Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 973 The Power of the Golden Rule

Chapter 973 The Power of the Golden Rule
"You haven't asked me if I agree to continue fighting..."

Xiao Ye said a little speechlessly, Jinqiu suzerain is a little too familiar.

"Haha, I think Brother Xiao Ye shouldn't be so narrow-minded, right? They're just competing with each other, and besides, you didn't spend much effort at all. Jin Lin's proficiency in the gold system far exceeds that of other disciples under my sect. Are you curious about his strength? Is it? A strong man like you should be very interested in fighting, right?"

Sect Master Jinqiu's words directly took hold of Xiao Ye's weakness, making it impossible for him to refuse. Fighting against the strong is always the first way to improve.

"Okay, let's go, referee, I agree with Lien Chan."


Jin Lin was not polite, and jumped in front of Xiao Ye, a golden light flashed, and a golden long sword appeared in his hand, sharp enough to cut his throat!

"Brother Xiao Ye, I'm not polite. Be careful. If you get hurt by me, you will be in trouble."


Jin Lin's attack speed far exceeds that of other disciples, even comparable to Xiao Ye's peak speed. I was horrified to find that the blood in my body was rapidly turning golden yellow!The whole body began to become heavy!
"What kind of exercise is this?! It can assimilate my blood!"

Shocked, Xiao Ye hurriedly stepped back a hundred meters to distance himself from him. Gold powder was still floating from the wound on his arm, his body became extremely heavy, and even lifting his feet became a very difficult thing.


The terrifying coercion of the seventh level of the Supreme Martial God Realm spread, Jin Lin's clothes moved automatically without wind, and the breath of the whole person seemed to have become another person.

"This guy... actually hides his strength! It's just to make Xiao Ye fall for it, it's too despicable!"

"Referee, hurry up and announce a timeout! Can such a despicable means of winning the game count?! This is too unfair!"

Everyone cursed angrily, and the referee made a difficult situation for a while.

"This... Xiao Ye has already said that he will accept Lien Zhan. Theoretically, this match is valid, and Jin Lin is only hiding his true realm, which is not considered a violation."

"Haha, everyone, did you hear that? The referees have said what they mean, so you don't have to worry about eating radishes. You are here to fight for injustice. I, Jinqiuzong, thank you all!"

Sect Master Jinqiu laughed heartily, stood up and bowed to the cultivators in all directions.

"This old tortoise... is really insidious, father, do you think Xiao Ye can survive? This guy's strength is a bit too strong."

Seeing Xiao Ye standing there panting heavily, even having difficulty raising his hand, Qin Yue said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this level of strength is nothing to Xiao Ye. It's just that he has never seen this kind of exercise, and he is temporarily uncomfortable. At most, the situation will be reversed in a quarter of an hour."

Qin Shuangya remained calm, Xiao Ye never let him down.

"Brother Xiao Ye, I'm not polite, the power of the golden law! The sharp blade is triple pierced!"

Jin Lin added a few golden weapons in his hands again, and jumped towards Xiao Ye, who shrank his pupils and disappeared on the ring in an instant.

"Boom! Bang! Wow~!"

The solid arena was directly impacted into three deep ravines, and the gravel was like sharp bullets flying around, smashing into dust when it hit the barrier.

"Brother Jin, you want my life."

Behind Jin Lin, Xiao Ye smiled wryly and said that in his body, the primordial power was running at a high speed, and the golden power flowing in the blood was gradually assimilated, and in the primordial domain, the golden divine tree leaf slowly emerged Out of the sign of the Golden Rule.

"Hiding quickly, your cultivation technique is really unique, but Brother Xiao Ye, you can't defeat me with this alone, your strength will be exhausted sooner or later."


Jin Lin stepped on his feet, his body exploded five meters, and rushed towards Xiao Ye again.


The hard ground of the arena suddenly turned into a body of water. Jin Lin stepped on the ground and jumped over the pool. A thick curtain of ice appeared again in the midair.

"Brother Xiao Ye, these are useless to me, you should save your energy! The power of the gold system! Break through the air!"


Three golden lights flashed, the ice curtain was divided into countless pieces and scattered, Jin Lin rushed in front of Xiao Ye in the blink of an eye, piercing the heart with the sharp blade!
"The power of the golden law! Coagulate the shield!"

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A large amount of sparks flew everywhere, and the long sword in Jin Lin's hand broke in two. In front of Xiao Ye, a golden shield blocked his heart.

"It's impossible! You... you actually lifted the restriction of my law?! It's unscientific, no one has ever been able to do this, how could you..."

Jin Lin was terrified, it was the first time he saw someone who could break his gold system skills.

"Thank you, Brother Jin, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to assimilate your power of law."

It has to be said that the elf heart is indeed a good thing, the innate sensitivity of the elves to the law allows Xiao Ye to fully grasp this law in less than a stick of incense.

"The winner has been decided, brother Jin, offended! The system teleports! The power of the thunder system law! Thunder for a moment!"


A thunderstorm sounded beside his ears, Jin Lin froze and fell into a state of dizziness, Xiao Ye took the opportunity to jump forward, raised his foot and slapped him on the lower abdomen, the latter flew backwards for a thousand meters and fell off the ring.

"Falling off the ring, losing the qualification to continue the battle, the Qin Bei camp wins!"


The scene was silent, and everyone hadn't reacted to the sudden change. It was only a few tens of seconds from Xiao Ye's counterattack to Jin Lin's defeat.

"This... how is this possible, how could Jin Lin lose? He clearly has the upper hand..."

Sect Master Jinqiu stared dumbfounded at Jin Lin, who was still lying under the ring, he was the strongest disciple of Jinqiu Sect, and if Jinqiu Sect lost, there would be no one to fight.

"Damn it! Brother Xiao Ye! Cheating! I knew you were not so simple! Hahaha! What a joy! Sect Master Jinqiu, on behalf of Brother Xiao Ye, thank you whoever sent you the power of law!"

Zhang Jinzi put his hands around his mouth in the shape of a trumpet and yelled at the Jinqiu Sect Master. The latter's face suddenly became ugly as if he had eaten feces. The strength was put in, and the next game basically missed them.

"You two, bring Jin Lin back, let's go!"

After glaring at Zhang Jinzi viciously, the suzerain Jinqiu, who knew he was wrong, asked his disciples to carry Jin Lin away from the meeting place in despair.

"The next match will be between Qin Bei's faction and Qin Nan's Spirit Lion Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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