Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 496 1-Way Rolling

Chapter 496 Rolling all the way

"Xia'er...don't worry, use...the demon reincarnation method...cough cough, puff!"

The third elder's face was pale, and a mouthful of black plasma spewed out from his mouth.

"Senior Sister Lin, what should we do? If the Third Elder dies, we may be left with a dead end when we return to the sect. Is there any way to save him?"

A Dark Sect disciple asked anxiously.

"Yes, there is only one way to save him, but I need your help."

"Oh? What can I do?! Senior Sister Lin, just tell me, if there is anything that needs me, I will definitely be willing!"

The disciple showed surprise on his face, as long as the life of the third elder was saved, they would have the hope of surviving.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Lin Xia's eyes, and she poked her sharp fingers forward!

A bloody, still beating heart appeared in her hand.

"Thank you for your contribution. When I return to the sect, I will definitely report to the suzerain to give you a great contribution."


The disciple stared wide-eyed and fell back unwillingly. He would never have dreamed that he would die in the hands of his own people. The other disciples of the Diablo Sect were shocked when they saw this, and they all took a step back, fearing that the next one would die. It will be my turn.

"Heavenly Demon Reincarnation!"


A cloud of black air spun into Lin Xia's withered palm, and the heart on the palm began to turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye. After three breaths, a miniature bat emerged from the heart. Seeing this, Lin Xia hurriedly grabbed the bat plug It reached the mouth of the third elder.

After 1 minute, the pale complexion of the third elder began to gradually improve, and even the dissipated strength was slowly gathering.

"Damn it! There are such benefits in cultivating magic arts. I can't let him recover, otherwise my efforts will be in vain."

Holding the Fire Cloud Spear, Xiao Ye stepped on his foot and rushed towards the Third Elder across a distance of [-] meters in an instant. He wanted to end everything before the Third Elder recovered.

"Quick! Stop him! Or we'll all die!"

Seeing this, Lin Xia hurriedly turned her head and yelled at the dozens of strong men from the Dark Gate behind her.

The scalps of many strong men from the Diablo Sect were numb. Xiao Ye's tyrannical strength was not something they could resist, but there was no other way at the moment.


Under the leadership of the leader, dozens of strong men at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm shouted and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

"Well done! War Stomp!"


Xiao Ye raised his left foot, concentrated his strength and stomped hard forward!The violent counter-shock directly knocked out the dozen or so disciples of the Diablo sect who were rushing forward.

"The Demon Dragon Comes to the World!"

"Nine Tribulations Thunder Dragon Falls!"



The black dragon roared and got involved in the crowd, bringing up patches of blood mist. With Xiao Ye's grasp of the palm, a flower composed of flames exploded in the center of the crowd, blood and viscera mixed with severed limbs flew across, like a scene in Shura's hell The surviving disciples' legs were limp and they fell to the ground.

However, before they could catch their breath, the nine lightning-filled thunder dragons rushed towards them one after the other.


The pupils of a strong man from the Dark Gate shrank, and the figure of the thunder dragon continued to enlarge in his eyes.


The Thunder Dragon rolled like a meat grinder in the camp of the Dark Gate disciples. After 3 minutes, the Thunder Dragon's strength reached its peak, and a dazzling light leaked from its thick body.

"Zilla! Crack!"

Accompanied by a loud noise, the thunder dragon turned into a powerful beam of light and radiated across the crowd. Immediately, more than a dozen strong men from the Dark Gate who had no time to escape were pierced with finger-thick blood holes by the light.

In just 5 minutes, Xiao Ye unilaterally massacred dozens of powerhouses at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, leaving only a dozen left.

"Devil...devil, how could such a thing happen in this world."

"Stop fighting. If we continue to fight, we will die in vain. How could he be so strong!"

A strong man from the Dark Gate was terrified by Xiao Ye's method, and his legs uncontrollably moved back and forth.


Suddenly, a withered claw pierced through his chest. The strong man looked down, and through the big hole in his chest, he saw the third elder swallowing his heart alive into his stomach.

"No reason!"

The strong man fell to the ground with resentful eyes, his wide eyes seemed to express his unwillingness.


The terrifying coercion at the peak of the ninth level of Wu Zunjing spread from the body of the third elder again.

"Sure enough, I still haven't caught up."

Xiao Ye frowned, he didn't expect that he was still a step too late, now that the third elder was already on guard against his skills, it was impossible to catch him by surprise.

"Little bastard, I didn't expect to almost fall into your hands today. Your strength really surprised me."

The third elder's expression was gloomy. If it wasn't for the ability of Tianmo Gong to extend his life, he might really die here today.

"Master, stop talking nonsense with him, just kill him, this little bastard's skills are too weird."

"Old dog! Go to hell!"

Without waiting for the third elder to prepare too much, Xiao Ye jumped up [-] meters with the Fire Cloud Spear in his hand and slammed it fiercely at his head. The huge inertia caused the Huoyun Spear to bend to a strange angle, and the flashing light from the tip of the gun made him feel a little nervous. Scalp tingling.

"The field of soil law is open! The ruins of the earth cover the sky!"


A gap one foot wide was opened on the ground, and a large rock rose into the air. After three breaths, the rocks piled up to form a majestic mountain that blocked the head of the third elder.


The Huoyun gun hit the top of the mountain, splashing a cloud of dust, and the gravel flew around like sharp bullets. Several strong men from the Dark Gate who had no time to dodge were pierced through their bodies and died of exhaustion.


A crack opened in the hundred-foot-high mountain, and then the crack spread like a spider web.

"What?! Break my defense just by brute force?!"

Shocked, the third elder hurriedly gathered strength to strengthen the defense, and the mountain that had been broken into several pieces merged into one again.

"Old dog, are you stupid for practicing magic skills? You don't think you can stop me by clinging to this dilapidated mound, do you? Thunder soul gun! The magic dragon descends!"


Xiao Ye waved the Fire Cloud Spear in his hand, and a hundred-foot black dragon roared around the mountain and wrapped itself around the third elder. Seeing this, the third elder hurriedly freed up a hand to tear the black dragon vigorously.

"What kind of strange technique is this?! You little bastard has so many tricks!"


Xiao Ye clasped his fingers together and shouted violently, several black lights leaked from the black dragon's body.


A small mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the berserk destructive power directly turned the Dark Gate strongmen who were too late to avoid them into powder.

The third elder who was at the center of the explosion shrank his pupils, bit his fingers hastily and patted his chest vigorously, and the red light in the eyes of the black bat behind him became a little stronger in an instant.

"Crack! Boom!"

The aftermath of the explosion swallowed the third elder like a beast with its mouth wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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