Chapter 102

Chiba stared blankly at the Huayan Monster, not discriminating against it, but a Pokémon of the ghost type and the evil type is called a lucky symbol, and no one can relieve it all at once.

"Jie Jie!" After a period of rest, the Huayan monster has resumed its actions. It softly called out to Qianye, signaling to follow, but its voice was sharp and ear-piercing.

"Let's go!" Qianye called to Qingtian, and simply shared the information he had just obtained and his conjecture.After hearing the reason, Qingtian also found it unbelievable, and kept looking at the Huayan monster swaying ahead and leading the way.

"Are you sure these are true?" Sunny Sky asked suspiciously.

"I'm not 100% sure, but at least following the Flower Rock Monster is no worse luck than carrying Pokby." Chiba shook her head and said relaxedly.

"Okay..." Qingtian quietly leaned closer to Qianye, who can say for sure about luck?In particular, the island was full of weirdness, which made her a little scared all the time.

"Jie Jie..." Huayan Monster would turn his head to see if Qianye had followed every time he walked a certain distance, and then continued to lead the way.The forest is inherently intricate, not to mention the Huayan Monster led an irregular route, going forward for a while, left for a while, and right for a while.

Chiba can barely remember the first few bends, but there is no other way after that. Fortunately, there is Tiaotiaozhu, which is necessary for travel. As long as the route itself does not change, he is sure that Tiaotiaozhu will be able to remember it.

At this time, the white mist has disappeared, and the humidity in the air has gradually disappeared, which means that it is far away from the coastline.Most of the surrounding trees are tall and strong, covered with moss and entwined with vines. Such an environment must be achieved by undisturbed virgin forests.

Most of the directly exposed land disappeared. Chiba was jumping forward on the intertwined tree roots, which was a little hard. Sunshine had already been riding on Qilinqi's back, very relaxed.

Chiba thought about it for a while, the giant marsh monster must be extremely uncomfortable in this kind of place, and it is not suitable for riding; the desert dragonfly is too big, and it is too restrictive here; as for the others, they are all too small. It is still reliable to walk by yourself.

After much deliberation, Chiba realized that he hadn't subdued a Pokémon suitable for riding since the trip, what a mistake!However, fortunately, when Chiba started to complain, the destination was almost reached.

From far to near, Qianye began to hear the sound of rushing water and some cool and clear calls, and then passed through a few thick trees, and his vision suddenly widened.

"Poke~" "Jigu?" "Geece!"

In the center of the flat and open grass grows a huge tree that is much higher than the surrounding trees. It is green and majestic, calm and majestic!A vigorous Pokkisi hovered in the air, and its excellent air control made it come to a sudden stop in front of Chiba and the others without blowing a breeze!
The small river is gurgling, and petite and cute Porkbies are playing and playing by the water, and two Pokkigu are taking care of them carefully.The clear river bypasses the giant trees and divides the grassland into two parts, which is natural and harmonious.

"Jie Jie!" The Huayan monster seemed to be very familiar with this place, and Qianye could feel the joy emanating from it.

The Huayan monster jumped to Pokkisi's side, like a child who has not grown up, reporting something to Pokkisi seriously and expectantly.

"Gith?" Pokkisi's soft and pure big eyes suddenly turned to the two of them, without a hint of aggression, but it made them feel like they were sitting on pins and needles for an instant.

"Heavenly King!" Qianye's heart was full of turmoil. Since traveling, he has never seen a Pokémon above the quasi-king, let alone a wild one!

Most of the elves below the quasi-king can be identified based on their aura and their own state, but the elves above the king are no longer what Chiba can see and judge based on experience.

It wasn't until he looked into the eyes of this Heavenly King-level Pokkisi that he suddenly discovered that the Heavenly King-level elves might have returned to their original nature, becoming powerful and powerful, sending and receiving at will!
"Gies!" Pokkisi's eyes swept across Qianye, Qingtian, Zhidongxiong, Qilinqi and Jumping Pig in turn, as if identifying the good and evil of these people.

And every person or Pokmon that was swept tensed up unconsciously, but they didn't dare to move, for fear of annoying some taboos.

"Jie Jie~" Huayan Monster was still reporting seriously, but Pokkisi had already interrupted it gently.

How gentle, a wish was performed, and the bright starlight swayed on everyone's head. The next moment, everyone seemed to be relieved of their tension and fatigue, and their whole body was warm.

The effect of this skill may have surpassed the skill itself, and has a special and incredible effect.

"Pokpok!" Suddenly, a young Pokby boldly ran over, poked at the bear with a curious expression on his face.

"Gu~" Zhi Chongxiong gently pushed Porkby on his back, and took two casual steps.

"Poke Poke!" Pokeby waved his little hand happily, and the pure smile on his face immediately infected everyone around him.

"This is Bokby who truly represents happiness!" Chiba sighed inwardly.

"Gith!" Pokkisi whispered a few words, then spread his wings and flew up the giant tree.

"Jie Jie!" The Huayan Monster walked towards the river on its own, and two more Pokkigu flew over, each carrying two net bags made of vines, inside which were various kinds of things. A fruit that Ye has never seen before.

"Give it to us? Thank you!" Qianye took the fruit, said with a smile, and then found an open space to sit down and rest.Qianye looked around at the Pok clan who were curious, suspicious, and wary of them, thought for a while, and took out some prepared elf food from the backpack.

"If you don't mind, give it a try." Qianye first gave it to Borkby who was riding on the back of Zhidong Xiong.

"Pork!" Porkby opened his eyes wide, eating so deliciously!Then with a wave of his little hand, he didn't enjoy it alone, but waved to his partners, wanting everyone to share it together!
"Poke?" "Poke~"

Gradually, one, two, three, almost all of the tortoises ran over boldly and swayed, each sharing the "exotic delicacies" brought by Chiba.

"I have it here too, you guys should try it too." Seeing this, Qingtian also generously took out the elf food she made, and even took special care of those embarrassed Pokkigu.

After a while, Qianye and Qingtian were surrounded by the Polk clan, but at this time Huayan Monster came over, called Qianye and others, and boarded the giant tree.

"Persigis looking for us?" Chiba asked uncertainly.

"Jie~" Huayan Monster turned his should have turned his face, nodded to Chiba, and continued to lead the way coldly.

Qianye was speechless, just thinking silently... be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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