Chapter 498

The scorching phoenix fire turned into a field of fire covering the third elder. The third elder let out a heart-piercing scream and then lay on the ground rolling continuously. The breath of the phoenix burned not only his body, but also his body. Inner soul.

"Fuse your soul with me, and I will give you unprecedented terrifying power! Come on! My believer! Merge with me."

There was a suffocating scarlet light in the eyes of the mephit phantom, and just by looking at it, I felt that I was deeply engrossed in it and couldn't extricate myself.

"Master Tianmo, I am not reconciled, please give me a hand and lend me your strength!"

The third elder was constantly rolling in the raging fire, the bone-eroding flames had already burned him beyond human form, and sections of white bones were exposed in the air.

"Only this time, don't take this as an example, otherwise I will forcibly devour your soul power."


Light flashed in the mephit's eyes, and a large amount of magic energy rushed into the body of the third elder like a wave.


In an instant, the phoenix fire domain was covered and extinguished by the wave of demon energy gushing out of his body, the third elder roared angrily, and a black light rushed out from his soul space and pierced into the sky!

"Heavenly Demon Sand Dance!"

moment!A gate of hell opened in mid-air, and countless black skulls rushed out of the vortex in the center of the gate, and the dense white ocean seemed to make one's scalp tingle.


"It's so painful~ Come with me! I've been so lonely for so many years."

"Young man, come with me, I'm so lonely, I need a handsome guy~"

The black skulls howled continuously around Xiao Ye, cold killing intent welled up in his heart, but these killing intents only appeared for a second before they were suppressed back to the depths by the pure spiritual power of the magic dragon.

"It doesn't even work with mental attacks? You really underestimated you little bastard, blow me up!"

The third elder looked at Xiao Ye with a look of surprise on his face. He couldn't believe that the Heavenly Demon's spiritual skills didn't work at all.

The third elder clasped his hands together and shouted eleven times with a vicious expression on his face, thousands of black skeletons exploded into black sparks beside Xiao Ye.

"Boom! Boom!"

Xiao Ye didn't have time to escape from his body and was directly swallowed by the flames. The steaming smoke curled up into the air, and the heat wave exceeding a thousand degrees swept across a radius of ten miles. The spirit beasts flying in the air turned into corpses and fell under the erosion of the heat wave.

"Hmph, little bastard, I don't think you'll die now! I'm sorry, Xia'er, I'm a bit harsh, I'm afraid he doesn't even have a single hair left."

The third elder snorted coldly, even a strong man at the peak of the ninth level of Wu Zunjing would be enraged on the spot by this move!With Xiao Ye's strength at the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm, he will become a skeleton within three breaths!
"It doesn't matter, Master, we, the master and the apprentice, will attack the Nanxia Kingdom immediately, and I will turn all his people into my power!"

Lin Xia's face was a bit disappointed, and now she felt pain like stepping on the tip of a knife every step she took, which made her hatred for Xiao Ye reach an unprecedented peak, and now she couldn't take revenge with her own hands, she could only take this A strong hatred was transferred to the subjects of the Nanxia Kingdom.

"Oops, hurry up and invite General Zhou, we are going to be in great trouble!"

"It's useless. Even Your Majesty has lost to him. So what if General Zhou is here. I'm afraid our Nanxia Kingdom is really doomed this time."

There was despair in the eyes of the soldiers of the Nanxia Kingdom. Two ordinary people like them could not resist two Wu Zunjing ninth-level powerhouses and a group of Wuhuang powerhouses.

The third elder said to Lin Xia after recovering from the disordered atmosphere, "Let's go, Xia'er, we must conquer the Nanxia Kingdom before dark, and the suzerain will blame us for our ineffectiveness if it is later."

"Okay, master, I will kill all the subjects of his Nanxia Kingdom and spread them on the street. I will expose their souls to the sun for three days and three nights so that their souls will never be reborn!"

"Is it like treating the Great Chu Kingdom? Lin Xia, she is the most poisonous woman."

"No! How is this possible?!"

Seeing the gun-wielding boy and the third elder walking out of the smoke slowly, his pupils shrank and his heart beat wildly. The scene in front of him shocked him even more than seeing a ghost.

"You bastard is still alive?! This is really great, the heavens have eyes, I can finally kill you with my own hands!"

Lin Xia's eyes were burning with hatred, and she rushed straight towards Xiao Ye. Behind her, the phantom of the demon opened its mouth full of dark white fangs and spewed out a large amount of demonic energy. Lin Xia looked like a flying black shooting star. Falling fast.

"Oops! Xia'er! Come back quickly! You are no match for him!"

Seeing this, the third elder hurriedly yelled at Lin Xia, but it was already too late, Xiao Ye appeared in front of her in a flash, raised his knee and lifted it hard!

Teeth mixed with blood flew all over the sky, Lin Xia's body fell rapidly from the sky like a kite with broken strings, and the three elders hurriedly flew forward to catch the seriously injured Lin Xia.

It's just that the third elder trembled at the moment of catching her and dropped her to the ground.

All of Lin Xia's teeth were knocked out by Xiao Ye's blow. Her red gums mixed with blood swelled and exposed to the air. Her once upright nose had shrunk completely into the nasal cavity. The horrible face became even more terrifying.

"Quick! You guys, hurry up and treat Xia'er! I'll stop this little bastard!"

Seeing the Third Elder Lin Xia who was lying on the ground with less air than air intake, he felt trembling, he hurriedly ordered a few disciples from the Diablo Sect to treat his wounds, while his own figure flashed and opened a distance of [-] meters to charge towards Xiao Ye past.

"Little brat! You beat my lover like this! Go to hell!"

At this time, the third elder had already killed Xiao Ye a hundred times in his heart, not only because he injured Lin Xia, but also because he completely disfigured Lin Xia, thinking that he would be like a scary female ghost in the future Shuangxiu, the third elder hated it so much that his teeth itch.

"Old dog! Well done! Give me a move! The Dragon Realm opens! The Dragon God dances!"

A stern look flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and the aura of the black dragon beside him turned into a gigantic black dragon. With a roar, the giant dragon raised its hill-like tail and fiercely drew it towards the third elder.

"The Heavenly Demon Domain is open! The Heavenly Demon Transformation!"


The phantom of the demon behind the third elder opened his mouth and let out a roar. The majestic magic energy made the third elder transform into a bat with a height of [-] feet. The bat spread its wings and slammed into the black dragon directly!


A huge sound wave spread from the position where the two collided, and the third elder sprayed a mouthful of blood into the air, and his body flew upside down for a hundred meters.

"Why is he so strong?! How is this possible!"

This was the last thought of the third elder before landing.


Afterwards, his body directly smashed into the ground, and a mouthful of black blood mixed with pieces of internal organs spewed out from his mouth.

"It's over, the last blow, the dragon descends from the sky!"

Xiao Ye aimed the tip of the Huoyun gun at the head of the third elder and fell quickly, the strong friction force ignited the air near the gun tip, and the terrifying breath of death made the heart of the third elder who was dying underground beating wildly!
"Master Tianmo, I am willing to exchange my soul!"

(End of this chapter)

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