Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 462 The Dying Devils

Chapter 462 The Dying Devils
"Xiao Ye! You're alive! I thought you, a brat, were frozen... huh? Where's the brat?"

Knowing that Xiao Ye was awake, Xiao Hei stepped in through the gate on the first floor of the secret realm. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find Xiao Ye's figure. There was only a smiling Nangong Xing standing in front of him.

"Old guy, where's Xiao Ye?"

"Xiao Ye is actually carrying a black dragon with him. It's interesting. The dragon family has lived in seclusion for many years, yet I saw it here."

Seeing that Nangong Xing answered the wrong question, Xiao Hei immediately became angry.

"Old Niubi, let me ask you where Xiao Ye has gone."

"Xiao Ye has already gone to the third floor."


Hearing Nangong Xing's words, Xiao Hei jumped up anxiously.

"I'm just a remnant soul, and I can't help him much. If he wants to improve his strength, he can only go to the third floor of the secret realm to accept the trial. Don't worry, I won't harm him. After a year, the third floor will open him. will come out."

"Hmph, if the brat gets into an accident, I'll see what you will do, ah Xi, let's go!"

With a cold snort, Xiao Hei turned his head and entered the entrance of the first floor of the secret realm.

"Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye, I can't step into the third layer of the secret realm. I will leave these demons to you to deal with. For the future of the human race, don't let me down."

Nangong Xing sighed, and his body gradually disappeared in place.

"Strange star combo!"


Accompanied by a precise triple stab, the devil in front of him fell to the ground clutching his throat with unwilling eyes.

"It seems that the third floor is not as scary as I thought."

Xiao Ye murmured and continued to walk deep. From the moment he stepped into the third floor, he was constantly fighting monsters, but the level of these monsters was too low, even worse than the monsters in the dark abyss.



Sudden!A loud roar came from Xiao Ye's side, and Xiao Ye, who was thinking about something, was so frightened by the sudden roar and the sound of smashing the cage that he jumped up.

"Damn it! What is it! You have a dark voice, you have a scary voice, okay!"

Xiao Ye threw a ball of fire casually, and a giant prison cage ten meters high appeared in front of him. In the cage, a snow-white orangutan was constantly hitting the cage with an iron fist with its mouth wide open. After seeing Xiao Ye clearly in front of him, , The orangutan smashed the cage faster.

"Why did Nangong Xing tie up the family's pet here? It's too cruel, don't worry, I'll let you go right away."

A stern look flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and a [-]-meter dragon directly hit the orangutan through the cage.


The orangutan beat his chest frantically with his arms, and the brontosaur wrapped around his body gradually shrunk, while the orangutan's body became bigger and bigger, reaching the same height as a cage in a blink of an eye.

"It can absorb my power, it really is a demon, then you try this trick again, the ancient curse!"

Xiao Yefei put his hands on the cage, and the orangutan's body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A steady stream of power was exported along the vortex in Xiao Ye's hand, and the orangutan directly spoke human language in a hurry.

"Damn it, can't this talk? You pretend to be a grandson with me! I can't spare you!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye directly increased the suction of the vortex. Half a minute later, Xiao Ye received the exercises contentedly. The gorilla in front of him had already turned into a mummy. When the wind blew, the corpse turned into powder and floated into the air.

"As expected of my compatriots of the human race, you are strong! Little brother, let me out, and I will give you inexhaustible gold and silver treasures, how about it?"

"Who is it again, whoever designed the third floor of the secret realm, can't they install a lamp?"

Xiao Ye frowned and threw a ball of flames to illuminate the front again, only to see a man with hair and beard dragged to the ground looking at him flatteringly. None left for him.

"who are you?"

"Little brother, I am Fang Yuan, the strong Wu Zunjing of our human race. Because I offended the people of the Nangong family ten thousand years ago, I was trapped here for ten thousand years. Little brother, you let me go, I can give you You anything you want."

"Oh? How did you live for ten thousand years without dying? It seems that the lifespan of a strong Wu Zunjing is only 1000 years?"

"Little brother doesn't know something. My family's secret method can keep me alive for ten thousand years. I have lived so far by relying on the secret method. Little brother, it is very tiring to talk like this. Please let me down first, let's talk slowly."

"No, you are a strong man in the Martial Venerable Realm, and I am only in the Martial Emperor Realm. If you attack me, I am doomed."

To be on the safe side, Xiao Ye decided to test the tone of the mysterious man first.

"Little guy, it's been ten thousand years. It would be great if I can show my strength like the Emperor Wu. If you let me go, I can do anything for you. I'm really fed up with being trapped here for a thousand years!"

"Okay, how can I let you down."

"Use the trick you just did!"

"Ancient Sealing Curse!"

"Wow~! Carrara~"

The moment the iron chain came into contact with the ancient magic spell, it began to break and collapse rapidly. Fang Yuan broke free from the shackles of the iron chain with all his strength.

"Woooooo, ten thousand years, I finally see the light of day again! Hahaha! The Nangong family, I must take revenge! Just wait and see!"

Fang Yuan cried and laughed excitedly, his eyes filled with resentment towards the Nangong family.

"Uh... Excuse me, why are you locked up in this place by the Nangong family? Are you a traitor of the human race?"

Fang Yuan, who was jumping up and down excitedly one second before, immediately regained his composure the next second.

"No, I am a hero of the human race. Our Fang family is the top family of the human race that is on par with the Nangong family. In the crusade against the demons ten thousand years ago, I led my people to fight bravely on the front line. At that time, the strongest of the human race was against My family gave it a lot of affirmation, so they gave my family a treasure that can become a martial artist, and that old Nangong Xing had the intention to kill me at that time."

"So he brought people to flatten your family and imprison you here?"

"No! His actions are even more vicious! He revealed the whereabouts of our family to the demons, and the demons set up many ambushes on the road we must pass. I exhausted my strength and hacked a bloody path. As soon as I led the tribe to break through, the traitors of the alliance appeared behind me, and in the end, my whole tribe survived by myself."

Speaking of sad Fang Yuan's tears fell down, Xiao Ye quickly took out a pack of tissues from the storage space and handed it to him.

"Thank you. After I came out, I went to Nangong Xing to make a theory, but he just refused to admit it. He also said that I had lost too many clansmen and was crazy. I couldn't get angry, so I killed a few Wu Zun experts from the Nangong family."

(End of this chapter)

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