Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 442 The Artifact Refining Contest Begins!

Chapter 442 The Artifact Refining Contest Begins!
"I didn't expect Master to be such a great god. Given time, it's not certain that Master will be able to enter that legendary realm."

"Okay, okay, stop flattering me, and tell me what the rules are for tomorrow's refiner competition."

"Master does not know that there are three items in the refining competition. One: the knockout competition. The association will give you a bunch of refining materials for you to choose, and then select 20 people with the most precious materials as the winners to enter. The next round of selection.

Two: The competition enters the second round. The twenty winners will condense the materials they choose into one piece of material, and the five refiners with the highest purity will be selected to enter the finals.

Three: The five winners can bring their own materials, or use the materials in their hands to refine the weapon. The person with the highest weapon level and the best quality is the champion, and will receive a reward of 50 billion gold coins and a large piece of fine steel. Gold coins are not important. Almost everyone is coming towards the fine steel stone. "

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, for letting me know."

Knowing the ins and outs, Xiao Ye cupped his fists and bowed to Liu Laoyi.

"This is what a disciple should do. When this incident is over, I will return to the Heavenly Sword Sect with you!"

"Uh... won't your sect chase you down? This is defection."

"Hey~ Master doesn't know something. Xiao Lao didn't work for the sect. He has been staying in the Artifact Refining Association. The association has regulations and will not restrict artisans from joining the sect, so it doesn't matter."

"The Artifact Refining Association has done a good job on this point, well, come to the Heavenly Sword Sect when it's over."

Xiao Ye hesitated for a moment, and directly agreed. After all, Tianjianzong can be regarded as half of his own sect, and such a good thing as adding a senior craftsman must be given priority to Tianjianzong.

"Master, this fine steel stone is promised to you. I will be in charge of refereeing tomorrow, so don't bother me."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Liu handed Xiao Ye a steel stone, and Xiao Ye was not polite, and put it directly into the storage space.

"This is a book that can be used by a high-level craftsman and a marrow washing pill, and I give it to you as a teacher apprenticeship gift."

Xiao Ye, who has always been generous, handed over a book that can make high-grade earth-level weapons and the pill of washing marrow to Mr. Liu. After confirming that the pill of washing marrow had no side effects, Xiao Ye could finally give it away at will with peace of mind.

"Washing Marrow Pill?! Is it the kind of elixir widely circulated among the craftsmen that sells for more than one billion and has no market?"

Seeing the elixir exuding the fragrance of elixir in his hand, Mr. Liu was shocked.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, you can use it with peace of mind, I promise there will be no side effects."

Sensing the resentment coming from behind, Xiao Ye hastily shut his mouth.

"Well then, Master, I will take my leave first."

Seeing Mr. Liu's figure gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Xiao Ye felt a little embarrassed. In just a few days, he actually had two disciples, although he had nothing to teach them.

On the second day, Xiao Ye rushed to the place where the Artifact Refining Contest was held early. The Artifact Refining Association moved thousands of Artifact Refining Furnaces to a large field of tens of thousands of square meters for this competition, enough for thousands of people and tens of thousands of people. Spectators watch everything happening on the field at the same time.

"Everyone! Today is the day when the Artifact Refining Association holds the [-]th Artifact Refining Conference! I don't need to say more about the rules, please queue up and sign up!"

Sima Qingkong, who was standing on the high platform, shouted loudly, and the Artifact Refiner Competition kicked off.

"Master, I won't accompany you there. Your vice-chairman status has not been registered yet, so you can still participate in the competition for the time being. If people know that I am your apprentice, it will cause bad influence."

"Understood Mr. Li, I can go there by myself."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye jumped directly from the auditorium and stood at the end of the long line.

"Hey, kid, you're also here to participate in the refining competition, are you going to show yourself?"

The youngest of the refiners who came to the refining competition was more than 100 years old, and Xiao Ye looked a little out of place in the team.

"Elder Wu, you can't say that. The Artifact Refining Competition is too boring. It's a good thing to come out with a strange thing once in a while."

"It's really noisy. Are the people in your sect all stupid dogs like you who can only bark like you?"

"What did you say?!"

Elder Wu stared at him, Xiao Ye was enveloped by the coercion of the first level of Martial Emperor Realm.

"Boy, do you want to die? Do you know who I am?"

"I know, I know, aren't you just a piece of garbage in the Martial Emperor Realm? People like you will die at the hands of [-] if not [-]."

Xiao Ye sneered disdainfully, he didn't expect that there would be such a strange way of looking down on people wherever he went.

"Okay! Very good, boy, do you dare to fight to the death with me?! How can an ant like you who only knows about refining weapons know how powerful a cultivator is! As a refining master, even if I kill you, there will be no one trouble me!"

Elder Wu pinched his fingers, and as long as Xiao Ye dared to nod his head, he would pounce on him and strangle him to death.

According to the rules of the Artifact Refining Association, fighting is not allowed in the city. If you want to fight, you can only sign a life-and-death contract and guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with the Artifact Refining Association.

"I accept, tell me, how do you want to die."


Elder Wu let out a cold snort, spreading the coercion of his cultivation base all over his body, and suddenly there was a strong wind on the field, and the refiners beside Xiao Ye stepped back ten steps, for fear that Xiao Ye's blood would splash on their faces, but The craftsman on Elder Wu's side just stood there and watched quietly with sarcasm.

"Aren't you hiding?"

With a calm face, Xiao Ye said to them with some good intentions.

"No, no, no, we like blood."

A craftsman said to Xiao Ye with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, let's see."

"To satisfy you."

"call out!"

The next moment, Xiao Ye's body moved!The tip of a spear slowly enlarged in Elder Wu's eyes, and Elder Wu hurriedly raised his foot to avoid it in shock, but Xiao Ye's mental power had locked it firmly.


The spear pierced through the head, and a large stream of blood mixed with white brains sprayed on the craftsmen who were watching behind Elder Wu.


The refining masters who had never seen the world squatted on the ground and retched, and some timid refining masters just passed out after taking a look.


The fire cloud gun turned casually, and the scorching black dragon's breath along the gun barrel turned Elder Wu's body into fly ash.

"It's your turn, do you want to sign a life-and-death contract with me?"

Xiao Ye pointed the plasma-stained fire cloud gun at the people who provoked him together and said.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, the little one knows it's wrong, don't care about me if you're a big one."


Xiao Ye flicked the Fire Cloud Gun, and the plasma sticking to it was thrown directly on his face. Seeing that he didn't even dare to say a word, Xiao Ye put the Fire Cloud Gun back into the storage space.

(End of this chapter)

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