Chapter 918

"This is the fire sting door? It's really boring, to use bright red as the door, is it festive?"

Xiao Ye swaggered through the gate and came to the interior of the Fire Sting Gate, but he didn't see a single person, except for the empty buildings and training grounds, there wasn't even a moving living body.

Sudden!There was a tyrannical shock wave from the east of the Fire Sting Gate, and hot flames soared into the sky!It even dyed the clouds in the sky red, and Xiao Ye's scalp tingled with the terrifying power of the God Emperor Realm.

"Damn it, this is the power aura of the master of the Fire Sting Sect? Didn't it mean that there is only the Supreme Martial God Realm?! Why is it the breath of the first level of the God Emperor Realm?! It's not so good, why did this old guy appear there? No matter what Now, let’s try the limit of the skill first, the field of water washing law is opened! Haitao will bury the sky!"


Xiao Ye slapped his palm on the ground, and the turbulent sea water poured in from all directions, and in an instant, the entire Fire Sting Gate was frozen under a sheet of ice crystals.

"That's right, you can actually use about [-]% of your body's power. Now, even a cultivator at the seventh level of the Martial God Realm, I can kill him without anyone noticing! I should go and see why Fire Lotus Seed is so furious. I hope he won't notice my existence, the system teleports!"

The Moon Curtain Gate is a third-rank sect in the central area of ​​the entire continent. Three days ago, a raging fire broke out here. Millions of disciples died in the flames, leaving only those who had participated in the trial of the Sanhuang God Realm The eldest disciple is still alive.

At this moment, he was lifted up into the air by the fire lotus seeds, and under his feet was a hell-like sea of ​​flames. In the sea of ​​flames, countless innocent souls were howling in pain. These were his fellow disciples.

"Say, who killed my son of Huolianzi? Tell me, and I can give you a happy death. If you don't tell me, I will throw you into the sea of ​​fire and purgatory, and let you try to burn your soul by the fire. Three days and three nights."

Huolianzi's face was calm, but the anger in his eyes betrayed his true mood. Around the Moon Curtain Gate, countless experts from the Fire Stingmen Gate surrounded it heavily. The day invites all sect masters and elder level powerhouses who come to watch.

"Ahem... Huo Lianzi... You slaughtered millions of disciples of my Moon Curtain Sect just to know some information... Aren't you afraid of retribution?!"

"Retribution? Hmph, my son died so unjustly. Who will let the murderer get retribution?! Since you keep your mouth shut, don't blame me for being cruel."

"Do you want me to tell you?! Dreaming! Fire lotus seed... you will die tragically at the hands of others sooner or later! I won't let me wait too long for this day, I will wait for you in endless purgatory! Your atrocities will not be good Fate! The suzerain gate of Youmeng! If he dares to treat me like this today, tomorrow you will be the fate of Yuelianmen!"


Finally, the furious Huolianzi crushed his throat directly, and the strong people in the audience dared not speak out when they saw this, even if they all added up, they were still no match for Huo Stingmen.

"Master just killed him like this, how can we get information?"

"Hmph, Great Protector, you are going to mobilize the army. Since he doesn't say anything, then I will change my method. If you want to lead me by the nose, then I will show him what will happen!"

"My lord, you can't do it! If you use the sequestering technique, your soul will be seriously injured!"

The Great Elder's complexion changed drastically, and he hastily opened his mouth to stop him. Huo Lianzi's House Seizing Technique is different from other House Seizing Techniques. His Seizing House Technique can also be called forced inheritance. It is to graft all the memory of the target onto him. If the other party If his age exceeds him, then he will become another person.

"This is not something you have to manage, just do your job well, Duoshe!"

Huolianzi's eyes widened with anger, and the face of the big disciple of the Yuelianmen who had turned into a corpse suddenly turned grim. The soul that had not yet died howled and poured into Huolianzi's soul space, and a large amount of memory was grafted into his body immediately. in mind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Huolianzi's complexion changed, and a mouthful of black blood sprayed onto the ground. In the blood, there were many small bugs wriggling, as if someone had poisoned it.

"The forces of Qinbei, it was the forces of the Qinbei Mountains who killed my son! Great Elder, mobilize all the troops, go to the Qinbei forces, and wipe out all the sects on their side! I don't want to see them alive! By the way, let these The factions are fighting in the front line, and even concealed it and did not report it, causing me to know the news of Yun'er's death only now, they all deserve to die!"

After a moment of silence, Huo Lianzi, who knew everything, directly issued a battle order, and the aura of the Huo sting sect instantly boiled over!

"Obey! My lord!"

"Forgive me! Forgive me, Master Huo Lianzi! We really didn't know that your son was dead! If we knew, how dare we conceal it and refuse to report it!"

"That's right, I am the sect that has been standing on the same front as you all along, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge like this! How can we make us obey your orders like this!"

The leaders of all the forces were crying and howling, rushing to the front line, no different from cannon fodder, but Huo Lianzi didn't even look at them, and after waving their hands, these strong men were taken down.

"I'll go back to the sect to recuperate first, but the Haishan Company has meddled in this matter. These damn bastards don't want to stay in the eastern region, but they come to meddle in my affairs. After I recover from my injury, I will lead people to stop Haishan Company from chasing me. Bing, the front is up to you, if you fail, you have to think about the consequences yourself."

"Please don't worry, Lord Suzerain. I haven't paid attention to just a few fourth-rank sects. After a week, my subordinates will lead the army there. If they can't be wiped out by then, I will come and see you!"

The Great Protector cupped his fists and bowed, and then led the people away from the Moon Curtain Gate that had turned into a charred ruin.

"Not good! To be discovered by the fire sting sect so quickly. This fire lotus seed is really ruthless. I have to go back to the sect to tell Qin Bei's forces. Everyone, by the way, let me first take a look at the weakness of this old thing, the ability to see words!"

Blue light covered Xiao Ye's eyeballs, and in his line of sight, Huolianzi's soul space emitted a strong light.


Sudden!Huo Lianzi suddenly turned her head to look at Xiao Ye's position, and suddenly a raging flame burned under Xiao Ye's feet!

"System teleport!"

Seeing that the fire lotus seed was rushing towards him, Xiao Ye hurriedly used the system to teleport away from the area where he was standing. Immediately afterwards, an earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky, and a bright mushroom cloud rose from where he was originally standing .

(End of this chapter)

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