Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 408 Kill Wu Zong!

Chapter 408 Kill Wu Zong!


Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a huge vortex was constantly brewing terrifying energy. After a breath, a violent electric dragon with a length of ten meters charged down!

Under the influence of water, the power of the electric dragon soared ten times. The veins in Liu Bo's body in the water curtain were constantly torn and impacted by the manic destructive force of thunder and lightning. After a soft sound, Liu Bo's dantian shattered in response, and the aura of the peak of the ninth level of the Martial King Realm continued. shrinking.


Liu Bo frightened his cultivation base in an attempt to stabilize his realm, but unfortunately, it was too late. After three breaths, the last trace of energy passed away, and Liu Bo completely became an ordinary person with no cultivation base.

"What's going on?! What kind of exercise is this? Who summoned the lightning?!"

"It's this real martial arts kid! How is this possible? Is this an earth-level technique? How can it be so powerful?!"

Hei Chen's face was gloomy. How could he not recognize the power of the law field after he had cultivated to this level.

"Boy, who are you? How can you use the power of natural law?"

Hearing Hei Chen's words, everyone looked at Xiao Ye in horror.

"How can a cultivator at the True Martial Realm comprehend the power of laws? How is this possible? This must be a blindfold."

"Are you an idiot? There is such a power in blinding the eyes? There is no domain under the half-step Wuzong. I didn't expect this statement to be shattered today. It's really surprising."

A strong man from the Fengshan Gate in the Gathering Realm said in amazement, before he could continue to sigh, the guards of the Liu family cut him to the ground with a knife, and before he struggled and rolled too much, he was hacked to death with random knives.


Xiao Ye swept the Fire Cloud Spear across, Liu Bo's head soared into the sky, scarlet blood sprayed up to a height of two meters, after two strokes, the headless corpse fell to the ground.

Then Xiao Ye pointed the Fire Cloud Spear at Hei Chen and said, "Hei Chen, don't call your cannon fodder over to die, it's your turn."

"Humph! Arrogance!"

Hei Chen narrowed his eyes, and the violent Martial Ancestor pressure rushed towards Xiao Ye.


It's just that when the breath rushed in front of Xiao Ye, it was like a drop of water sinking into the sea, without splashing the slightest wave.

"Hei Chen, are you only good at showing off? Or are you afraid to come here?"

"Dark Demon Domain! Open!"

Heichen roared!Terrifying demon energy soared into the sky, flying sand and rocks flying all over the sky, and all cultivators whose realm was lower than the real martial arts realm were blown into the air and thrown down violently.

"You managed to piss me off, bastard, I will tear your flesh off bit by bit, but don't worry, I won't let you die easily, I will take you back to Fengshan Gate to make a ladder , Let my sect disciples step on you up the mountain every day."

"Trash is talking too much. If this is writing a novel, a person like you won't survive two chapters."

"What did you say?"

Hei Chen was somewhat puzzled by what Xiao Ye Yunli said.

"I mean you go to hell!"

Xiao Ye raised his foot and stomped down, the spider web-like cracks spread out in all directions centered on Xiao Ye.


The powerful counter-shock force went straight to Hei Chen, Hei Chen felt dizzy after being shocked.

"System teleport! Strange star combo!"

Taking advantage of Hei Chen's inability to move, Xiao Ye appeared in front of him with a teleportation and sent the Fire Cloud Spear in his hand forward.


The soaring demonic energy directly formed a shield of black energy and blocked Xiao Ye's face. Xiao Ye's spear piercing the shield was like sinking into the sea. The strange black demonic energy went straight to Xiao Ye's soul along the fire cloud gun, and the killing intent rushed to Xiao Ye. Xiao Ye's heart.

"Kill, kill, kill! Everyone on the field will die! Kill them all!"

"Boy! Wake up!"

Xiao Ye was shocked by the magic dragon's shout, and the red light in his eyes gradually receded.

"Senior Qitian, did I almost become enchanted again?"

Xiao Ye, who regained his sobriety, felt a little scared, if it wasn't for the magic dragon, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Boy, since your realm has become lower, your spiritual power has also disappeared a lot. If it was before, these low-level demonic energy would not be able to affect you at all."

"Thank you, Senior Qitian, but I don't have time to explain to you."

Seeing Hei Chen who was also awake, Xiao Ye raised the Fire Cloud Spear and stepped forward again.

"What a weird technique, if it wasn't for the protective magic energy, I would have fallen on you, kid today, hmph! Black Demon Nether Palm!"

Hei Chen let out a cold snort while running the kung fu, and a [-]-meter giant palm filled with black energy covering the sky and covering the sun took a photo of Xiao Ye.

"Oops! Run!"

"No, elder! We haven't gone out yet!"

"It's over, it's too late, we all have to die."

Dozens of cultivators and Xiao Ye were covered by the palm of the hand. Desperation appeared on the faces of everyone. Even a strong man in the Martial King Realm would be smashed to pieces with this palm.

"Hmph, the ancient magic spell!"

Xiao Ye turned his palm to the sky, and a tiny vortex appeared in front of the giant palm. Compared with the giant palm, the vortex is like a firefly compared to a bright moon, and the tiny ones can almost be ignored.

"Heh, waste, have you given up struggling yet? I planned to give you a good time but you don't cherish the opportunity, so I can only pat you into a flesh, hahahaha!"

Hei Chen laughed wildly when he saw Xiao Ye's exercise, but soon his smile froze on his face.

The devil's palm stopped falling when it reached a distance of one meter above the whirlpool, and then the huge demonic energy was swallowed up by the whirlpool whale like swallowing water. In just three breaths, the monstrous devil's palm disappeared above everyone's heads.

"call out!"

A golden light flashed on Xiao Ye's body, and he entered the realm of King Wu directly!

"Ding! The host realm has entered the Martial King realm, and the spiritual power technique has been unlocked for the host."

"What did you do! You little bastard actually absorbed my power for your own use?!"

Veins popped up on Heichen's forehead, disbelief was written all over his face, his own strength actually made a wedding dress for the enemy, a feeling of eating shit stuck in Heichen's heart, making his throat sweet, and a mouthful of blood was forced Swallowed it back.

"Crack it! Kick it!"

Xiao Ye twisted his neck vigorously, and the long-lost spiritual power continuously surged to his soul.

"God Breaking Strike!"


The overwhelming spiritual power turned into a huge axe and slashed at Hei Chen fiercely.

"What is this?! Damn it! What did you do!"

A huge sense of crisis welled up in my heart, and the mental attack was invisible, and cultivators who were below the level of the Martial Emperor couldn't avoid it at all.


The giant ax directly cut Hei Chen's soul in half. Hei Chen's body shook, his eyes gradually lost sight, and after three breaths, all vitality was completely wiped out.


Hei Chen's body fell straight on the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.


"Elder Heichen...was killed?"

"This kid actually killed a strong man in the Wuzong Realm with the strength of the True Martial Realm? Am I not mistaken?! What is going on in this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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