Chapter 420
"But little friend Xiao Ye, if this continues, I'm afraid Yuan's epee will be completely destroyed."

"Sect Master Li, you underestimate Yuan Zhong too much. Even if it is really destroyed, that is its fate! It cannot be changed by all of us, and this is also a kind of relief for it. Will allow myself to become a waste lying in the hidden sword pavilion with nothing to do."

"This... alright! Little friend Xiao Ye, I believe in you!"

Li Hengxiu gritted his teeth, and directly dissipated the concentrated strength and flew to the ground.

"Yuan Zhong, Yuan Zhong, you must survive, and one day I will take you to kill Kui Huaizong and avenge the broken sword!"

As if sensing Li Hengxiu's determination, Yuan's heavy sword turned into a horse and attacked Jieyun even more violently!


With a roar of the Yuan heavy sword, the powerful sword intent rushed straight into the black cloud, and the Jielei that was brewing energy suddenly shattered, and the power of the Jieyun vortex in the sky instantly weakened a little.

"Good job! It's now! Yuan Zhong! Break him!"

The blue veins on Li Hengxiu's forehead popped up, and he roared furiously. The words of encouragement made Yuan's epee soar to the sky, and the sword energy shot all over the sky, and Jieyun was directly turned into powder by the violent power.


Seeing that the robbery cloud dissipated, Li Hengxiu's hanging heart fell, and the war horse turned into a two-meter-long sword and fell to the ground, spinning happily around Li Hengxiu.

Seeing a long and narrow crack in Yuan Zhong's sword, Li Hengxiu said to Xiao Ye with distress: "Little friend Xiao Ye, please help repair Yuan Zhong's crack, please."

As soon as the words fell, the golden light of Yuan Zhong's sword flashed, and the crack was directly erased by the sword spirit.

"This... this is, automatic repair?! This is the ability only of the top-grade weapons of the sky rank. Could it be that Xiaoye Xiaoyou evolved the Yuan heavy sword?!"

Mr. Li's eyes widened in shock, and he asked in disbelief.

"It's not worth mentioning the effort."


Mr. Li flew straight and knelt down in front of Xiao Ye.

"Master is here, please accept the disciples!"

Xiao Ye said with black lines all over his face: "Old man, you were still slandering me just now, and you even wanted to make me look bad at one point, why do you think of worshiping me as your teacher again?"

"Hey hey, master, it's the little old man who doesn't know Taishan, so he didn't see that you are a master blacksmith, but it's really easy to be misunderstood by your grade."

Mr. Li touched his head in embarrassment and explained.

"Get up, I dare not accept you as an apprentice, these disciples of yours have to tear me apart."

"Who dares! Who dares to touch a single hair of Master Xiao Ye?! Old man, I'll kill him with a stick!"

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Mr. Li frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"I, Xiao Ye, have been used to being free all my life. I don't want to take you with you as a drag bottle. Let's not talk about it. Besides, as the chief craftsman of Tianjianzong, you actually worshiped me as a young boy. Don’t be afraid of being laughed at.”

"Master, as long as you accept me as an apprentice, I would be happy even if you betrayed the Heavenly Sword Sect. As long as you don't let me go against the Heavenly Sword Sect, I will promise you anything. I beg you, just accept Xiao Lao, otherwise I will not let you go." crashed right in front of you."

After finishing speaking, Old General Li knocked his head with a bang.

"Ahem, little friend Xiao Ye, since Mr. Li has said so, why don't you accept him."

"Sect Master Li, if I take him away, who will refine the sword for you."

Seeing Li Hengxiu say this about Xiao Ye, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, Mr. Li is my best friend for many years. I have seen all his dedication these years. If he wants to leave, how can I not let him go."

"Sect Master Li, thank you for taking care of me for so many years."

"Hey, wait a minute, I don't seem to have agreed yet?!"

Seeing the two say goodbye, Xiao Ye blocked their conversation with black lines all over his face.

"Hmph! Xiao Ye! Even though Grandpa Li said so, you still don't agree, you are too cruel!"

Li Ruoyao, who had been standing quietly by the side, frowned, and said to Xiao Ye coquettishly.

"I...Miss Li, why do you..."

Seeing Li Ruoyao joining the battle, Xiao Ye couldn't help crying and laughing even more. For so many years, Xiao Ye has been in a state of idle clouds and wild cranes. Even as the king of the Nanxia Kingdom, he can only temporarily hold Xiao Ye back. After King Xia's strength, he will leave sooner or later.

But if you bring Mr. Li with you, I'm afraid the days to come will be even more difficult.

Seeing Xiao Ye's hesitation, Mr. Li's eyes lit up, and he immediately grasped the key figures on the field.

"Ruoyao, you have to help grandpa. Grandpa has treated you well all these years, right? Please help grandpa and ask Master."

"Don't worry, Grandpa Li, I dare not disagree with this bad guy!"

"Not very good."

Xiao Ye smiled wryly and shook his head, a bad premonition welled up in his heart, he was afraid that he would fall here today.

"Xiao Ye! I beg you, please accept Grandpa Li as your apprentice. He is so old, do you have the heart to hurt him?"

Li Ruoyao hugged Xiao Ye's arm and shook it vigorously, fully displaying the practice of a woman crying, making trouble, and hanging herself.

"But Miss Li, you also know that I, Xiao Ye, have always been a restless person. Even if I accept him as an apprentice, will he follow me in and out of dangerous places where he is close to death? It's like Tianshuangya... "

Oops!Speaking of this, Xiao Ye immediately shut his mouth, he really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift, didn't this directly reach Li Ruoyao's mouth!
" dare to mention Tianshuangya, Xiao Ye! Do you know how worried I am about you? Why didn't you contact me immediately! You liar!"

As he spoke, Li Ruoyao's eye sockets became moist.

"Miss Li, don't cry, I, I promise to take this old man as a disciple, can't I?"

Xiao Ye, who was always afraid of women's tears, hurriedly agreed.

"Are you serious? Let's make a deal."

Hearing that Xiao Ye agreed to come down, Li Ruoyao laughed through tears, and turned her head to give Li Lao a settled look.

"Ruo Yao, it's better for you, you are much better than your father!"

"Why did I get shot while lying down!"

Li Hengxiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he obviously contributed too, okay?

"Why do I feel like I've been put together?"

Xiao Ye was also a little dumbfounded.

"Master is here, please accept the disciples!"


Old Li bent his legs and knelt down on the ground again.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Li, you are getting old, kneeling for me will not cut my life, please hurry up, and you don't need to salute when you see me in the future."

"That can't be done, etiquette can't be lost, master, I will hold a teacher apprenticeship meeting for you later, you can't do it so hastily."

"It's just an apprenticeship, there is no need to be so grand."

Seeing Mr. Li so serious, Xiao Ye was a little helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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