Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 979 Let's order first

Chapter 979 Let's order first

Countless immortals shuttled back and forth in front of Gu Yu, blood arrows shot out from his body, the blood directly stained his clothes red, just now, Xiao Ye flew back into the main body and merged, seeing the surrounding audience He breathed a sigh of relief after showing no strange expression.

"How is this going……"

Gu Yu, who was puzzled, vomited blood and fell from mid-air to the ground.

"Lost combat power! Qinbei Qin Yumen faction won! Due to Qinnan Spirit Lion Sect's losing streak, Qinbei Qin Yumen directly advanced to the finals! Competing with Qin Xiling Chu Huaimen for the qualification of the Gold Yuan Mine! Congratulations!"

"I made it! Dad, I made it!"

Qin Yue leaped to the bottom of the ring, the expression on her face couldn't stop her excitement, she was simple-minded and didn't care why Gu Yu would suddenly stop her moves and let her attack.

"Great! Sister Qinyue! You are so strong. You and Jinzi both went up to show your face. Pity me. I became the mascot of Qin Bei's forces for nothing."

Li Zhiqiong sighed, he never dreamed that he would not even have a chance to make a move.

"Haha, brother Li, maybe it's because of your credit that everyone can win so easily."


Just as everyone was cheering Qin Yumen's victory, Xiao Ye jumped onto the ring with a rejuvenation pill from the exchange office in the system, helped Gu Yu to feed him, and the latter's wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ahem... Thank you brother Xiao Ye, on behalf of our suzerain, thank you for saving me."

"It's okay, our two families are allies, so you don't need to care about these details, Brother Gu Yu, how is it? Do you feel better about your injuries?"

Seeing that there were still bleeding wounds on his body, Xiao Ye asked with some concern.

"It's much better. I can feel a heat flow in my body, recovering from my injuries. Brother Xiao Ye, your elixir is really amazing! But there is something very strange. I was about to activate the exercises just now. , but was stopped by a mysterious force, and even the strength I gathered was broken up, which is really strange."

Suddenly, Xiao Ye's expression became awkward.

"Brother Xiao Ye... this matter doesn't have anything to do with you, does it?"

Seeing his embarrassed face, Gu Yu instantly understood something.

"Ahem... I'm sorry Brother Gu Yu, I have no other choice, Miss Qin Yue must win, if I play again, I won't be able to retain all my strength to fight against Chu Huaimen, you don't want to see me, Qin Yumen lose, right? convenient."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye quietly stuffed a storage ring into Gu Yu's hand. The ring was full of top-quality spiritual jade, the number of which was hundreds of millions.

"You, you... I said, why does it feel like someone is doing sabotage? It turns out that it is really you. You are so cunning. Brother Xiao Ye, you are not only powerful, but you are even so good at plotting and tricking."

Knowing all the truth, Gu Yu said dumbfoundedly, then put the storage ring on his hand, and Xiao Ye heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the gift from him.

"Then thank you Brother Gu Yu for your convenience."

We are all smart people, some things don't need to be said, Gu Yu will naturally help him keep the secrets.

"This is the best ending. With my strength, it is impossible to defeat Chu Yan, and even Chu Tian can't beat you. Come on, I am optimistic about you, and strive to win the mining rights of the Gold Yuan Mine! At that time, don't forget to share [-]% of my Spirit Lion Sect."

Gu Yu solemnly patted Xiao Ye's shoulder and said.


"Okay, I'll help you all go well, I won't accompany you for now."

Gu Yu nodded, and flew down the ring with Xiao Ye. After returning to their seats, the two looked at each other and smiled. Sometimes, the friendship between men is so simple and rough.

"Xiao Ye, I didn't expect you to be so kind. I rarely see you saving someone. What did you say to him? It seems that there is some secret between you two."

As soon as Xiao Ye sat down firmly, Qin Yue couldn't wait to lean over her little head and asked.

"It's nothing, I saved his life, he just asked me to visit another day, but I refused, I'm a busy person, how can I have so much time."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath of the aroma that spread to his nose, and Xiao Ye replied in a somewhat buoyant manner.


Seeing that Xiao Ye didn't want to say more, Qin Yue didn't ask too much, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

"Everyone, take a break first, the final battle will begin tomorrow! With a nervous heart, colleagues, see you tomorrow!"


The water in his mouth just now was spurted out by Xiao Ye, all the emotional calculations were in vain, the finals will start tomorrow, which means that he lost hundreds of millions of top-grade spiritual jade in vain!
"Why didn't you say earlier..."

At this moment, his heart was bleeding.

"Xiao Ye? What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell? If you're not feeling well, we Qin Yumen will give up the battle. Let's go back to the sect to have a look. Your health is the most important thing."

Seeing Xiao Ye's strange behavior, Qin Shuangya stepped forward and asked with some concern.

"It's nothing, don't worry, my lord. Tomorrow's final will be as usual. I've come to this point. Even if I die of illness, I will continue. It's just a few minor injuries. I'll recover after a night's rest."

Xiao Yeqiang forced out a smile uglier than crying and replied.

"Let's go, go back to the resting place first, I'll treat you tonight, let's celebrate for you, and by the way, for Yue'er, this is the first time she has fought in such a big arena, she performed well, although compared It’s still a long way off, but it’s progress.”

"Father, Xiao Ye is the only one in your eyes whether I am your biological daughter or not! Why don't you just recognize him as your son?"

Qin Yue pursed her lips and said coquettishly with some dissatisfaction.

"Sister Qinyue, you can be content. Look at me, I'm here as a mascot for the whole time. Even brother Jinzi missed two hands on stage. I'm really not reconciled. How many fans have I missed!"

Li Zhiqiong beat his chest and stomped his feet, regretting endlessly, if he had brought it up earlier, maybe he would have been able to show his hands on stage.

"Sect Master Qin, have you noticed something strange? Why did Gu Yu restrain his skills at the last moment? If he used it, Miss Qin Yue would definitely be defeated. No matter how powerful our two families are, he wouldn't openly release the water, right? ? This is related to the reputation of the sect and determines the injection of this fresh blood."

Zhang Jinzi watched the whole battle between the two of them, and at the last moment he clearly saw that Gu Yu was showing mercy.

"Don't tell me, I also find it strange. At that time, I clearly saw that his move was about to be used, but at the last moment, he stopped in the air like a target and let me attack."

"Ahem, how about...let's order first."

(End of this chapter)

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