Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 906 Test each other

Chapter 906 Test each other
"call out!"

Xiao Ye's figure flashed, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. The haenyue showed a smile, and then disappeared. The ring fell into silence, and then, an explosion resounded through the world!The ground trembled violently, and the huge boulders from the surrounding mountains rolled down and hit the arena, but they turned into fine powder when they were half a meter away from the arena.

"It's worthy of you that you are able to compete with me evenly with physical strength. Our Sea God Clan is born with infinite strength. Even the strongest race of the Beast Clan can only bow down. After our clan's powerhouse reaches the God Emperor Realm, we can even Destroy an entire city with a snap of your fingers, your potential is very high, Xiao Ye, join us, you are qualified to be a member of our Sea God Clan, and when I return to Haishan Company, I will beg my father to inject you with divine blood."

Hai Nu solemnly stretched out her seemingly soft and boneless palm to Xiao Ye.

"It's over... Haishanlian even sent an invitation to him. How could he still like our small power? Such a talent is about to be lost. It's really sad. How can I let him join my power."

The surrounding audience were heartbroken. If Xiao Ye joined them, he might be able to raise the sect's rank to a higher level in a short period of time by himself.

"It's not necessary, thank you for being able to look up to me, Qin Yumen's Sect Master Qin is kind to me, I can't be unkind, let's talk about it when I have enough kindness."

"You have to know that it is impossible for a person like you to be trapped in this continent forever. After a thousand years, your realm will break through the God Emperor realm. Will a fourth-rank sect still be useful to you? Why don't you come to me as soon as possible?" Haishanlian, I will help you strengthen your foundation and make you stronger, coupled with the divine blood of my Sea God Clan, your strength will definitely exceed your imagination."

Hai Nu still didn't give up and continued to lure Dao, but Xiao Ye still shook his head again and again, he would not leave Qin Yumen until he paid off his kindness, besides, with the system in place, he didn't think what he could get would be better than that of Qin Yumen. What Haishanlian can give is poor.

"Okay, I really didn't misread you. Since this is the case, I won't force you anymore. If you change your mind at any time, you can come to my Haishan Company at any time. I hope you can survive before then."

"Don't worry, if I don't want to die, there are not many people who can stop me. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely visit Haishan Company in person! I'm going to do it, the power of thunder and lightning! Ziji spear!"

A spear formed by the condensed purple lightning appeared in mid-air. Xiao Ye grasped the tail end and swung it vigorously. The spear roared and rushed towards the sea girl. The void was cut into holes along the way, and a large amount of void turbulence leaked out. A violent storm blew up.

"The field of water law is opened! Frozen spell! Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Hainu's hands quickly formed water seals, and the turbulent sea water gushed out from under her feet, forming a thick ice spear in front of her, and the sharp Ziji spear was actually frozen in the refrigerator!The arcs spreading around are like an extremely beautiful specimen of lightning.

"System teleport!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's figure instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had come to the ice wall. He raised his black fist and smashed it down!The ice wall was as fragile as a piece of paper, and shattered into ice slag all over the sky with a crash, and then grabbed the escaped Ziji spear in his hand and swiped it at the surprised sea girl.

"Your instantaneous body technique is much stronger than the hidden assassination techniques of the Shadow Valley assassins. It is very practical, but your power of law can't restrain my technique at all, water pressure shock!"


A monstrous wave descended from the sky!Slapping Xiao Ye away fiercely, the sea girl's control over the power of the water system is as easy as driving her hands, and the turbulent waves around her make it impossible for Xiao Ye to get close.

"Obviously the power of thunder and lightning is the most restraining method of the law of water, but now it doesn't work, how can I defeat her? By the way, I can try my spiritual power! All living beings are annihilated!"

Taking advantage of the time to fly backwards, Xiao Ye condensed his mental strength to become a black needle. Before landing, he conjured up a pistol and pulled the trigger.


Sudden!A pale golden light curtain stood in front of the female diver, the black needle pierced into the light curtain and was evaporated and melted in an instant, the trace of spiritual connection with Xiao Ye was also broken. past.

"Don't waste your energy. In order to prevent those who are proficient in spiritual power, I specially brought the sect's secret treasure. You should not use spiritual skills, otherwise you will only be injured."

"There is such a thing... Just like my Divine Emperor Bell, its physical strength is strong, its exercises are also powerful, and there are secret treasures to protect its soul. It is indeed a super genius from a sixth-rank sect. How should I defeat her?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye felt a deep sense of powerlessness. The female diver is really too strong. His realm is only the second level of the Martial God Realm, and he is three small realms away from the female diver. The superiority between geniuses can basically be ignored. There is a huge difference between the three small realms.

"Xiao Ye, I'm sorry, although I really want you to win, but I have an order from the sect. For this trial, I must obtain the inheritance and become the true divine body in the legend."

"Divine body? By the way, the system said that I am a demigod. Could it be that the inheritance is related to the divine body? No, I must obtain the qualification for inheritance! The system deducts all my gold coins and is ready to open the invincible plug-in at any time. Her strength is too strong. Strong, I have to consume her strength and then open the cheat to defeat her in one fell swoop, otherwise I will definitely lose after the cheat is over!"

"Ding! The invincible plug-in has been cold-shrunk and can be opened at any time."

"System teleport! Strange star combo!"

Xiao Ye quickly rushed to the side of the sea girl, pointed the Tianming sword in his hand at her throat, and a cloud of water vapor wrapped the sea girl, removing all Xiao Ye's attacking power, and then stretched out a sword from the water mist. The palm as white as jade slapped Xiao Ye, and Xiao Ye's scalp felt numb all of a sudden. The power contained in the seemingly weak palm was definitely not something he could shake!

"The power of the black dragon! Transformation!"


A large amount of black dragon power came out through the body, condensed into a sharp dragon claw, facing the palm of the diver, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out from the position of the collision, the ground under the two people's feet collapsed, and their bodies fell directly Half a meter was buried in the rubble.

"Oh? This is the Beast Race? No... The Beast Race in this world is far from being so powerful. Xiao Ye, there are so many mysteries in your body. You can cultivate to this level with the power of a mere fourth-rank sect. You even have this kind of power, it seems that you have obtained some chances, but I also have such things as chances! The Sea God descends!"

(End of this chapter)

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