Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 436 What I Have Is

Chapter 436 What I Have Is

Although Xiao Ye's voice was not loud, everyone present heard it.

"This little kid is too crazy!"

"That's right! It's typical to say that grapes are sour when you can't eat them."

"You little brat, what do you know! Do you know what an earth-level weapon is? I'm afraid you're using a rubbish black-level weapon!"

"Master, this..."

After hearing everyone's words, even Mr. Li hesitated. After all, Xiao Ye only took a look at it from a distance, but he himself came close to confirm it.

"Old Li, do you believe me?"

With a calm face, Xiao Ye said slowly to Mr. Li.

"Of course! Don't buy it, let's go."

Li Lao gritted his teeth, followed Xiao Ye and walked out of the crowd.

"Stop! Did I let you go?!"

Before Xiao Ye took two steps, there was a shout from behind.

"Oh? Why, you became angry after being exposed by me? I advise you to stop doing this kind of thing, and save yourself from being beaten to death one day without knowing who did it."

Looking at the shopkeeper who became angry from embarrassment, Xiao Ye sneered and said.

The shopkeeper's face was gloomy. If eyes could kill, Xiao Ye would have died hundreds of times.

"Boy, why do you say that my sword is a refurbished broken sword? Do you have any evidence? Or did you see it with your own eyes?"

"No evidence."

"Then you saw it with your own eyes?!"


Seeing Xiao Ye's continuous denials, all the onlookers exploded.

"I said this kid is a wolf with a big tail, right? If you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour."

"Get lost! It's a shame! How could Mr. Li know such a shameful guy like you!"

Old Li was angry, and was about to yell at everyone, Xiao Ye hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him from coming forward, and then Xiao Ye slowly mentioned the problem of the long sword.

"I used my mental power to walk around your sword, and when I reached half a meter below the hilt, my mental power shook downward. Although it was very subtle, I can be sure that it was definitely broken. A sword that has been repaired indiscriminately has a [-]% chance of breaking again, so you put it up today to dispose of it, right? And the few people who asked for the price just now are your entrustment, right?"

" are talking nonsense, I don't know him at all! I am from the Nanping Sect thousands of miles away, and there is a thousand miles away from his sect! How could it be his entrustment?!"

Seeing the angry look from the shopkeeper, the people of Nanpingzong knew that they had slipped up.

"Look, you have admitted it yourself. I don't want this kind of rubbish for free. It's not enough for me to repair it."

"Boy, you are cruel, you are an intermediate craftsman? I really can't see it, you have such accomplishments at a young age, but don't be complacent, be careful that you will encounter ghosts if you walk too much at night! How about it, you I bought this sword for 100 million, and I can let the past go, you have to think clearly, I am from Wu Qingzong."

Seeing that the matter was brought to light, the store owner no longer hid it, but looked at Xiao Ye with threats in his eyes.

"Shameless! I've never seen anyone like this! Little brother, don't buy, we support you!"

"That's right! Little brother, how can I suffer from this, let this liar eat his own fruit!"

At this time, Xiao Ye seemed to be a great hero that everyone loves in their hearts, and they didn't even remember that they were still swearing at him just now.

"I'm sorry, I, Xiao Ye, have been threatened a lot since I was a child, and I am still alive and well, but those who threatened me have all died, and even their sects have been crushed by me. Such as Kui Huaizong."

"What... what?!"

The shopkeeper's eyes were full of disbelief, the news that Kuihuaizong was trampled down had been spread for tens of thousands of miles, and he did not expect the murderer to be standing in front of him at this moment.

"You are... a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect? I am so young that I don't know Mount Tai, so I ask you to make amends! My lord, this villain is willing to give this sword to my lord, and I just ask my lord to expose what happened today."

The shopkeeper cupped his fists and bowed to Xiao Ye, and his haughty expression disappeared.

"Hmph, even if you are sensible, anyone who offends my master will not end well."

Seeing the arrogant shopkeeper like a shivering chick in a nest at this moment, Mr. Li proudly raised his head.

"Old Li, do you think this little boy is your master? Did you take the wrong medicine, or do you mean that you plan to practice exercises instead of refining weapons in the future?"

An old man with the same white hair and white beard asked in disbelief when he heard Mr. Li address Xiao Ye.

"Hmph! What do you know, frog in a well, I'm afraid to scare you to death if I say it, but my master is a majestic master craftsman!"

After saying this, the smug look on Mr. Li's face became even stronger.


Hearing what Mr. Li said, the old man's eyes were as big as copper bells. A second later, the expression of astonishment on his face turned into sarcasm.

"Old Li, I didn't expect that you would like to joke when you are old, and you are not afraid of the world laughing at you! You even recognize this boy with no hair yet as your master, hahahaha!"

After speaking, the old man and the onlookers burst into laughter.

"Old Liu! I warn you! You can insult me, but you cannot insult my master!"

Mr. Li rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to argue with the old man, Xiao Ye held him and shook his head upon seeing this.

"Old Li, there's no need to tell this group of frogs in a well who have never seen the world, they don't understand."

"Arrogance! Boy, I am a dignified high-level craftsman! How dare you say that about me? Do you know how many people will beg me to become a master in their sect as long as I yell?!"

Hearing this and saying the same thing, the old man immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Why, did I say something wrong? Are senior craftsmen proud?"

"Are you proud? Hmph, you kid who has never seen the world, do you know how your sect's weapons come from? We, the craftsmen, made them for you! Without us, you wouldn't even have a decent weapon." None! Have you ever seen what is called an earth-level weapon? It was given to you by us senior craftsmen!"

The more the old man talked, the more complacent he became, his tail almost went up to the sky.

"Earth-level weapons? I have a lot of this kind of rubbish, are you proud?"

"What? There are so many, you little brat, your tone is older than your age! I'm afraid you don't even know what I'm talking about? Old Li, where did you find a strange thing?"

Before the old man could finish speaking, Xiao Ye threw the Fire Cloud Spear in front of the old man.

"Is that what you said?"

"Kang lang~wow~!"

Xiao Ye poured all the earth-level weapons accumulated in these years of robbing houses, killing people and setting fires in front of him, and suddenly a hill of earth-level weapons appeared in front of him.

"Are earth-level weapons very valuable? As I said, I have a lot of such things."

(End of this chapter)

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