Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 426 Eye-opening Special Operations

Chapter 426 Eye-opening Special Operations

"Senior brothers, please follow me."

Xiao Ye directly ordered a few masters of the Martial Emperor Realm to quietly go around behind the mountain, and then carefully explained the battle plan to them.


"call out!"

Everyone dispersed.

"Old Qi, do you feel that something is wrong? The air seems to be a little hot tonight. I've been panicking since just now. Is something going to happen?"

A disciple of Kuihuai Sect who guarded the mountain said to another disciple who was yawning.

"Is there any mistake? You, we are the Kuihuai sect. Who dares to get our ideas? Are you looking for death? You are such a coward. It couldn't be because you had too much fun with your junior sister last night."


Xiao Ye suddenly appeared in front of the disciples guarding the mountain and said in a low voice.

"What password, brother, did you drink too much because you didn't sleep at night?"

Seeing Xiao Ye who suddenly appeared in front of him, the yawning mountain guard disciple asked in a daze.

"Thank you."


A bloody arrow shot out from the throat of the mountain guard disciple, and Xiao Ye's shot cut both his throat and vocal cords. The mountain guard disciple lay on the ground without even groaning. While shouting, he ran towards the Zongmen, but the other Heavenly Sword Sect powerhouses who had been waiting there cut him directly under the sword.

"There was a vacancy unexpectedly. Sure enough, the coordination was not as good as my Longya's generals, and all previous efforts were almost wasted."

Xiao Ye shook his head regretfully, but still alarmed the people in Kuihuai Sect.


A strong man from the Kuihuai sect poked his head out from the city wall and shouted into the darkness below.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye hurriedly replied: "Senior brother, Lao Qi seems to be feeling a little uncomfortable. You should open the sect gate and replace it with a group of guards."

"Oh, okay, I'll open the door right away, and tell Lao Qi to hold back."


After finishing speaking, the tall door in front of everyone slowly opened a gap.

"Come in, you guys, I'll find someone to replace you."

The strong Kuihuai sect who came down from the city wall waved and walked towards the sect first. Seeing this, Xiao Ye immediately covered his mouth behind his back and pinched his throat.

"Flame of the Phoenix Fire!"


A trace of tiny flames continued to move over the corpse along Xiao Ye's hand, and a gust of wind blew by, the corpse of the strong Kuihuai sect turned into flying ash and scattered.

"Several senior brothers, let's guard the sect directly on their behalf."

"Yes, Master Xiao Ye."

After finishing speaking, several Heavenly Sword Sect powerhouses stood neatly inside the gate, and a group of Kuihuai Sect night watch disciples carrying lanterns in the distance slowly walked towards the gate.

"Several juniors, it's time to change the guard. Why are you still here? Go back quickly. We'll just watch the guard from now on."

Seeing this, Xiao Ye hurriedly went up to meet him and said, "Brother works hard day and night, so we can just let us do things like guarding the post."

The leading Martial Ancestor Realm expert lifted the lantern in front of Xiao Ye for a closer look, and asked with some doubts: "This junior brother, why haven't I seen you before, are you new here?"

"Senior brother, I don't know. I just joined our sect recently. Please accept these little things, and please take care of me in the future."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye bowed his head and took out a large bag of gold coins from the storage space and stuffed them into the hands of the leader.

"What's the matter, Junior Brother, although I am not an inner disciple, I still have some majesty among the inner disciples who guard the mountain all the year round. From now on, I will protect you. If you have anything to help you, just say it!"

"Great, now I do have a favor to ask you brothers to help."

"Look at what you said, you're being polite, just say it."

The leading strong man weighed the heavy gold coin in his hand, and said to the smiling Xiao Ye with a pleasant face.

"Spiritual strangulation!"

The terrifying spiritual force instantly enveloped several strong men, the leading strong man let out a muffled groan, and the light in his eyes gradually faded away, until he died he would not understand why the junior who was still giving him a gift just a second ago fell down. A second will hurt the killer.

"This job is to kill you, and you dare to ask for my money. You don't know how to live or die."

With a cold expression, Xiao Ye put the gold coins on the ground back into his arms, and then said to several stunned Heavenly Sword Sect experts: "Senior brothers, open the city gate and send a signal."

"Yes, Lord Xiao."

The few Heavenly Sword Sect powerhouses who had never fought in this way gradually followed Xiao Ye's pace.


The heavy door opened slowly, and Li Hengxiu, who had been waiting for a long time, was overjoyed when he saw it, and according to the agreement with Xiao Ye, he used gestures to command the large troops to sneak into the Kuihuai Sect quietly.

"Sect Master Li, we are about to enter the outer sect domain of Kuihuai Sect. I told my brothers to be quick, precise and ruthless, and try not to make any noise."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, under Xiao Ye's command, everyone sneaked into the room where the outer disciples of Kuihuai Sect were resting.


An outer disciple of the Kuihuai Sect was awakened by the smell of blood in the air, and what greeted him was a sword from the strong Bai Guang of the Tianjian Sect.


A large head flew up, and blood sprayed directly onto the two-meter-high roof.


Gradually it started to rain in the sky, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the house and the rainwater on the ground converged into a small river, and the bloody smell floating in the air was washed away, because the terrain of Kui Huaizong was getting higher and higher, and the blood It flowed directly to the outside of the Zongmen along the depression, and the people inside the Zong didn't know what happened outside the Zongmen at all.

"Even God wants to help me, what a god-dead leader Huaizong!"


Xiao Ye sent the Fire Cloud Spear in his hand into the throat of the last disciple, and there was no one left alive in the huge area outside the Kuihuai Sect.

"Why bother? If you want to blame, blame the high-level people in your sect and that reckless Lu Zhi. You dare to attack my disciples in the sect. Just be prepared to die."

Li Hengxiu sighed, walked in front of Xiao Ye and asked: "Little friend Xiao Ye, you are really a man of God. You silently led a large army into the enemy's backyard and they didn't know it. I'm really glad to be your friend." .”

"Sect Master Li is absurd. Next, we will enter the Kuihuai Sect's inner sect. That is where their real combat power is. Maybe we will expose it in advance, but it doesn't matter anymore. Their mountain guard formation is useless. "

"Okay, it's all up to you, so let's attack now?"

"Yes, let's go in quietly. Try not to use the exercises first. It's not too late to use them after we are exposed. Let's go and attack."

With the sound of thunder and lightning in the sky, Xiao Ye smashed through the barrier leading to the inner gate, and tens of thousands of people quietly rushed into the core area of ​​Kuihuaizong.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

(End of this chapter)

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