Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 500 Killing the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 500 Killing the Heavenly Demon
"Idiot, the sound of your flapping wings is so loud that even a deaf person can hear it."

Xiao Ye showed sarcasm, his eyesight has gradually recovered, and there are still 3 minutes left in the invincible plug-in. Now that he has figured out the skill of the demon, he is absolutely sure to kill him on the spot within 1 minute !

"Boy! Don't be crazy!"


The Heavenly Demon opened its mouth wide, and the black particles in its mouth continuously condensed on one point. After three breaths, a huge energy cannon with a diameter of one meter roared towards Xiao Ye.

"Old man, you have already used this trick, it is useless to me, the ancient curse!"

Xiao Ye spread out his palms, and a black vortex appeared in his palm, and the aura emanating from the vortex made the demon tremble with fear.

"call out!"

A second later, the energy cannon hit Xiao Ye's palm, but the explosion that the demon had expected did not appear. After the energy cannon hit the vortex, it began to melt slowly like white snow meeting a scorching sun. After the energy cannon completely disappeared , Xiao Ye's power became even stronger.

"Devil kung fu?! You imposing human kid actually practiced magic kung fu?! Bah! What a scum of the human race! Garbage!"

The blue veins on the demon's forehead popped up and he jumped up and down, yelling at Xiao Ye, using the demon skills to deal with the demons, he had never seen such a shameless person.

"But boy, with your strength, you can become my subordinate. As long as you surrender to me, you can have whatever you want, even the legendary longevity demons can do it! How about it? Don't think about it ?”

Tianmo changed his mind and began to throw an olive branch for Xiao Ye.

"Master! No! He is our enemy! Don't forget why we suffer so much!"

Lin Xia was startled when she heard the words of the demon, and then opened her black mouth and shouted at the demon regardless of the injury on her face.

"Get out! Who is your master! A human ant like you is worthy of being my apprentice?"

Heavenly Demon showed disdain, the former third elder had been completely assimilated by him, now he is an out-and-out demon, so proud and arrogant, he would naturally not admit his master-student relationship with Lin Xia.

Then Tianmo changed his face and said to Xiao Ye: "How about it? Do you want to think about it? As long as you promise to be my subordinate, I will give you whatever you want!"

"Oh, really?"

There was a playful smile on Xiao Ye's face, how could he fail to see that the Heavenly Demon was delaying time to recover from his injuries.

"That's right! I, the Demon Race, keep my word! As long as you promise me, you can have whatever you want!"

"Then I want your life!"


Next second!Xiao Ye stomped on the ground with his fire cloud gun in his hand, and his body instantly crossed a distance of [-] meters to the front of the demon!
"you wanna die!"

Seeing Xiao Ye Tianmo suddenly appearing, his pupils shrank, and then he raised his huge iron fist and swung it hard!Bursts of sonic booms exploded in the air, and this blow from the Heavenly Demon would blow a strong man at the ninth level of the Martial Venerable Realm to death!

However, in front of Xiao Ye, this punch was like a baby's tender pink fist, it didn't hurt or itch on the body.

"Tianmo, you are too weak, you really let me down."

Xiao Ye grabbed the giant fist that was coming at him and yanked it hard!

The giant claw with a length of more than ten meters was directly torn off by Xiao Ye!A large stream of black blood exuding a stench spewed out from the fracture. After the blood splashed on the ground, it directly corroded the floor tiles into black potholes. Seeing this, Xiao Ye shook his left hand, and a phoenix flame burned the severed arm to pieces. ash.

"Ah! You bloody thing!"

Heavenly Demon clutched his wound and howled in pain, his aura dropped to the eighth level of Wu Zunjing, and even the Heavenly Demon's domain became precarious.


After jumping [-] meters, Xiao Ye slammed his leg directly in the face with his whip, and the huge body of Tianmo directly scratched the ground, and the ground was immediately dragged out of a ten-meter-long ravine.

The broken bones pierced through the demon's skin and leaked into the air, and black blood splashed two meters like a fountain.

"The Heavenly Demon blew himself up!"

The desperate Heavenly Demon repeated the same trick again, a [-]-meter-high mushroom cloud pierced into the sky, and taking advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion, a small bat flew towards a disciple of the Diablo Sect, but just halfway through the flight, it was caught by someone who had been waiting for a long time. Xiao Ye stopped him.

"Heavenly Demon, using the same trick twice has no effect on me, can you die now with peace of mind?"

Xiao Ye said to Tianmo with a cold face.

"Damn human! How can I die in your hands! Go to hell! Gather the wind!"


The little bat spun at a fast speed, and the whole demon looked like a spinning top. After three breaths, the speed of the top reached its peak, and the little bat ran towards Xiao Ye with the power to penetrate everything.

Xiao Ye stood where he was and smiled faintly, then slowly stretched out his hand and uttered five words to him.

"Ancient Sealing Curse!"


The vortex in the palm appeared out of nowhere in front of the little bat, and the little bat rushed in without braking in time. Under the continuous impact of the vortex, the little bat turned into pure energy and flowed into Xiao Ye's meridians.

"call out!"

A golden light flashed, and Xiao Ye's realm was directly raised to the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewarding 50 billion gold coins, and raising the realm to the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the ancient demon head, the Heavenly Demon, and the reward realm is directly raised to the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm."

"It's really a surprise. I didn't expect that the old thing, Tianmo, could provide me with so much experience. It's developed!"

Xiao Ye squeezed his fists to feel the surging power on his body, if at this time he is completely sure to kill the demon Xiao Ye within three moves!

"You bastard! You actually killed my master! I want to die with you!"

"I forgot about you, a scum. Today I want to avenge the unjustly killed soldiers of my Nanxia Kingdom. This can be regarded as an explanation to the people of the Great Chu Kingdom."

Xiao Ye looked at Lin Xia rushing over with a gloomy expression. It would be easy to kill her, but Xiao Ye didn't want to do that. He wanted Lin Xia to pay for what she had done!

Before Lin Xia rushed in front of her, Xiao Ye appeared in front of her with a system teleportation, raised his knee and slammed it hard!
Lin Xia clutched her abdomen and knelt on the ground in pain and retched continuously. Blood mixed with stomach acid spurted out from her mouth.

Xiao Ye raised her foot and stepped on her head on the vomit and crushed it fiercely, Lin Xia howled like a wild animal.

"Lin Xia, a bastard like you shouldn't live in this world. You can slaughter millions of people in the Great Chu Kingdom. Doesn't your heart hurt?"

"What do you know! They should be proud to be a part of me! I bring them immortal life!"

(End of this chapter)

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