Chapter 139
"Flying Leaf Storm's proficiency is not low, this kind of operation is worth learning from." Chiba's eyes lit up, and Chiba was very impressed by the performance of Monarch Snake.

But how many times can you block it?

"Big Swamp, Blizzard!"

"Monarch Snake, Dragon Tail!"


Suddenly, a green figure sprang out quickly, and instantly came in front of the giant marsh monster, and then twitched its tail violently!

A red light flashed, and the giant swamp monster was directly taken back to the poke ball, another red light followed, and the wind speed dog appeared on the battlefield in a daze!
"Speed, and the ice surface!!" Chiba's eyes froze, the sequelae left by the giant marsh monster and the dull king, after using the arm hammer many times, the speed has been greatly reduced!

Moreover, the blizzard of the giant marsh monster had frozen a pool of poisonous water by the way. Such a terrain made it easier for the Monarch Snake to move!

However, looking at the wind speed dog who reacted quickly and looked alert, Shen Muyi choked speechlessly, am I a non-chief?
"Wind Speed ​​Dog, the opponent is the Monarch Snake, use super speed!"


The wind speed dog yelled, its limbs gathered strength, and then disappeared in an instant, but four deep dog paw prints appeared on the already frozen ice!

The Sovereign Snake was slammed into the air, landed on the ice and rolled around a few times before slowing down.

In fact, purely from the perspective of racial value, Monarch Snake's defense is a little bit higher than its attack. The speed has caused a lot of damage to it, but it has no instant kill ability.


The hail suddenly became violent, and both the Wind Speed ​​Dog and the Monarch Snake were damaged by the weather for a while. The Wind Speed ​​Dog was fine, as a fire-type Pokémon, the hail only consumed its physical strength, but for the Monarch Snake, it was an all-round drop Ah, after all, in such a cold weather, all senses will be dulled a lot.

"Hold on, Monarch Snake, Daoye attacks!"

Shenmu Yi clenched his fists tightly, the damage the Monarch Snake received was not low, and his luck was not good, so now he just wants to do as much damage as possible to Feng Speed ​​Dog!
"Wind Speed ​​Dog. Yan Hui!"


This time, the wind speed dog took the lead in hitting with its excellent speed and preemptive effect of skills!

"Give up the blade and attack tightly!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, move at high speed!"

Shen Muyi's command shocked Qianye to let the wind speed dog dodge, and glanced at him at the same time.


Tighten, use the body or vines to tighten the opponent, the more physical strength the opponent has, the stronger the power!
And the wind speed dog is still full of energy since its appearance, if this move hits, it will directly lose half of its life!


Wind Speed ​​Dog knew that he lacked combat experience, so he did not hesitate to execute Chiba's command. When the wind was blowing under his feet, Feng Speed ​​Dog left the spot in an instant, and finally avoided it!

Shenmuyi's expression was ugly. Judging from tactical calculations, he didn't even have the slightest advantage. The only time he was forced to exchange the dragon's tail was a wind speed dog. Have you ever thought about the mood of the monarch snake!

"It's over, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Fang!"

"Aw~ woo!"

The speed increase brought by the high-speed movement made the wind speed dog come to the Monarch Snake in the blink of an eye, and directly bit the Monarch Snake with its flaming teeth, tearing fiercely!


The Monarch Snake let out a scream, and the damage from the Flame Fang emptied its last trace of physical strength!
"The Monarch Snake has lost the ability to fight, please replace the Pokémon!"

"Come back, Monarch Snake!"

Shen Muyi took a deep breath, took the Monarch Snake back, looked at the messy battlefield in front of him, turned his mind, and took out another elf ball!

The original water field has long been changed beyond recognition. On the surface, it has become an ice field, but the lavender poisonous water under the ice surface is slowly flowing, and through the ice surface, it reflects purple light. It looks pretty good against the blue and purple background of.

Moreover, the hail had disappeared, but white mist began to appear on the ice surface. In the final analysis, it was the effect of the wind speed dog. The temperature of the wind speed dog's flame was extremely high, and a large amount of heat had been dissipated under continuous running.

As soon as the hailstone dispersed, the heat was no longer suppressed, and the frozen ice surface began to melt!This is also the reason why Chiba has never dared to let Wind Speed ​​Dog use fire-type skills. Even if he uses them, he only uses ones like Fire Fang that don't touch the ice.

After all, this is not a real ice field, but "poisonous water" flows below. If the ice surface melts accidentally and the wind speed dog falls, there is no place to cry.

Shenmu Yi threw the elf ball.A mighty and domineering dark blue penguin Pokémon wearing a crown appeared on the field.

"I leave it to you, Emperor Napoleon!"


"Come and don't reciprocate! Wind speed dog, roar!"

"Aw~ woo!!"

Roaring, Emperor Nabo, who had just put on a handsome appearance, turned into a red light and returned to the Poké Ball before he could react!

As a rare water and steel type Emperor Nabo, it can be said that it can perfectly adapt to such an environment. After all, it is not afraid of water or ice, and it is also immune to toxins in water. Don't be too careful.


A red light flashed on Shenmu Yi's battle belt, and another purple Pokémon appeared on the field, King Nido!

Seeing this, Shenmuyi was overjoyed at first, but soon frowned. Although the ground element restrained the fire element, Nido King's own poison element was also immune to most poisons, but Nido King couldn't swim!
At this time, both sides seemed to be walking a tightrope. Two large Pokmon were fighting on the fragile ice surface, and they were both afraid of water, so it was very embarrassing!
"Wind Speed ​​Dog..."

Chiba also became speechless, and didn't know how to order the wind speed dog.

He didn't expect that it was King Nido who yelled. Among the long-range skills that Wind Speed ​​Dog has, fire skills are not used, and the ground is blocked by ice, and other skills can't deal damage. .

In addition, regardless of whether King Nido has the characteristics of fighting spirit or stinger, it is difficult for the wind speed dog to fight with it in close combat. Either he is crushed and beaten, or he is accidentally poisoned.

"Hmph, King Nido, sludge bomb!"

Shenmu Yi obviously also saw this embarrassing situation, but he didn't dare to let King Nido rush forward for close combat, there are still a few skills available for attacking King Nido from a distance!
"Wind Speed ​​Dog, get out of the way!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sludge bombs were all dodged, and they fell on the ice and exploded, splashing everywhere. For this kind of straight-forward skill, the wind speed dog is not in vain, but Shenmuyi's eyes brightened when he saw this.

"King Nido, continuous sludge bomb!"

"Get away!" Qianye ordered quickly, but her brows were frowned. Shenmuyi's tactics are very simple. When all the places are covered with venom, the wind speed dog will naturally not be able to escape!
Seeing the wind speed dog dodging the sludge bomb time and time again, and the range of escape is getting smaller and smaller, Qianye suddenly felt, why should he be so timid! be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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