Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 958 The Embarrassing Scene

Chapter 958 The Embarrassing Scene

"Father, you have to think carefully. Those sects are innocent, and with their strength, they can't hurt Junior Brother Xiao Ye. If you do this, you will bring disaster to our Qin Bei forces."

"call out!"

Sudden!A ray of light lit up beside Qin Yue, and Xiao Ye's figure appeared in everyone's sight out of thin air.

"Sect Master Qin, Miss Qin Yue, fellow seniors, I'm sorry for being late."

"Xiao Ye?! Is it really you? You are finally back, where have you been for so long? Hurry up and persuade my father, he is about to give an order to attack the sects along the road in Chenze City."

Seeing Xiao Ye's appearance, Qin Yue seemed to grasp at straws.

"Sect Master Qin, the reason I came back in such a hurry is to persuade you not to attack those forces. This matter has nothing to do with them or Fu Yangmen. It's me who insisted on taking risks. If you want to blame me, you can blame me alone."

Qin Shuangya was full of thoughts, two lines of hot tears almost flowed from the corner of his eyes, walked in front of Xiao Ye and patted his shoulder heavily, wanted to say something, but could only squeeze out four words from his mouth.

"It's good to live."

"Xiao Ye, where have you been for so long? Why can't my father send people to find you everywhere? He almost went to the Fire Sting Gate desperately."

"It has nothing to do with the Fire Sting Gate. It's the Shadow Valley. You must have heard what Sect Master Fu Qing said. I found the old lair of the Chen family and wiped out all of their cities. There was an accident. I have been in Fuyang for the past few days. Rehabilitation at the foot of the gate, Sect Master Qin, thank you for caring about me so much and accepting my worship."

Xiao Ye clasped his fists and knelt down on one knee and sincerely bowed to Qin Shuangya's feet. After traveling to this strange world for so many years, it was the first time he felt the warmth of his family besides Hao Xing. What Hao Xing gave him was a teacher's kindness. , while Qin Shuangya is more like his father.

"Get up quickly, Xiao Ye, you are the most important disciple of our Qin Yumen, you are better than nothing, great, I will go to Fu Qing to apologize now, I blamed him, Yue'er, go kill him The two spirit beasts nourish Xiao Ye's body, he must be hungry after not eating for so long, I will come as soon as I go."

At this time, Qin Shuangya was as happy as a child. After explaining the matter, he pushed open the Zongmen and rushed towards Fuyangmen, forgetting even to fly.

"Xiao Ye, how do you compare, I feel like you were born by my father, and I am raised by my stepfather."

Qin Yue gave Xiao Ye a gloomy look and said, after living in Qin Yumen for so long, it was the second time she saw Qin Shuangya so happy, the first time was the day when she brought Xiao Ye into Qin Yumen.

In the evening, Qin Yumen's high-level cultivators gathered around the coals and enjoyed a delicious meal leisurely, while Xiao Ye generously took out the meat of the Huoxiu Beast to share with everyone.

"By the way, Xiao Ye, how on earth did you destroy the Chen Clan's city? Given your level, it should be very difficult to do, right? Not to mention that there are countless Supreme Martial God Realm powerhouses in the city."

"This is it, Thunderbolt."

Xiao Ye took out a thunderbolt and threw it high into the sky, and then formed several seals with both hands, and the dazzling light burst out instantly!It lit up the entire sky of Qin Yumen.


The bright red flames spread to the sky, and the whole sky was like a sea of ​​flames. After several minutes, the flames gradually extinguished and disappeared. The strong men of Qin Yumen stared at such a spectacular scene with wide eyes in shock.

"How about it, my lords, isn't it powerful? I spent a total of [-] thunderbolts to blow up the Chen's city, and almost killed myself. If it wasn't for the secret protection, I'm afraid I would have to explain it to me." There."

Xiao Ye smiled faintly. Only he knew the danger. If the system hadn't protected his heart veins in time, the one sent back to Fuyangmen might be a corpse.

"One... [-] such powerful treasures?! No wonder the whole city was flattened. Xiao Ye, it is really sad to be your enemy. Fortunately, you are a disciple of our Qin Yumen, not Qin. Yumen's enemy, otherwise we won't even be able to sleep peacefully at night."

Everyone subconsciously sweated for the Chen clan. They probably never dreamed that the existence that could call wind and rain in Shadow Valley would be destroyed in the hands of a cultivator at the eighth level of the Great Martial God Realm.

"It seems that the Shadow Valley will not invade the Qinbei Mountain Range in a short time. We just need to prevent the Fire Sting Gate. By the way, Xiao Ye, the ten-year gold coin mine competition meeting is about to begin. This time the Qinbei Mountain Range We plan to send us Qin Yumen to compete with other sects, with you here, everyone can rest assured."

The Great Elder sitting beside Xiao Ye patted his shoulder and said.

"Gold dollar mine? What is that?"

"Why, Qin Chen, have you never told Xiao Ye? You didn't explain such an important matter to Xiao Ye, it's your negligence!"

Qin Shuangya's complexion changed, and he asked a little seriously.

"Sovereign Master, I have to take care of all the affairs of the sect every day, even the approval of funds has to go through my hands, not to mention the communication with other sects and the management of the property under the name of Qin Yumen, what do you think of me? Is there enough time?"

"Ahem, those who don't know are innocent, so I forgive you."

Qin Shuangya put his hand to his mouth and coughed dryly twice, embarrassment was written all over his face.

"Oh, by the way, and we have recently added a few controlled cities under our command. According to the ratings, they are enough to meet the standard of the largest city. It seems that I have notified you about their taxation and management personnel distribution, Lord suzerain, you Any good ideas?"

"This one……"

"Also, our Qin Yumen recruited too many disciples this year. How should we arrange for the extra [-] disciples? Can you give any advice on the distribution of exercises and the division of grades? The previous suzerain lord announced the quota When the time comes, give me management opinions.”

"Great Elder, this is a delicious wine from our hometown. You can try it. Many people who have drunk it say it's good. It's absolutely impossible to buy in the market. I'll pour you a glass."

Seeing Qin Shuangya's increasingly embarrassing expression, Xiao Ye hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.

"Xiao Ye, it's not long since you joined our Qin Yumen, do you know how the last suzerain died?"

"How did you die?"

Although he knew he shouldn't ask, Xiao Ye couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

"Because of the many affairs, I was exhausted to death. After taking office, Sect Master Qin has thrown everything on me. I think it won't be long before I, the Great Elder, should be replaced."

"Qin Chen, it's my fault. I have worked hard for you all these years. You have worked so hard. The prosperity of our sect depends on you. The position of the next suzerain is yours!"

Fearing that the First Elder would reveal more of his past, Qin Shuangya hastily interrupted him.

(End of this chapter)

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