Chapter 925

"Hey hey, I've made a fortune, Xiao Hei, do you think I should take this meat to auction at the Da Zongmen auction? The food produced in the Huoyanmen will definitely be looted by everyone!"

"It depends on your ability. If the quantity is not enough, it will not be enough to eat by yourself, brat, I am not interested in money."

Xiao Ye was still immersed in beautiful fantasies, all the strongmen of the Fire Sting Sect who tried to approach him were cut down with a sword, and a vacuum formed around him in a short time, even the strong approached quickly without noticing arrive.

"call out!"

Sudden!There was a sharp piercing sound!The strong man rushed to Xiao Ye's back and directly raised the spear in his hand. The sharp tip of the spear was about to tear Xiao Ye's throat in the next second!

"How dare you attack me, are you impatient?!"

At the moment when the strong man was about to succeed, Xiao Ye, who sensed the air fluctuation behind him, snorted coldly and blocked the Tianming Sword behind his back.


A large area of ​​sparks splashed, and the strong man who missed a blow retreated violently, and looked at him coldly at a distance of hundreds of meters from Xiao Ye, ready to launch the next attack at any time.

"Little bastard, I am Liu Yang, the Seventh Protector of the Fire Sting Sect. You dare to hunt and kill our sect's rare mount Huo Xi Beast at will. I really don't know how the word death is written!"

"Seven protectors? It seems that you are a local cultivator of the Huo sting sect. Your suzerain, Huo Lianzi, is really cruel. You actually used such despicable means to enslave the suzerains of other sects. If you do this, you will not be afraid of being attacked by the crowd." ?!"

After Xiao Ye put down the work at hand, he stood up and slowly looked at the strong man in front of him. The person who came was actually a top strong man in the ninth level of the Great Martial God Realm. His level was much higher than that of the three protectors and others, but he was only ranked seventh. See This person usually doesn't know how to be a human being, otherwise he would have climbed up a long time ago. Generally, this kind of cultivator is a cannon fodder-level existence. Obviously, the seven guardians in front of him are this kind of person.

"Hmph, to attack us together? To tell you the truth, our Fire Lotus Seed Sect Master has already taken that step to become a God Emperor Realm powerhouse! Which blind sect dares to attack us? Stop talking nonsense, let's do it, Let me tell you in advance, even if you surrender, I will not let you die easily, the Great Guardian has an order to torture you to death, so you should use all your skills, so that I can have a happy battle."

Liu Yang pointed the tip of the spear at Xiao Ye, and the aura of the ninth level of the Great Martial God Realm soared into the sky!next moment!He slipped, and stabbed Xiao Ye with a spear in an extremely strange posture!The temperature emanating from the tip of the gun is hot enough to melt the hardest metal!
"The power of water law! Seawater burial technique!"

With Xiao Ye's pointing, the turbulent tide came from all directions, forming a water ball and trapping Liu Yang firmly in the middle.


Sudden!A large area of ​​water vapor evaporated, and I saw a raging flame burning around Liu Yang, evaporating the seawater trapped beside him. Xiao Ye raised his brows, but he didn't expect that the water law technique he used would be defeated by the fire system. The skill is broken!

"Worthy of being a powerhouse at the level of the fire sting gate protector, his strength should not be underestimated, the power of the law of thunder and lightning! Break through the sky and startle!"

"Tear! Empty!"

A lightning arc fell from the sky without any warning, the speed was too fast for Liu Yang to dodge!Immediately, manic electric arcs swarmed around the surface of his body, and the tearing power of the lightning blasted out several small wounds on the surface of his body, and blood gushed out along the wounds, making the red robe on his body brighter.

"Damn it! Why is your technique instant?! The power of the law of the fire system! Slaughter the fire and melt the city!"

Liu Yang put the spear behind his back and started to change the printing method with both hands, circles of flames swayed in the sky, like a vortex of flames covering Xiao Ye heavily.

"System teleport!"

Taking advantage of the gap between Liu Yang's seals, Xiao Ye teleported directly to his back and kicked him in the back of the heart.


After a mouthful of blood was spurted out, Liu Yang's body hit the ground fiercely in a straight line, a huge deep pit replaced the original flat ground, and the vortex of flames spiraling down dissipated.

"With my current strength, I can defeat a strong man at the ninth level of the Great Martial God Realm, but I don't know where my limit is."

"Scrap! I'm going to kill you!"

Before Xiao Ye could think about it, a loud shout came from the ground to his ears, only to see Liu Yang, whose face was red and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, rushing towards him like a fired shell.

"I said, you are no longer a threat to me, the system teleports!"

Xiao Ye's figure flashed and came to Liu Yang's back again. Under his horrified eyes, Xiao Ye grabbed his clothes and fell down rapidly!When it was about to approach the ground, it slammed down hard!

A large cloud of smoke and dust rose up, and Xiao Ye threw Liu Yang's body into the deep pit again. This blow broke his whole body's bones, and the sharp bone balls pierced his skin and exposed him to the air.

"Ah... ah! could you have such's impossible, I'm a strong Dharma protector of the Fire Sting Sect..."

"Hey, idiot, Huozhuyun died in my hands, do you think your strength is stronger than Huozhuyun? Or, your strength exceeds the combined strength of the other four protectors?"

Xiao Ye sneered disdainfully, and revealed a secret that made his eyes widen.

"You... so it was you! It was you who killed Young Master Huozhuyun! This is impossible... Don't lie to me, you are a cultivator of the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm, how could you enter the Sanhuang God Realm to accept the inheritance? Don't tell me In less than a week, you crossed two small levels and became a cultivator at the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm... You must be trying to confuse me."

Liu Yang shook his head, directly denying what Xiao Ye said.

"Idiot, do you think it's necessary for me to lie to a dead person? There are so many miraculous things in this world, how can you, a frog living behind the fire lotus seed, know what is beyond the sky?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye raised the Tianming Sword in his hand.

"Okay...even if you killed the young master...then why did you tell me...don't say that you did it to satisfy the curiosity of a dying person...You little bastard can't have such good intentions."

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"It's nothing more than murder."


With the stabbing of the Tianming sword in Xiao Ye's hand, a ball of flames steamed up and burned Liu Yang's body to ashes. Now that he knew this secret, there was absolutely no possibility for him to continue living.

"You bastard! What a waste! You can't even kill a cultivator from a rubbish sect at the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm! It really embarrasses me!"

(End of this chapter)

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