Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 478 Do You Want To Take Pills?

Chapter 478 Do You Want To Take Pills?

Liu Zhiyun raised his cultivation to resist Xiao Ye's murderous aura, and called out his name with some uncertainty.

"That's right, it's pretty smart, much better than that idiot Yao Xing."

"Why did you survive, and the strong man from the Dark Gate spared your life? Where is Elder Yao?"

A bad thought emerged in Liu Zhi's mind.

"Yao Xing? He and your stupid disciples were buried with the cultivators of the Dark Gate. You fat man is really generous. You gave me 100 billion gold coins just by opening your mouth. I have to thank you very much."

Xiao Ye cupped his fists and bowed to Liu Zhi with a smile on his face. If it weren't for the tense atmosphere on the court, others would think that the two of them are such good friends.

"You killed Elder Yao Xing? How is this possible, based on your cultivation at the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm? Your joke is really funny, hahaha!"

Driven by Liu Zhi, all the Shuiyuezong elders laughed exaggeratedly.

"Ding ding~gulu~"

With an indifferent expression, Xiao Ye flicked his hand, and a small oval ring rolled to Liu Zhi's feet, seeing the word "Yao" engraved on the ring, the smile on Liu Zhi's face froze.

The facts were before his eyes, and the last trace of illusion in Liu Zhi's heart was shattered.

"Believe it?"

Seeing Liu Zhi's expression like eating shit, Xiao Ye asked lightly.

"So why did you come to my Water Moon Sect? To apologize? Or to return our gold coins to beg for forgiveness?"

Liu Zhi's face was gloomy. Every martial arts expert is a treasure of Shuiyuezong. How can this be measured by money.


As soon as Liu Zhi finished speaking, tens of thousands of disciples cheered and surrounded him.

"I came here this time to kill all of you from the Water Moon Sect, so as to avoid future troubles. I don't have the habit of keeping my tail."

"What did he say? He came to kill us all? Did I hear you right?"

"I heard it too, hahaha, this kid is so good at telling jokes, let's have another one! It's so funny!"

"Stop talking nonsense with him! Beat him to death! How dare you underestimate our Shui Yuezong! It's just courting death!"

Obviously, the disciples of the Water Moon Sect did not take Xiao Ye's words to heart.

"Boy, I will give you another chance, hand over our 100 billion gold coins, and then give me the territory of your Nanxia Kingdom, and give each of my disciples of the Water Moon Sect a kowtow, and I will give you a more decent one." way of death."

Liu Zhi raised his head proudly and said to Xiao Ye, after learning that Xiao Ye was not a disciple of the Diablo Sect, he finally let go of his hanging heart. He is a strong man in the third level of Wu Zunjing, and in his heart, someone like Xiao Ye would be crushed to death. Ants in the Martial Emperor Realm are only a matter of minutes.

"100 billion gold coins? I can return them to you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye moved his hand into the storage space.

"System, exchange for two Thunderbolts."

"Ding! The exchange was successful, and 100 billion gold coins have been deducted from the host account."

Seeing the long string of zeros on his account panel disappear in an instant, the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth twitched, and at this moment his heart was bleeding.

Liu Zhi was overjoyed to see Xiao Ye's compromise. Sure enough, he still had some prestige. He asked for 100 billion gold coins back. Will the territory of Nanxia Kingdom be far away?

Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's fat head rose again.

"The suzerain is amazing! Just a few words scared this guy!"

"The suzerain is mighty! If you don't regret entering the water moon in this life, you will return to the water moon sect in the next life!"

"Boy! Move faster! I can't wait to see the expression on your face begging me for mercy! It must be very interesting!"


After Baoleiwan got it, Xiao Ye quickly threw it to the ground, and then appeared a thousand meters away in a flash.


The two thunderbolts fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. Liu Zhi's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly shouted: "Lie down!"


In an instant, the disciples of Shuiyue Sect collapsed.

Five seconds later, Thunderbolt just lay quietly on the ground without any explosion.

"Damn it! We were fooled by this kid! This is just an ordinary pill!"

"Bastard! Follow me!"

Liu Zhi's face turned blue and red, one second he had made a bold statement to make Xiao Ye cede the land to make amends, but the next second Xiao Ye ran away under his nose.

At this time, Xiao Ye had escaped from the range of 2000 meters of Shuiyuezong.

"It should work now! Explode!"

Xiao Ye put his fingers together and recited the formula, and the Fulei Pill fuze in the hands of a disciple of Shuiyuezong was ignited.

"What is the taste?"

The disciple sniffed the burnt smell in the air suspiciously. The next second, the Thunderbolt in his hand emitted a dazzling light. His hand holding the Thunderbolt was like snow meeting the scorching sun in summer. It usually melts quickly, but the most frightening thing is that not a single drop of blood fell to the ground.

"It's over... it's over!"

The disciple's pupils shrank, and endless coolness welled up in his heart.


Two mushroom clouds that were ten thousand feet high pierced into the sky, and the disciples of the Shuiyue Sect who were rushing towards Xiao Ye were shrouded in strong light and turned into water vapor before they could take a few steps.


Liu Zhi let out a roar, and hurriedly burned his essence and blood to urge all his strength to form a protective shield to hold himself underneath. However, the shield that could resist the full-strength attack of the first-tier Wu Zunjing powerhouse lasted less than a moment in front of the explosion. In seconds it shattered into dots of light.

Immediately afterwards, the strong aftermath of the explosion enveloped him.

Even though Xiao Ye was two thousand miles away, he could still feel the aftermath of the explosion. One could imagine how strong the impact was on the people of the Shuiyue Sect who were at the center of the explosion.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The task reward: the realm has been upgraded to the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and one billion gold coins."

Just when Xiao Ye was still marveling at the power of Thunderbolt, the voice of the system rang in his ears.

"Huh? What's the situation? Isn't it 50 billion? Why is there only one billion left now?"

After hearing the system notification, Xiao Ye was startled. Could it be that there was a bug after the system was updated last time?Then you sent billions more!What kind of operation is this?

"Because the host used system props to complete the task, only one-fifth of the task reward will be issued, and the number of Thunderbolt exchanges this month will be forced to zero."

"You're skinny this week..."

Xiao Ye closed the system panel silently, but he was relieved after thinking about it carefully. This task was originally given for nothing. The 100 billion gold coins given to him by Shuiyuezong were used to buy Thunderbolt. If there is no system task He will only lose the 100 billion in vain without any return.

But now the one billion yuan is equivalent to his free money, and his cultivation level has also been raised to the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm. This is equivalent to being a white wolf with empty gloves.

"Okay, the future troubles have been cut off, and it's time for me to return to the Nanxia Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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