Chapter 482
"Long live Your Majesty! Long live the Kingdom of Nanxia!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The high morale soared to the sky, and the loud slogans floated in the air for a long time.

"Very good! Brothers of Longya, I assure you, I will lead you to kill the Diablo Gate in a short time! Use the blood of their entire sect to pay homage to our dead compatriots!"

"Long live Your Majesty! We believe in you!"

Xiao Ye raised his arms and called out, Long Ya's morale reached an unprecedented peak.

"Okay, if you want revenge, you must first learn the skills, Zhou Xuan, you distribute these books to the soldiers."

Xiao Ye printed out tens of thousands of copies of the ground-level movement method "Crane Walking Clouds" rewarded by the system. Looking at the gold coin balance that became zero again, the corners of Xiao Ye's mouth kept trembling.


Suddenly, a messenger spirit bird with a long tail appeared in everyone's sight.

"Sound transmission bird of the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Xiao Ye put his hand to his mouth and whistled, and the spirit bird rushed to Xiao Ye's side at a very fast speed, and then, the sound transmission image of Li Lao appeared in the center of the martial arts arena.

"Master! The little old man saluted you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Lao Wu thoughtfully gave Xiao Ye a big gift.

"This old guy, does he want to shorten my life so much?"

Xiao Ye shook his head dumbfoundingly, waiting for Mr. Li's next words.

"Master, you have to save the little old man, recently I have been bragging about how powerful you are in the Artifact Refining Association, but these guys don't believe it!
Chairman Sima refused to testify to me, so those old guys invited me to Liuyunzong, one of the four top sects, to attend the weapon refining ceremony, and told me that I must bring you with me. Those old guys didn't see you. When it came to the refining competition, your heroic appearance made my heart itchy, so I agreed to it because of my old face. "

Having said that, Mr. Li's face was full of embarrassment.

"Master, I know you won't blame me, right? My appointment with them is two days later. You don't have to hurry, just take your time. I will definitely apologize to you when I come! Take care, Master! "

After finishing speaking, a wisp of old Li's remnants floated in the air.

"This old guy, just sold me out?!"

"Uh...Your Majesty, for the sake of our friendly relationship with the Heavenly Sword Sect, I think it's better for you to go there."

Seeing Xiao Ye's hesitation, Nangong Wu stepped forward and bowed with fists in his hands.

"Hey, just because of my relationship with Mr. Li, I have to go. It takes one day to rush to Tianjianzong, but he even told me that there are two days left and told me not to worry! This old guy!"

Xiao Ye smiled and cursed helplessly, he was really angry and helpless towards Mr. Li, he was still as naive as a child after living for hundreds of years.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. In order to avoid being too anxious, you should start now. I will make arrangements in the kingdom."

"Okay, now the Nanxia Kingdom has time to take a breather, and I will leave it to the next few to worry about. I will immediately go to the Great Wall to install the Siyintian Fire Formation. With this formation, it will be considered a strong force at the sixth level of Wu Zunjing." We will not be afraid of those who come here!"

"Then leave immediately, Your Majesty, and leave the rest to me and General Zhou and General Luo."

"Okay, please take care of me, I will take my leave!"

Xiao Ye bowed to the three of them and flew directly into the air towards the border of the Nanxia Kingdom.

After half a stick of incense, Xiao Ye fell onto the inner wall of the Great Wall.

After the Great Wall experienced the attack of the Dark Gate powerhouse, the wall cracked many gaps, and some places even collapsed.

At this moment, Chu Tian was instructing the staff to carry out the work of repairing the Great Wall. After seeing Xiao Ye's arrival, Chu Tian rushed to him.

"Little Chutian sees His Majesty!"

"Come on, Chutian, you've done a good job. If you need anything financially, you can directly apply to Prince Wu. As long as it's reasonable, he will approve it."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the money allocated from above is still enough, but the defensive power of the Great Wall is a bit weak, as long as it is concentrated firepower by the strong of the Martial Emperor Realm, it will be destroyed within a few hours."

"Don't worry, Chutian, it won't happen from now on, even the strong ones at the seventh level of Wu Zunjing will have to pay a certain price if they want to attack!"

Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Chu Tian's eyes brightened. He was responsible for building the Great Wall himself. He always treated the Great Wall as his own child. How can he not be excited now that Xiao Ye told him that there is a way to protect the Great Wall.

"You wait for me here, I will come as I go."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye jumped to the outside of the Great Wall with one step on his foot, and then he took out several mid-grade Hunyuan essences of similar size from the storage space and placed them at the base of the formation with a painful expression on his face.

With the medium-grade Hunyuan essence as the base, if others find out about this, they will definitely bite their tongues off in shock.


After working for a few minutes to lay out the base of the formation, Xiao Ye carefully took out the Qinxin grass and placed it at the eye of the needle, and the foundation of the Siyintian fire formation was completed.

Xiao Ye injected the power of the dragon clan into the formation as a nutrient, and a golden ray of light continuously traveled along the entire formation. At this point, the Siyintian Fire Formation was fully operational.

"I don't know how powerful it is..."

Xiao Ye rubbed his chin and fell into hesitation. He hadn't flinched yet. If he tried rashly, he might be in danger, but he was a little unwilling not to try.

"Have it!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, he casually grabbed a small stone beside him and threw it into it.


The small stone fell to the ground and rolled a few times before lying quietly on the ground.


10 minutes passed, and the field was still extremely quiet, even Xiao Ye could hear the needle drop on the ground clearly.

"Could it be that the stone is too small?"

Xiao Ye turned his head and looked left and right. After seeing a huge boulder, Xiao Ye walked over and lifted it above his head.

Then Xiao Ye used all his strength to throw the stone into the Siyin sky fire formation.


After the boulder fell to the ground, the ground trembled three times, but the Siyintian fire array did not respond, and the golden light still flowed slowly in the array.

"Strange, my way of arranging the formation is obviously correct. What's going on? Could it be that the system made a mistake? Or is it that the way of arranging the Qinxincao is wrong."

Xiao Ye touched his chin suspiciously, then stepped into the formation.


The moment Xiao Ye stepped into the formation!The golden light in the Siyin Heavenly Fire Formation quickly turned around, and a pale yellow barrier trapped him firmly inside. Immediately afterwards, tongues of fire rose hundreds of feet from the ground, and the temperature of the tongues of fire was even higher than that of Xiao Ye's Phoenix fire. Even higher!

"Damn it! The Siyintian fire array has its own biometric identification system!"

Shocked, Xiao Ye hurriedly mobilized the power of the dragon clan and smashed it fiercely on the golden barrier of the formation!
(End of this chapter)

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