Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 454 Dark Gate

Chapter 454 Dark Gate

The woman slowly took off her veil, and a familiar face came into Xiao Ye's eyes.

"Lin Xia?! Could it be you?"

Xiao Ye's heart was filled with turmoil. He would never have thought that the one who had been dealing with him was actually his ex-fiancée whom he had divorced for many years.

"You still remember my name, it's really an honor for me, and I don't blame me for exhausting my manpower and material resources to kill you."

"So, you were the one who designed to attack the Nanxia Kingdom?"

"That's right, since you want to join their camp, then I will destroy them completely! It's a pity that I am alone and can't take revenge at all. Fortunately, my master supported me and turned me into the king of the Great Chu Kingdom. Only then will I have the capital to seek revenge on you!"

"So, you also killed the old king of Great Chu?"

"That's right, everyone who opposes me is dead, and now I am the king of this country! Thank you my teacher for providing me with such good conditions for practicing martial arts. If you didn't force me, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today." Just one step, Xiao Ye, I have been thinking about how to tear you apart all the time to relieve my only hatred!"

Lin Xia's face was distorted. Years of practice of magic kung fu made her completely merged with her inner demons. All the people in the Great Chu Kingdom became funeral objects for her practice.

"Lin Xia, it's fortunate that I broke my dantian back then so that I didn't marry you, a vicious woman with a vicious heart. I also want to thank Xiao Nitian for letting me see you clearly. I would rather die than marry you like this." Vicious woman."

Looking at Lin Xia who had become like this, Xiao Ye did not hide the disgust on his face at all.

"Xiao Ye! Back then you defeated me in the selection contest of Green Mulberry City, and even insulted me in front of everyone, so that all sects refused to take me in. Do you know how much I hate you in my heart?! But it's different now Thanks to you, I was favored by the elders of the Dark Gate, how can an ant like you know the horror of the Dark Gate!"

"You mean the Diablo Gate, one of the Seven Great Demon Sects? Lin Xia, you are really depraved."

"Hmph, so what, as long as I can kill you, I will be willing to become a demon!"

The Seven Great Demonic Sects are composed of seven sects that practice demonic arts. These sects are powerful and have many disciples. Even if they practice demonic arts on the bright side, no human sect dares to attack them. One demonic sect is nothing, but seven The sum of the demon sects means that all the first-tier sects have to back off by three points.

Saint Hao Xing never intervened in the world of the human race, so the Seven Devils grew stronger and stronger, and today they have the strength to overwhelm the decent sects.

Xiao Ye took a deep breath and calmed down for a while. The development of the matter exceeded his expectations. Although he had already received the information from the soldiers of Da Chu and made mental preparations, he still couldn't accept the moment the truth came.

"The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk more, let's fight."

"Kill! Not a single soldier of the Nanxia Kingdom will be left behind!"

As soon as Lin Xia gave an order, tens of thousands of soldiers rushed towards the Nanxia Kingdom's camp behind them like sharp knives. Thousands of soldiers were killed or injured by just one encounter with the Nanxia Kingdom soldiers.

"Steady! Stabilize! Arrange to meet the enemy!"

Zhou Xuan flew into the air and shouted loudly, and the soldiers of the Nanxia Kingdom who were in disarray began to adjust their formation to counterattack.

"Lin Xia, it's time to end the years of grievances."

Xiao Ye looked indifferent, and slowly pointed at Lin Xia with the Fire Cloud Spear in his hand. On the other hand, Lin Xia's face was distorted and the energy in her body was chaotic, but the terrifying demonic energy surrounding her was still not to be underestimated.

"Dark space!"

next moment!Lin Xia moved!Her figure disappeared instantly, and the space where Xiao Ye was located collapsed into a huge black hole, and the powerful suction of the black hole continuously pulled his body.

"This ghost thing is absorbing my life essence and strength? It really is an out-and-out magic skill, and the system teleports!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's body teleported directly to a place [-] meters away, the black hole that lost its target slowly disappeared, and Lin Xia's body appeared behind the black hole.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but your skills are still so disgusting."

"Lin Xia, you are a magician who says my exercises are disgusting, you really have no shame."

"Stop talking nonsense! Go to hell!"

Lin Xia drew out the saber at her waist, and the devilish energy all over her body directly covered the sword.


The terrifying coercion of the first level of Wu Zunjing enveloped Xiao Ye, and the weird energy fluctuations constantly impacted Xiao Ye's mind.

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat."

"Why am I the one who died, why am I not you."

"Why do you exist? It would be great without you."

"Kill, kill, kill! Everyone will die! No one will be left alive!"

Under the influence of the inner demon, Xiao Ye's eyes were red, and even Lin Xia, who had slaughtered thousands of people, felt terrified of the murderous intent erupting from her body.

"Boy! Wake up!"

The magic dragon anxiously rushed to Xiao Ye's spirit and roared loudly, Xiao Ye regained his clarity with a trembling consciousness.

"Senior Qitian, how can I..."

"Boy, use spiritual power to defend the soul. The power of this girl is too weird. How many people did she kill to get the power?"

"Could it be that this female devil slaughtered all the people of the Great Chu Kingdom? How could such a devil human race allow them to exist?"

Before Xiao Ye could think about it, Lin Xia had already swung the sword in front of Xiao Ye.

"Competing with me in physical strength? Court death!"

Xiao Ye let out a cold snort, the power of the Dragon Clan surged up to his body frantically, and then lifted the Fire Cloud Spear above his head to block Lin Xia's blow.


Sparks shot all over the sky, and Xiao Ye's body sank half a meter into the ground. The barrel of Huoyun's gun was smashed into a U shape by Lin Xia's blow, and the impact from the barrel made Xiao Ye's hands go numb.

"What ghost power is this? How is this possible?! The system teleports!"

Seeing Lin Xia raise her long sword again and strike down, Xiao Ye was shocked and hurriedly used teleportation to escape from the spot.


Hot magma sprayed out from the ground, and a two-meter-wide crack continued to spread forward. Xiao Ye trembled in his heart. Fortunately, he had the life-saving skill of systematic teleportation, otherwise he might have explained it here today.

"The two tricks that I managed to condense by killing hundreds of thousands of people were broken by you. You really deserved to be the man I hated all my life. If you just died so simply, how would you solve the hatred in my heart? My hatred goes far beyond that."

The black energy that did not belong to Lin Xia gradually dissipated, and her aura weakened a little.

"You poisonous woman! Take the move! The sky and the earth are falling!"

Xiao Ye straightened the Huoyun Spear, raised it over his head, and stabbed it fiercely into the ground. In an instant, hundreds of spear points emerged from the ground, and Lin Xia's feet flew into the air. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ye had been waiting not far away for a long time. up.

"Strange star combo!"

(End of this chapter)

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