Elf Skill Master

Chapter 113 Elf Academy

Chapter 113 Elf Academy
Led by the principal, the group soon came to the large lecture theater in the college. At this time, the lecture theater was full of children aged eight or nine, and each area had a teacher organizing discipline. It looked like that thing.

Seeing so many students doing this in the audience, Qianye couldn't help feeling a little tingly. He thought it was just a small speech like one or two classes, but judging by the current situation, it was at least a whole grade!
Shiraishi stood aside calmly, but he was rubbing his hands on his back, obviously he was also very nervous. On the contrary, he was really calm on a sunny day, teasing Bobby himself, quietly waiting for the lecture to start. Chiba had to be a little impressed, as expected, everyone has their own specialties.

Ten minutes later, the three of Qianye took their seats one after another. Looking at the crowds of faces in the audience, the three of them didn't speak for a while.

But fortunately, a teacher from the college took the initiative to act as the host. Chiba saw that the teacher who came up was the owner of Kanaz Gymnasium, Du Juan!
After a polite and lengthy introduction, Du Juan shifted the topic to the three of them, indicating that they could start talking. The three looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, it was Baishi who gave the speech first.

"Hello everyone, I am Shiraishi, a trainer from the Kanto region. Today I want to share with you my insights on the skill teaching machine"

After a loud applause, Shiraishi calmed down his thoughts a little bit and began his speech.

"The skill teaching machine is a high-tech research and development product. I believe that the students probably know the existence of this kind of thing even if they haven't seen it with their own eyes..."

"The skill teaching machine can instantly let Pokmon learn the corresponding moves, but as long as it is difficult, the cost is still not low..."

"However, for the later development of skills, there are also some problems with the skill teaching machine..."

When Baishi was talking, Qingtian and Qianye tacitly did not intervene, but when they saw Baishi revealing the shortcomings of the skill teaching machine, they still couldn't help but look at each other and nodded slightly. Although Baishi is arrogant, He has a vicious tongue and a black belly, but his character is not bad.

Eight or nine-year-old children have not met the requirements for traveling. Although the family may cultivate one or two Pokémon for them in advance, they are still very satisfied with some dazzling or powerful skills that are not even counted as newcomer trainers. attractive.

What's more, this guy Baishi released the Proud Swallow in the middle, and directly took out a Feather Dwelling skill teaching machine to let it learn. After witnessing the magic of this instant learning skills, the children in the audience should not be too enthusiastic.

Finally, under the reassurance of Teacher Du Juan, the children in the audience did not rush forward enthusiastically.

However, questions are indispensable after all, and Baishi seemed to become more and more excited as he talked, and he never refused to ask questions.

Finally, Baishi finished speaking, and signaled Qianye and Qingtian to start the performance. The two looked at each other and chose to avoid it. They had already scolded Baishi in their hearts!

"This kind of rhythm of holding back big moves, you actually want to be the first to tell, where is our way of life? Belly black and white stone!"

In the end, under the glaring gaze of Qing Tian, ​​Qianye could only speak first, and talked about what he had prepared.

"What I want to share with all the children today is..." Chiba just came, and a little Zhengtai with a watermelon head raised his hand.

"Do you have any questions?" Chiba just indicated that the little Zhengtai could ask questions, and then regretted it.

Xiao Zhengtai asked with a cute face: "Can you also let my Kodak Duck learn the wave of water in an instant?"

"Uh... don't worry this classmate, listen to me slowly." Qianye directly asked Xiao Zhengtai to sit down, complaining in her heart, her belly is black and white, and her scheming is sunny!

On the other side, from the corner of his eye on a sunny day, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the slightly raised corner of Baishi's mouth, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart, his belly is black, it's so dark!

"Is it enough to learn skills?" Thinking secretly, Qianye decided to change the way of speaking today, Baishi, if you are unkind, I will be unrighteous!

"Go straight to the bear! Show the students the correct opening posture of the skill! Shadow clone!"

"Magu!" Zhi Chongxiong jumped to the center of the podium, and then one after another shadow clones quickly separated from the original body, covering the entire field in an instant, and the expressions and movements of each clone were completely different!
"Wow!" The audience shouted more violently, Du Juan had no choice but to work hard to maintain the order of the scene, and gave Chiba a look halfway through.

Qianye didn't see the murderous look in his eyes at all, he was only stimulated by the cheers from the audience, and asked Zhi Chongxiong to use a series of skill development moves, which aroused applause.

"Glamorous!" Bai Shi still smiled.But he said it with a voice that only a sunny day could hear.

Sunny stared dumbfounded at Qianye's coquettish show off on stage, and heard Baishi's ignorant evaluation, and couldn't help but secretly said, "Two big hypocritical liars!", but he had already started thinking about how to be more attractive. Notice.

Well, the eldest brother, not to mention the second brother, is all the same, and his style is really off the mark...

After gaining the attention of all the children below, Qianye began to slowly explain some brief knowledge of skill teaching, and at the same time, he did not forget to talk about some shortcomings, such as taking a long time and requiring more energy.

But what the children in the audience remembered the most was Zhi Chongxiong's handsome and imposing position!
When Qianye retreated and Qingtian came on stage, the two of them met each other's eyes. Although Qingtian was smiling, Qianye clearly felt a slight chill.

"Hey, false appearance!" Qianye ignored this illusion, and was about to step off the stage to talk to Baishi.

When Qing Tian walked onto the stage, the audience burst into warm applause. For them, today's lecture was completely different from the previous ones.

The magical skill teaching machine and the development of cool tricks have feasted their eyes, so for the last lady, there is a lot to look forward to!
"Hello, kids." As soon as Sunny came on stage, he asked kindly.

"Hello, teacher!" With a uniform and neat voice, coupled with a pair of big sparkling eyes, I suddenly felt a lot of pressure on a sunny day!

"What the teacher wants to share with you today is not as powerful as the previous two."

As soon as the words were finished, the audience suddenly sighed. Naturally, children never hide anything. If they like it, they like it, and if they are disappointed, they are disappointed.

"But..." Sure enough, Qing Tian changed his voice and continued, "Every one of my Pokémon is unique! Come out, Eevee!"

"Bouyi!" The cute Ibrahimovic jumped out of the elf ball, climbed onto Qing Tian's shoulder affectionately, and rubbed her cheek.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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