Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 939 Heading to the Qinnan Mountains

Chapter 939 Heading to the Qinnan Mountains
Wu Tianlei froze, and after suppressing the anger in his heart, the speed of his feet accelerated again.

"These robbers! No, to say they are robbers is an insult to robbers. These bastards want to get involved. They really don't know what to do. Don't worry, Xiao Ye, these people are not a big deal. Just go and investigate, and leave it to me and Shui. It’s enough to stay guarded.”

"Xiao Ye, as far as I know, the largest city in the Qinnan Mountains seems to be holding a grand auction recently. I know you have the most good things. You can sign up to participate. You can sell some money and at the same time By the way, to investigate the real strength of the Chen family, I think they will go to participate in such a big auction even if they are not from that city."

After thinking about it carefully, Fu Qing walked up to Xiao Ye and said, Fuyang Sect is in the name of selling organ array diagrams, and they also have some business contacts with the sects in the Qinnan Mountain Range. Counting the time, the auction is coming soon. It's time to start.

"Thank you, Senior Fu Qing, then let's go for a run."

"Don't worry, you can go with me. You can pretend to be a disciple of my Fuyang Sect. This way you can avoid abusing others. The auction is very strict on foreign cultivators. Without the cover of our sect, it will be difficult for you to get in." Yes, tomorrow, let's set off together."

"Okay, then please senior."

"Everyone, now that the crisis has been resolved, everyone should go back to their sects and settle down with the families of those disciples who died in battle. They are all heroes!"

Everyone returned to their respective sects with a heavy heart. If it is said that the most relaxed person, I am afraid it is Xiao Ye. He killed enough cultivators through battlefield wars, and those lives who died in the hands of mechanism art were counted. Above his head, vaguely, his realm was about to break through the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm and enter the eighth level.

"If there really is a hell, I'm afraid I will be the first to accept the suffering of reincarnation? What a crime."

Xiao Ye sighed, but the joyful expression on his face betrayed him. If he didn't have justice in his heart, I'm afraid he would start a war. The speed of breaking through the realm through killing is far faster than accumulating bit by bit. too much.

"System, I remember that I should have two chances to draw a lottery, right? Call the dial for me! It just so happens that this will be more leisurely."

After returning to Qin Yumen's cultivation place, Xiao Ye couldn't wait to open the system panel and said, suddenly, a turntable as tall as a person appeared in front of him.

"Ding! Preparing, please host to start the lottery draw, the result is subject to the final turntable pointer, the system has the ownership and comment rights of the lottery event."

"A profiteer..."

With a face full of depression, Xiao Ye grabbed the edge of the disc and pulled it hard!Immediately, the disc rotated rapidly!
After 1 minute, the speed of the turntable slowly slowed down, and finally stopped on the top of a book of swordsmanship.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of the low-grade swordsmanship Changliu Sword! The host still has one more chance. Do you need to continue drawing?"


Xiao Ye's complexion gradually became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and spit out two words from his mouth.


The huge turntable turned again, and under Xiao Ye's angry gaze, the pointer slowly stopped on a skill called invisibility.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for extracting the low-grade exercises and invisibility techniques. The host has used up all the opportunities for extraction."

A golden light flashed, and countless complicated words were printed in Xiao Ye's mind.

Invisibility: It can make the host's breath and figure completely disappear from the practitioner's perception, and is effective for practitioners within a large realm.

"Shenshu! Hahaha! Get rich! System, I take back my prejudice against you, you are so kind!"

Compared with the assassination technique of Shadow Valley, the invisibility technique can truly be invisible and invisible. Although it is only effective for practitioners below the eighth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, Xiao Ye's current realm is only at the eighth level of the Great Martial God Realm. Doesn't it mean that the Supreme Martial God Realm is useful to the strong in the God Emperor Realm.

"Tomorrow, I will follow Fu Qing and Zhang Jinzi to the Qinnan Mountains. God is helping me! With the invisibility technique, I can secretly investigate the Chen family hidden in the dark. Take a rest and kill so many strong people. The breath is a little disturbed."

After having a big meal with Xiao Hei, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged and began to guide the breath to circulate in the meridians for three small circles. After completely merging with his own power, he slowly changed his essence and sent it into the realm of grandmist. It took almost no time to fight against Shadow Valley After going to his [-]% Primordial Realm, it would take a long time to recover naturally, and Xiao Ye simply couldn't wait.


The next day, Xiao Ye withdrew his breath early and started to go to Fuyang Gate, where the disciples of Qin Yumen outside the gate had already started their early morning practice.

"Early worms are eaten by birds, don't these guys know how to sleep in for a while?"

If it was in Xiao Ye's previous life, the current time was between five and six in the morning, and this time period is usually the time for those old people to get up and exercise.

"System, fixed-point teleportation, Fuyang Gate."

"Ding! The space crossing distance and the vital signs of the host are being calculated. After the calculation is completed, the teleportation is in progress. Please do not use the space skills, otherwise the accuracy of the teleportation will be disturbed."

"call out!"

A dazzling white light flashed, Xiao Ye's figure disappeared in Qin Yumen, reappeared, and he had arrived at Fuyangmen thousands of miles away. At this time, Fu Qing was instructing the disciples of the sect to pack up the items that needed to be auctioned , saw Xiao Ye coming, and rushed to meet him.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you got up so early, I thought you would be late. Jinzi is inside directing the moving of things, and you can see him when you enter the door."

"Senior, don't make fun of me. I just got up, and you have already cleaned up."

"Haha, I'm just getting used to it. Brother Xiao Ye, your space skills are really special. It's like carrying a teleportation array with you. I'm envious of where you want to go. If you are my disciple of Fuyangmen That would be great, Sect Master Qin is really lucky to be able to invite you to join."

Fu Qing sighed with some regret, and the tone of his speech was mixed with inexplicable envy.

"This is not easy to handle, Senior Fu Qing, this is a large teleportation formation. Wherever you want to go in the future, you only need to use the soul to enter the specific coordinates. In the Qinbei Mountain Range, you can go wherever you want. Of course, Going beyond the Qinbei Mountains is not enough, this teleportation array can't withstand such a strong fit, the field of soil law is opened! Shaping!"

Xiao Ye formed a few seals, and a ten-meter-high teleportation formation rose from the ground. After throwing out a few Hunyuanjing as the foundation of the formation, golden light filled the entire sky of Fuyangmen, and the strong spatial power flowed from the formation. The law spreads in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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