Chapter 488
"Listen! If he's not some old monster who's been reclusive for so long, I! Eat! Shit!"

The previous proud refiner slapped his chest and said confidently that even if he was killed, he would not believe such absurd things in this world.

"Everyone, be quiet, after all the disciples finish the competition, I will arrange for Elder Xie Hui and Vice President Xiao Ye to have a big competition of refining weapons! Are you looking forward to it?!"

Chang Xiu let out a loud roar, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly rose to its peak.

"Wait a minute! I have something to say!"

Suddenly, Xie Hui stood up and interrupted the cheers of the crowd.

"Oh? Elder Xiehui, do you have anything to do?"

Chang Xiu asked with puzzled eyes.

"Elder Chang, no matter how I say it, I am the Great Elder of the Artifact Refining Department of the Evil Emperor Sect. You asked me to fight a wild country dog ​​that came out of nowhere? Is he worthy? Let's not talk about whether he is a master." As far as his age is concerned, do you believe him when he says he is a teenager? I think he is a hundred-year-old monster deliberately pretending to be a boy! He must be a spy of the Demon Sect!"

" seems that what Elder Xiehui said makes sense. How can someone become a master craftsman in his teens? Besides, the world's master craftsmen can count on one hand. Never seen him."

"Is he really a spy of the Demon Sect?"

After listening to Xie Hui's analysis, everyone talked about it, and even looked at Xiao Ye with a bit of hostility.

The next moment, Xiao Ye directly cleared his throat and shouted in a voice that could be heard by the audience: "Everyone! My age is not fake, I am indeed 17 years old this year, don't listen to this old dog's wanton provocation, this That old dog insulted us, master and apprentice, in front of the Liuyun Sect's gate, and he said that just to make me arouse public anger and avenge his own personal revenge."

"Little bastard, you say that I am taking personal revenge? What proof do you have? I, Xie Hui, am an upright person, do I need to do this?"

"Oh? Elder Xie, that's not what you said when you peed your pants."

Standing behind Xiao Ye, Mr. Li directly made up his sword.

"What? Pee your pants?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, you don't know, just now when this little guy glared at Elder Xiehui when he was in the sect, he was so scared that he wet his pants."

"What? Really, no matter what, Elder Xiehui is also an elder of the Great Sect, how could he be such a waste! Don't talk about staring at me, even if someone stares at me ten times, I wouldn't pee my pants."

"Okay! You are fine, since you said you are only 17 years old, do you dare to test me?!"

"Why don't you dare! Tell me, how to test."

"Hmph, the test stone of my evil emperor's sect can test the talent of a cultivator, and it can also test the existence of the meridians in the cultivator's body. You only need to inject your energy into it. If it is blue, it means Your age is no more than 20 years old, if it is red, your age is definitely over a hundred years old!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Hui took out a palm-sized milky white stone from his bosom.

"Whatever you say is what you say, what if you are cheating?"

"Vice President Xiao Ye, I can testify that the function of the Evil Emperor Sect's test stone is well known, and I can also guarantee the authenticity of this stone."

"Okay! Since Elder Chang said so, then I will believe you!"

Xiao Ye appeared directly in front of Xie Hui in a flash, and then snatched the test stone from his hand.

"Little beast! What are you doing?!"

Xiao Ye's speed was so fast that the test stone in Xie Hui's hand disappeared before Xie Hui could react.

A gust of wind blew past, and Xiao Ye's body returned to its original position. The whole process only took a second, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

"He still has such a strong cultivation! I'm sure, he is definitely an old monster!"

"A craftsman has such strength, do you think this is something a teenager can do?!"

"Hmph, little bastard, let me see how you end up."

Xie Hui couldn't stop laughing inwardly. Xie Hui had been paying attention to Xiao Ye since he won the championship of the Artifact Refining Association last time. When he heard his age, Xie Hui scoffed at him, thinking that he must be an old monster who turned into a teenager and came out. lied to.

A hundred years ago, Xie Hui approached Sima Qingkong and wanted to join the Artifact Refining Association. The condition for joining was to be the vice president of the Artifact Refining Association. However, Sima Qingkong refused because of his impure motives. Vice President, how can this not make him feel jealous.

It took Xie Hui nearly 200 years to barely reach the ranks of a master craftsman, but Xiao Ye reached this level at only 17 years old. I'm afraid even ghosts won't believe it!

And Xiao Ye's strength as a master craftsman was confirmed by the Craftsmanship Association, so there is only one possibility right now, that is, Xiao Ye hid his real age, so the test stone that Xiehui brought this time is genuine, he thinks Xiao Ye can be destroyed without using any hands or feet at all.

From the beginning to the end of this Artifact Refining Ceremony, Xie Hui contributed to Xiao Ye's situation. From the moment he saw Xiao Ye, the plan had already started. Although there were some minor accidents in the middle, this did not hinder The continuation of the plan.

"Boy, come on, inject your energy into it, why, don't you dare?"

Seeing Xiao Ye closing his eyes and Xie Hui shouting loudly, it seemed that he had seen the scene of Xiao Ye making a fool of himself.

"Hmph, old dog, I'll satisfy you."

After confirming that there was no spiritual imprint on the test stone, Xiao Ye twitched a bit of strength and injected it into it.


In the next second, the test stone burst into a strong blue light.

"This is impossible!"

Xie Hui widened his eyes and yelled in disbelief, but in the face of the facts, what he said was useless, he couldn't tell everyone that there was something wrong with his test stone, and his old face would really be lost .

"Old dog, do you have any questions?"

Xiao Ye threw the test stone forward, and the test stone that hadn't dissipated the blue light rolled around twice before rolling to Xie Hui's feet, the remaining light on it seemed to be mocking his idiot.

"This boy, is he really only 17 years old? A 17-year-old master craftsman, my God, I haven't woken up yet, have I?"

"Hmph, I went to see it during the last refining competition. This little brother has forged a heavenly weapon by himself! You guys are still questioning his strength."

"You idiot! Why didn't you stand up and speak out just now?! Now that you have refuted the rumors, you stand up again!"

"Everyone, stop arguing! Where's the brother who just yelled to eat shit?!"

After speaking, everyone turned their attention to the man who looked proud earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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