Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 474 Stepping Into Hell

Chapter 474 Stepping Into Hell
It's just that Xiao Ye didn't intend to do this, he wanted to make Song Yu completely regret coming to Nanxia King City.

"Little bastard, are you ready to die? I'm about to go, if I kill you later, don't say I didn't notify you in advance."

Feeling the abundant energy in his body, Song Yu gained unprecedented self-confidence.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't do it, I will."

Xiao Ye thrust the Fire Cloud Gun into the ground, leaned on it, yawned boredly, and stretched long.

Song Yu was furious when he saw this!A mephit with a wingspan of ten meters appeared behind him.

"The sky demon shatters!"

Song Yu roared, and the huge mephit behind opened its mouth full of fangs and spit out several extremely black horses to Xiao Ye. The speed of these horses was so fast that Xiao Ye couldn't dodge them with his eyesight.


The several strikes that were powerful enough to kill a fifth-level Wu Zunjing expert hit Xiao Ye's body like a stone sinking into the ocean without making the slightest ripple.

"It's impossible! Even the strong in Wu Zunjing dare not resist my move! How did you do it?!"

Song Yu's eyes were full of disbelief, he could barely use this move by forcibly raising his level, but Xiao Ye easily followed it up, how could this not make him feel uncomfortable.

"Do you have any other tricks? If not, I will move."

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's figure disappeared in place in an instant, bursts of sonic booms exploded in Song Yu's ears, and the next moment, Xiao Ye appeared directly behind him!

"In the back!"

Song Yu roared, and the air fluctuations behind him made him subconsciously turn around and raise his knife to stab, but Xiao Ye's speed was faster than him!

"Boom! Bang!"

At the moment Song Yu turned around, Xiao Ye shrank his fingers into an inch and hit Song Yu's abdomen fiercely with an upward stroke.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Song Yu's body bowed like cooked shrimp, and the blood spurted out from his mouth mixed with stomach acid.

With just one blow, Song Yu lost his fighting power.

"Do you have any tricks? I'll wait for you."

Xiao Ye stood there indifferently, not looking like he wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He wanted to make Song Yu completely collapse from the heart, and then kill him slowly, so that he could know what it would be like to offend the Nanxia Kingdom. .

"Kill you! I'm going to kill you! You little bastard! You can't defeat me! It must be the elixir you took that improved your cultivation! Let's see how long you can last!"

Song Yu clutched his stomach and knelt on the ground and growled hoarsely. He wanted to stand up and tear Xiao Ye apart, but the cramping sensation from his abdomen made it very difficult for him to even stand up.


Xiao Ye raised a slap and slapped him hard on the face, and immediately a five-finger clear slap print appeared on his face.

Song Yu's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face, he was slapped by someone who was admired everywhere he went?
"Little bastard! You are looking for death! How dare you humiliate me! I will definitely eat you alive!"

The next second, Song Yu reacted with bruised veins on his forehead, his face was flushed, and he held back the pain from his abdomen, clenched his fists and rushed towards Xiao Ye with vigorous steps.


Xiao Ye shrunk his fingers again and hit him hard in the abdomen. After receiving two heavy blows at the same position, Song Yu was unable to get up anymore, and could only kneel on the ground, clutching his stomach and howling weakly.

"How about it, stand up and lie on the ground like a dead dog."

Xiao Ye squatted down and grabbed Song Yu's hair, pulled him up and raised his head, then quickly drew his other hand over.


After a crisp sound, half of Song Yu's face turned red and swollen.

He was slapped again.

"Ah! Little bastard! I'm going to kill you! Do you know who I am? I'm the big brother of the Diablo Gate! I have a noble status! You, an ant, are worthy of beating me?!"


back draw.

"Like a mad dog, what if you can't change it."


"Ah! You bastard! I'm going to kill your whole family!"

"To shut up!"

"Clap clap clap!"

After dozens of slaps, Song Yu's face was swollen into a pig's head, all the teeth in his mouth were blown out, his eyes were squeezed into a slit by the red and swollen eye circles, and he completely lost his original handsome appearance.

"Don't...don't hit me, please, don't hit me, please forgive me, please forgive me."

The successive insults made Song Yu completely collapsed. If he was given another chance to choose, he would definitely not come to Nanxia Kingdom again.

"Oh? You know it's wrong?"

Hearing Song Yu begging for mercy, Xiao Ye stopped what he was doing, stood up and stepped aside.

"I... I know I was wrong, stop hitting, you can do whatever you want."

"Alright, kowtow to me ten times, say that I was wrong, that I shouldn't have invaded the Nanxia Kingdom, and then I will give you a chance to commit suicide so that you can die with dignity."

"Okay, I promise you, I was wrong, I shouldn't have invaded your country, I was wrong, please have a lot of adults."

After finishing speaking, Song Yu kowtowed ten times to Xiao Ye, then picked up the sword on the ground and put it on his neck.

Sudden!A hint of cruelty flashed in Song Yu's eyes!He changed the direction of the sword in his hand and quickly stabbed at Xiao Ye's dantian. The black light emitted by the sword made people's scalp numb. Xiao Ye believed that if he didn't have the protection of a plug-in, he would definitely be stabbed through the door. Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world. Many if.


When the sword filled with black air pierced an inch in front of Xiao Ye's body, he couldn't move forward any more.


Shocked, Song Yu hurriedly withdrew his sword and planned to stab again, but Xiao Ye's whip had already arrived in front of him.


After receiving a powerful blow from Xiao Ye, Song Yu's body flew ten meters away like a kite with a broken string. Xiao Ye's body flashed and flew directly to his landing place. Interlaced fingers and smashed down fiercely!
"Bang! Crack!"

The sound of broken ribs sounded, and Song Yu's body fell heavily to the ground like a cannonball. On the hard rocky ground, a half-meter-deep pit was directly smashed out by his body. Cobweb-like cracks centered on the deep pit and extended in all directions. spread.

"Guru Guru~"

A mouthful of blood flowed out of Song Yu's mouth, and the broken rib directly pierced his lungs and heart.

"You...why are strong..."

Song Yu asked unwillingly with his eyes wide open. Seeing that he was about to die soon after breathing in less and exhaling more, Xiao Ye answered him in a soft heart.

"Want to know? Go ask Hades."

"You! Pfft!"

Song Yu spurted blood two meters high, and the light in his eyes gradually faded away.

Half a minute later, Song Yu's body froze and lost all vitality, and he was so angry that he died.

(End of this chapter)

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