean." Chen Cang stared at Xiao Ye coldly, approached Xiao Ye slowly, and continued: "Don't say whether you can leave alive, these two monsters are our beast pets , Participating in this transformation is also voluntary, so you'd better not meddle in your own business!"


Xiao Ye gritted his teeth and glared at the two of them. He couldn't understand their behavior at all, and couldn't help but said angrily: "What do you think of your pets? Isn't it your partner? They trust you so much, but you What did you do? The people who got them are neither human nor ghost, you are even worse than animals!"

Xiao Ye roared, and the spear in his hand stabbed at the white tiger without any hesitation.


Lei Ling roared angrily, his eyes were about to burst, and he rushed towards Xiao Ye at the same time as Chen Cang.


Blood splattered everywhere, the spear in Xiao Ye's hand pierced Bai Hu's head directly, Bai Hu raised his head slightly like this, looked at Xiao Ye, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, there was no pain, but a sense of relief.

Xiao Ye ignored the angry Chen Cang and Lei Ling, and suddenly pulled out the spear in his hand, stabbing at the bloody monster on the other side.

"Pfft!" Blood splattered everywhere, and another monster also died under Xiao Ye's gun.

"Ah... bastard, you have ruined decades of painstaking efforts, today you will be smashed to pieces!" Chen Cang's expression was grim, and he came to Xiao Ye in an instant, stretched out his palm, bent his five fingers, and grabbed Xiao Ye's head .

Xiao Ye's heart trembled, his mind moved, and he hid directly in the Sumeru space. Almost at the same time, Chen Cang's palm fell.


There was a violent explosion outside, and Xiao Ye, who hid in Xumi Space, could still clearly hear it!
"Big bald head, what happened outside? Why is it so noisy? Who are these guys?" Seeing Xiao Ye coming in, Xiao Feng immediately flew over, landed on top of Xiao Ye's head, pointed at Liang Kuan and the others and asked curiously .

Xiao Ye's face was full of black lines, he was very dissatisfied with Xiaofeng's title, and said angrily: "Go, let's play."

Liang Kuan also reacted, looked around curiously, looked at Xiao Ye, and asked suspiciously: "Boss, what is this place? And what are these guys?"

"What did you say?"

When Xiaofeng heard Liang Kuan's words, she immediately jumped on top of Liang Kuan's head, ravaging his hair.

Liang Kuan was startled, and ran away with his head in his arms, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Zhou Wen gave Liang Kuan a disdainful look, leaned closer to Xiao Ye, pointed to the elf hiding aside with a faint smile, and asked, "Brother Xiao, who is that timid little beauty?"

Xiao Ye glared at Zhou Wen fiercely, wishing he could kick this lustful guy out.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the entire Xumi space trembled slightly.

Xiao Hei leaned on Xiao Ye's shoulder, looked up at the sky, and said solemnly: "It's not an option to go on like this, Xumi Space has a slight connection with the outside world, if those two guys attack wildly, Xumi Space can't bear it!"

Xiao Ye nodded, thinking of the scene where he stole Xiaofeng last time and was chased and killed by two phoenixes. Although there is a stable space for the phoenix tree, it is still not enough to withstand the fierce attacks of two masters of the Martial King Realm.


There was another loud noise, and Chen Cang and Lei Ling outside obviously realized something, and frantically attacked the place where Xiao Ye disappeared just now.


Xiao Ye looked at the increasingly unstable space around him. If the Sumeru space was broken, they would not be able to survive at all. It seems that they can only go out and fight!

Xiao Ye didn't dare to hesitate, and with a movement of his body, he left the Sumeru Space directly.


As soon as Xiao Ye came to the outside world, he was surrounded by a surge of energy, like sea water, attacking from all directions.

"Damn it, are these two bastards Chen Cang Lei Ling crazy!"

Xiao Ye let out a loud and clear dragon chant suddenly, and a huge and ferocious dragon figure appeared behind Xiao Ye, with scarlet eyes, staring at everything around him indifferently.

Xiao Ye performed the Nine Transformations of the Dragon and immediately escaped from this energy vortex.

Seeing Xiao Ye appearing, Chen Cang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Ye, and said coldly: "You ruined my decades of hard work, I swear by Chen Cang, you will make your life worse than death!"

Chen Cang roared angrily, raised his hand, the terrifying energy surged, and he struck Xiao Ye without any fancy palm.

Xiao Ye looked dignified. With his current strength, he couldn't stop Chen Cang's attack at all. The invincible plug-in system is still cooling down. The only reliance now is the Nine Transformations of the Dragon. There is a Luo Jun, he dare not take risks, and the only thing left is the third stage of the Nine Transformations of the Dragon, the punishment of the magic dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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