Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 401 I Kill You Like a Chicken

Chapter 401 I Kill You Like a Chicken

Liu He, who was sitting in the auditorium, clenched his fists tightly. If Liu Ran really did this, the reputation of the Liu family would plummet, and there would be no capital to compete with the Zhang family from now on.

"Bah! What kind of a thing is your Zhang family? Relying on shady means in exchange for pills to improve your cultivation level, it is a shame to the cultivator. Even if I die, I will not admit defeat to rubbish like you, hahahaha! Rubbish!"

Liu Ran spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm in front of Zhang Cheng, and cursed at Zhang Cheng word by word with all her strength.


The sound of wild laughter stopped abruptly, and Liu Ran desperately covered the blood gushing throat with his only remaining hand. After half a stick of incense, Liu Ran gave up struggling, and with an expression of unwillingness, he lost his vitality.

"Noisy, next! Today I'm going to bury your Liu family's trash here one by one!"

Zhang Cheng looked indifferent, and focused his gaze on Xiao Ye.

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already on the ring.

"So fast! How did he get up there? Did anyone see it?!"

", Yuan Jujing has such a speed, how is this possible?"

"Hmph, what's the use of being fast, Master Zhang Cheng is a strong man in the real martial arts realm, any speed is flamboyant in the face of absolute power."

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, the last warrior of the Liu family opened the curtain of the decisive battle.

"Garbage of the Juyuanjing, who gave you the courage to stand here, you go down by yourself, it's a disgrace to my Zhang family to shoot you!"

Zhang Cheng said arrogantly to the calm Xiao Ye.

"Oh? Your Zhang family has a face? Don't be ridiculous. If you have a face, will you invite people from the sect to help you in the resource grabbing match?"

"Boy! I kindly spare your life! Do you really want to court death?!"

Zhang Cheng, who was hit by Xiao Ye's words, was like a cat with its tail blown, screaming and coming towards Xiao Ye.

With Zhang Cheng's arrogance, it is impossible to easily accept the help of outsiders, but the black crystal stone is too involved. Zhang Zhan directly bypassed Zhang Cheng and agreed to the intervention of the sect master. Zhang Cheng was already angry, but now Being hit by Xiao Ye made her angry even more.

"Full Moon Slash!"


Zhang Cheng rounded the long knife and slashed at Xiao Ye's head vigorously. Xiao Ye just stood there quietly and did not make any dodge movements.

"Look! This idiot is so frightened that he doesn't even know how to hide!"

"Is there really no one in the Liu family? To ask such an ant to challenge the genius of the Zhang family! It's really asking for death!"

"It's done, go to hell!"

Seeing that the blade was about to strike Xiao Ye's head, a trace of indescribable joy welled up in Zhang Cheng's heart.


Sudden!Zhang Cheng's stomach trembled, and his body uncontrollably smashed to the ground!Zhang Cheng's body smashed a one-meter-deep hole into the solid arena.


Zhang Cheng knelt in the pit, clutching his stomach in pain, and blood mixed with stomach acid kept gushing out of his mouth.

"Aren't you barking loudly like a mad dog? Go on."


Xiao Ye looked indifferent, and raised a slap to Zhang Cheng's face.

" dare to hit me in the face?"

Zhang Cheng endured the severe pain and looked up at Xiao Ye, with shock and disbelief written in his eyes.

"You dare to slap me in the face?! I'm going to kill you! Shock the moon!"

After a roar, Zhang Cheng struggled to get up and cut his palm towards Xiao Ye's throat.


There was another crisp sound, and Zhang Cheng staggered and fell to the ground, with a red and swollen palm mark on the other side of his face.

" actually! You slapped me in the face again! Unforgivable!"


Before Zhang Cheng could finish speaking, Xiao Ye raised his foot and kicked him hard in the face, and Zhang Cheng's handsome face immediately had a shoe print.

"Bastard! You can't hit our young master Zhang Cheng in the face! He's so handsome! You're such a beast!"

"Stop it! You are just jealous of our young master's handsome looks! You are so shameless!"

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was almost disfigured, the hearts of all the female fans were broken.

"To shut up!"

Xiao Ye turned his head with black lines all over his face and roared angrily, these are the treatment that should be his own!

Obviously, everyone was taken aback by Xiao Ye's shout, and the scene immediately fell silent.

"Do you feel... this man is so handsome."

"Yes, and this boy is younger and stronger than Master Zhang Cheng!"

"This is my idol from now on! What's his name?!"

"Boy, go to hell! Shock the moon and kill!"

Taking advantage of Xiao Ye's distraction, Zhang Cheng climbed up and viciously slashed the knife towards Xiao Ye's abdomen.


A drop of blood splashed on Zhang Cheng's face.


Zhang Cheng was delighted, this move of his own could not resist even Liu Hao at the True Martial Realm, and the kid at the Juyuan Realm must have been disembowelled!

Sudden!Severe pain swept through Zhang Cheng's body and mind. Zhang Cheng endured the severe pain and looked at the source of the pain. He saw only an empty sleeve left on the arm he used to kill the moon. Xiao Ye in front of him was holding his severed arm indifferently. looking at myself.

"Ah! Beast! How could you..."

The severe pain caused Zhang Cheng's body to curl up like a shrimp, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans kept dripping down his red and swollen face on the ground.

"When you cut off Liu Ran's arm, did you ever think that you have today?"

Xiao Ye looked indifferent, and the flames gathered in his hand burned the broken arm into flying ashes.


Zhang Cheng let out a desperate roar, and then stared at Xiao Ye with murderous eyes.

"I...I admit..."


Without waiting for the words to be written, Xiao Ye raised his whip and swept Zhang Cheng to the ground.

"Admit defeat? What qualifications do you have to admit defeat? When you killed Liu Hao, did you think that he had already surrendered?"

"Little... little bastard, what do you want?"

Zhang Cheng got up weakly, and stared at Xiao Ye with cannibalistic eyes again.

"It seems that I still haven't convinced myself."

A stern look flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and one of Zhang Cheng's legs was cut in two!

The screams of pain like slaughtering a pig hit the minds of everyone present, even some people who had seen the big scene couldn't help covering their ears.

"To actually defeat Zhang Cheng so easily, I would say that this kid is not easy."

The town master sitting on the high platform smiled and said to the judge in black behind him.

"I didn't expect it either. This is simply a unilateral killing... This kid is hiding too deeply."

The judge shook his head with a wry smile and said.

"Kill me! You killed me!"



Xiao Ye raised his foot and stomped on it, and Zhang Cheng's foot bones were shattered into powder.

"Please, as long as you kneel on the ground and knock your head three times and shout three times, my Zhang family is not as good as Liu's family, I will spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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