Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 406 Absorbing Black Crystal

Chapter 406 Absorbing Black Crystal

"Okay! Happy! Sure enough, I saw the right person. The town lord and I will definitely go to fight for your Liu family when we rob the black crystal mine tomorrow. It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

"Congratulations, Lord Judge."

After speaking, the judge's figure gradually faded, and disappeared completely in place after three breaths.

"Little friend Xiao Ye, it's getting late. We have to go to the Shula Mountains tomorrow. Let's rest early. You don't have to worry about the house. I will send someone to fix it."

"Then I will trouble Patriarch Liu, and I will take my leave!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye disappeared in front of Liu He in a flash.

"Young people are awesome. I am really old. The time for young people has come."

Liu He sighed softly, laughed at himself and walked towards his residence.

At this time, in a luxurious palace in Qishui Town...

"My lord, my subordinates are back."

The judge pushed open the door and said after paying homage to the town master who was practicing calligraphy.

"It's very fast, did you find it?"

"Returning to my lord, Xiao Ye discovered this subordinate as soon as he approached Liu He's position, and this subordinate even tentatively fought against him."

"Xiao Ye? You mean Liu Xiao? It turns out that this little guy is called Xiao Ye. With your agility, you will be discovered. This kid is really amazing. How is it? You didn't hurt him, did you?"

The judge smiled wryly, and replied: "My lord, this kid's actual combat experience is ridiculously strong, and I was captured by him in just three moves. If it was a real fight, I'm afraid I would already be decapitated."

"Crack it."

The pen in his hand broke at the sound, and the town master took a deep breath to calm himself down and said, "You said that he defeated you at the peak of the ninth level of the Martial King Realm within three moves at the first level of the True Martial Realm? Are you kidding me?" Bar."

"My lord, to be precise, he is at the fifth level of the True Martial Realm."


At this time, the town lord could no longer maintain the composure that his status should have. The judge's words shocked him too much. In less than an afternoon, he jumped from the first level of the true martial arts to the fifth level of the true martial arts. The town owner has lived for decades and has never heard of such a weird thing.

"I'll give you another task. This time, you go a little farther away and quietly inquire about Xiao Ye's name."

"Obey! Lord Town Master!"

After speaking, the judge got up and melted into the night.

"Xiao Ye, let me see your true skills tomorrow, I hope you won't let me down."

The next day, Xiao Ye got up early and walked out of his room.

"Master Xiao, you are awake. The Patriarch has gathered guards at the door. As long as you wake up, the team can start immediately."

Just as Xiao Ye walked out of the room, the little maid who was in charge of serving him walked up to him.

"It's hard work girl."

After Xiao Ye cupped his fists and bowed to him, a system teleported to appear in front of Liu He who was rectifying his troops.

"Sorry Patriarch Liu, I got up late."

"Don't worry, little friend Xiao Ye, you didn't get up late, it's just that I got up early, now you're also out, the team has been organized, the time is just right, let's go."

After Xiao Ye nodded, a team of dozens of people hurriedly rushed to the Shula Mountains, which is located in the remote area of ​​Wuxiao Country.

"Little friend Xiao Ye, let me tell you the truth this time. Are you really sure that you can repel the attack of the strong Fengshanmen? I heard from the Zhang family that they are bound to win the black crystal this time."

"Don't worry, Patriarch Liu, there's no problem. As long as they dare to come, I'm sure to keep them here."

Xiao Ye's words undoubtedly reassured Liu He. The two walked and chatted along the way. An hour later, they crossed the mountains and came to the foot of a pitch-black mountain.

"Is this the Black Crystal Mountain Range? It actually contains such terrifying energy, but the nature of this energy cannot be used by human cultivators."

"Little friend Xiao Ye, what do you mean..."

"The huge energy contained in it is enough to raise an ordinary person to the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but the nature of the energy is extremely manic. A human cultivator will go mad and explode if he absorbs even a little bit. On the contrary, if it is a demon cultivator Those who refine these black crystals will experience a qualitative leap in strength."

Xiao Ye opened the system panel and explained to Liu He while looking at it.

"It's no wonder that Fengshanmen wants to obtain black crystals at all costs. It's a pity that my Liu family is destined to miss it. Hey, I can only exchange it for a sum of money in the market."

After hearing Xiao Ye's words, Liu He could only shake his head regretfully.

Suddenly, a sliver of energy overflowing from the Black Crystal Stone Mountain was subconsciously absorbed and transformed by Xiao Ye's body. Seeing this, Xiao Ye hurriedly pressed his palm on the mountain, and instantly violent energy poured into his body like a bank bursting.

It's just that as soon as these violent energies entered Xiao Ye's body, they turned into pure power and slowly flowed through the meridians.

"It actually has an effect on me! With such a big black crystal mountain, it seems that I am about to develop! It is just around the corner to restore my peak strength!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye turned his head and said to Liu He: "Patriarch Liu, I am more interested in this black crystal mine, and I am willing to bid 20 billion gold coins. I hope Patriarch Liu can part with it."

"Oh? Little friend Xiao Ye is interested in taking it. Since the black crystal is useless to the human race, it will be of no use if I keep it. As for the gold coins, I don't need it. No matter how bad my Liu family is, it is one of the best forces in Qishui Town. Let’s treat it as my Liu family making you my friend!”

"I'm not a thick-skinned person, I'll take this ground-level top-grade Qinghong sword as my thank you gift, and if Patriarch Liu doesn't accept it, then I don't want this black crystal mine either."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye handed a gleaming blue sword to Liu He from the exchange office in the system.

"Little friend Xiao Ye is really generous, so I will accept it with the cheek."

Liu He, who took the sword, had an excited look in his eyes, and while talking about the good sword, he gently stroked the edge of the sword with his hands.

Although the Liu family doesn't like gold coins, an earth-level weapon can still be seen by Liu He. Xiao Ye has a system, a treasure house that can be rich and powerful and don't care about it, but it's hard to see even a mysterious-level weapon. For a small town, earth-level weapons are something that can only be seen in dreams.

"Then I'm not too polite!"

Xiao Ye put his hand on the black crystal stone mountain and sucked it hard, huge energy poured into Xiao Ye's body like a whale swallowing water, and the [-]-meter mountain in front of him shrank in half in the blink of an eye.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accumulating enough energy, do you want to unlock the realm to the ninth level of true martial arts?"

"I jumped four steps in a row? It's beyond my expectation, unlock it!"

"call out!"

A beam of golden light flashed, and the violent breath of the peak of the ninth level of true martial arts spread out around Xiao Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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