Chapter 125

At sunset, the group endured dizziness and discomfort, found a small stream nearby, and stayed there temporarily.When it was time to rest, just in case, the three of them released all the Pokmon around them.

Looking at the partners around them, the three of them couldn't help but slowly feel relieved. The situation in the mist was too weird. All the wild Pokémon attacked them in groups, which subverted the traditional concept of the three of them.

After going through a lot of tossing, Qianye and Shiraishi were already exhausted, and they all returned to their tents and fell asleep.

On the contrary, Qianye, who had mobilized the power of taboo during the day, was in high spirits at the moment, and he really wanted to chat with the wind speed dog, so he went directly to Feng Speed ​​who was lying by the campfire.

"It's a good thing you're here, but how do you know I'm here?" Chiba sat down cross-legged, stretched out her hand and rubbed Feng Speed ​​Dog's huge plush head.

Well, it feels good!Knead again!
"Woo~" Wind Speed ​​Dog wanted to shake off Chiba's hands, but felt very comfortable being tickled, and forgot his original thoughts for a moment.

Hearing Chiba's question, Wind Speed ​​Dog closed his eyes and mobilized the forbidden power that he had acquired not long ago.

"Huh?" Qianye paused, feeling the body's taboo force agitated, wanting to fall on the wind speed dog, but slowly stopped, this is exactly the same feeling as the wind speed dog releases the lava storm during the day.

"Did the power of taboo let you find me?" Qianye sighed in his heart, unexpectedly, the fate between himself and the wind speed dog has never ended, looking at the mighty and handsome big dog in front of him, his heart was inexplicably happy.

"Then don't leave from now on, travel with me!" Qianye said without hesitation, what was on her mind.

"Woooo..." Wind Speed ​​Dog glanced to the side, did not speak, but quietly enjoyed Chiba's touch.

"Hey, if you don't say anything, I'll treat it as if you agreed!" Chiba rubbed vigorously, her joy was beyond words.

"Magu Magu!"



The Pokémon around who hadn't fallen asleep expressed their welcome one after another. Only Elegant Cat trembled, retreated silently, and ran back to Baishi's tent in a hurry.

"Woo~" Wind Speed ​​Dog raised his head and let out a low growl, as a greeting to everyone, and then looked at Qianye again with his big flickering eyes.

"Aww~ woo..."

Suddenly, the wind speed dog said something to the jumping pig repeatedly, and it was obvious that he wanted the jumping pig to help translate.

"The big red dog said that it came to you so late because it wanted to learn about lava storms in Yantu Mountain. Before it learned it, the teacher of the big red dog wouldn't let it come out." Tiaotiaozhu consciously acted as an interpreter, surrounded by Pokémon, so the telepathy was only passed into Chiba's heart.

"That's right, when I asked you if you would like to go with me, I ran away before you said yes or no!" Chiba slapped his head in frustration, his inertial thinking made him think that no Pokmon would be interested He, let alone the king of Yantu Mountain, the quasi-king's wind speed dog!
"However, your teacher? Sidolan!" Chiba was startled, unexpectedly, there really was Xidolan in Yantu Mountain.

"Woo!" Feng Speed ​​Dog nodded, confirming Chiba's guess.

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered the first taboo power he obtained, the power of luck!Since obtaining the power of luck, Chiba will habitually release the power of luck at any time, but has not found any special effects.

But now looking back on obtaining the power of luck so far, he suddenly found that he has been lucky enough to get a lot of things!
First, Huayan Monster followed, then Zhengying inexplicably gave him a thousand-year-old hard rock, then discovered the True Meteor Waterfall, met a very rare baby dragon, and today the wind speed dog came to him from a long distance, and he succeeded. The power of lava has been awakened, and the wind speed dog is willing to follow him!

This series of encounters all shows that Qianye's luck value is absolutely overwhelming at the moment, and what he doesn't know is that there was a moonstone who wanted to follow him. Beating him was also because the power of luck was silently working!
Thinking about it this way, Qianye suddenly realized that the power of luck far exceeded his imagination!
Currently, the power of lava can only be used to boost the wind speed dog, helping it to release the exclusive ability of Seadorane, lava storm.But who dares to assert that the power of lava only has such an effect?

If you can master and develop the power of lava proficiently, you may be able to unleash the lava storm with Chiba alone in the future. Just thinking about it will make you a little excited!

For me, the power of taboo is more like a medium, allowing me to learn various magical powers from the beasts, and this process is like learning skills one by one for me.

Thinking of this, Chiba suddenly felt that the identity of a skill teacher and his taboo power were inexplicably compatible. He taught Pokémon to learn skills, but in the same way, he could also learn the abilities mastered by divine beasts through taboo power!
"Hey~" Chiba smiled stupidly, completely unaware that the Pokmon around him looked at him as if they were mentally retarded.

"Gu..." Zhi Chongxiong closed his eyes, completely unwilling to admit that the idiot in front of him was his trainer.

Early the next morning, Qianye woke up Shiraishi and Qingtian with two big dark circles under her eyes, and then urged them to pack up their things and go on the road with all their energy.

"Feng Speed ​​Dog, please take care of me from now on!" Qianye said to Feng Speed ​​Dog while holding a polished Poké Ball.


The wind speed dog roared upwards, as if saying goodbye to the past, then raised its huge dog legs and pressed it on the poke ball.

"Hahaha, Wind Speed ​​Dog has been subdued by me!" Qianye raised the poke ball and waved it at Shiraishi and Qingtian in a bragging manner.

"Little man wins!"


"Let's go, ignore him..."


After finishing speaking, the two turned around and left without hesitation, not giving Chiba a chance to be embarrassed at all.

"Hey~" Qianye chuckled in his heart, and sighed as if seeing through everything, "Jealousy makes people ugly."

Fortunately, the sound was not loud, and the two people in front did not hear it.Seeing the distant figure, Chiba took back Feng Sugou's elf ball and trotted after it.

The rest of the itinerary was very smooth, and nothing strange happened to them again, but during the journey, Qianye discovered that the effect of the power of luck had undergone a huge change!

The consumption of the power of luck has doubled, and it can no longer be released at any time, but at the same time, every time the power of luck is used alone, Chiba can vaguely feel the possible impact, which is extremely incredible!

Ten days later, the three of Chiba rushed to Kaina City. At this time, Kaina City was already bustling, and trainers with Pokémon could be seen on the streets at any time.

But at the same time, because the large-scale celebration is about to be held, most of the elf centers, hotels, and hotels are already full. Fortunately, Baishi is a genuine second-generation rich and second-generation official, so the three of them were directly arranged to go to the elf alliance reserved for "big shots". In the hotel, there are indeed people in the court who are good at handling things. be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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