Chapter 143
After recovering, Qianye said gratefully, "Thank you, Celebi!"


Celebi shook her huge head cutely, and then a telepathy came into Chiba's consciousness, "You are progressing so fast, I thought it would take you a long time to awaken."

"Let me see, half of the power of fate, and one of the power of lava, so you have already encountered two beasts? No, it is one and a half!"

Celebi carefully felt the changes in the taboo power on Chiba's body, while chattering something, and then saw it nimbly circling in the air, with big eyes looking at Chiba from time to time.

"Forget it, since you got the taboo seed from me, you must have a share of my power no matter what, so make good use of it!"

Celebi seemed to have made some important decision, and it flew in front of Qianye, closed its eyes, its body glowed with a bright green light, and then a pink-green light shot into Qianye's eyebrows.

Chiba closed her eyes habitually, and tilted her head back, but was immediately attracted by the new taboo power contained in it.

When he opened his eyes again, there was no sign of Celebi, so he didn't say anything, just thanked him silently, and then walked out of the Forbidden Forest.

"Hopping pig, let's go to the nearby elf center first"



The teleportation is activated, and one person and two pets disappear in place. A few minutes later, Chiba has successfully arrived at the elf center. Under the influence of the power of taboo, traveling all night only makes Chiba feel a little tired, but the desert dragonfly can't. Have plenty of rest, the next thing is the desert dragonfly is important!
"Both Xiaozhi and Tetsuya have only the last Pokémon left. Who will win this game? Let us wait and see!"

Chiba sat in the hall of the Spirit Center, quietly watching the live broadcast of the league competition. Without any accidents, she was announced to withdraw from the competition. The original opponent directly advanced, and the eight-to-four competition was not affected in the slightest.

In this matter, the reaction of the league is not unpleasant. The news of the remaining seven players is endlessly circulating on TV and the Internet. Before everyone thinks about the reason for Chiba’s retirement, they are confused by the propaganda offensive of other players. eyes.

"That's fine too..." Chiba closed his eyes and said silently, he could feel the help from Heavenly King Genji, the less attention he received, the less likely he would be targeted.

After all, the league competition can be said to be the face of each regional league. When a dark horse or a stronger champion appears in a certain league competition in a certain year, it is worth admiring each other.

But Qianye is undoubtedly slapping the Fangyuan Alliance in the face. Maybe most people don't care, but as long as there is a high-level alliance executive who doesn't like you, then there will be smart men who will come to disturb Chiba.

But in the end, it is still necessary to use strength to speak. If Qianye becomes the king of heaven, then most people will not cause trouble for Qianye because of some trivial matters.

At least now, many people know that there is Genji Heavenly King behind Chiba, but what even he himself doesn't know is that the one who contributes the most is not Genji, but the former Yoshien champion, Dawu!

Silently watching the figure of Pikachu falling slowly in the live broadcast, Chiba couldn't help but have a weird feeling, could this happen because he didn't let himself spoil the original plot?

We must know that after Zhe also defeated Xiaozhi, other people hardly threatened him, at least Shenmu Yi was much stronger than them.

Sure enough, Tetsuya is still the champion?Chiba thought a little bit disappointed, after all, he also worked hard to collect eight badges to participate in the gymnasium competition.

But compared to Dianlong, forget it.

Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it!
Picking up the Electric Dragon's Poké Ball, Chiba could clearly feel that a layer of taboo power exclusive to Celebi was slowly pouring into it.

Celebi, the phantom beast of the grass type and the super power type, symbolizes the change of life, so he can discern a thing or two about the state of the electric dragon.

And these taboo forces merged into the electric dragon's body at a very slow speed, balancing the energy changes in its body.

But this does not mean that Celebi has only one ability.Chiba currently has three forbidden powers, the power of luck, the power of lava, and the new forbidden power that Celebi gave him.

The power of shuttle!

When he uses the forbidden power, he can selectively change into one of the abilities, but if he doesn't change, it will be the same as before, and the forbidden power has no special effect.

As for the electric dragon, for some reason during the competition, it managed to grasp a trace of the forbidden power, the power of thunder, but with its "mortal body", it was unable to preserve this power for subsequent use.

Even because he couldn't control it, he fell into a deep sleep instead, gathering all his strength and absorbing the power of taboo!
It's a good thing in theory, but in practice how long can Dianlong last without eating or drinking?This is also the main reason why Qianye had to leave first at the risk of offending Fangyuan Alliance.

When he met Celebi and learned the specific situation, Chiba felt even more fortunate. The power of thunder was far more violent than imagined. While the electric dragon was absorbing it, it was also destroying the electric dragon's body.

Celebi used his control over the taboo power to make something similar to an "oxygen mask", in order to use the undefined taboo power to help the electric dragon stabilize the thunder power in his body.

Therefore, if the delay is 1 minute, the electric dragon will receive an extra damage until the power of thunder destroys it!Celebi helped Qianye without saying a word, which also made Qianye very grateful.

And it told Chiba that the only way to save the electric dragon is to find an electric-type beast and get its approval, so as to obtain the qualification to use the forbidden power and the power of thunder!

In this way, the electric dragon will be like the wind speed dog, not only can obtain part of the exclusive characteristics of the beast, but the power of thunder will no longer be a drag on it, but a great supplement!

However, all of this must be based on Chiba finding the electric-type mythical beast. The difficulty is not small, after all, it is a mythical beast!

Among the known electric-type beasts, the whereabouts of the Thunder Emperor in the Chengdu area is uncertain, the Thunder Cloud is in the distant Hezhong area, and Zekrom even exists in legends, and the possibility of seeing it is very slim. As for the Alola area His patron saint, Kapu Mingming, is far away in the sky.

The only thing that is possible is the lightning birds that have formed a group!

Perhaps because they are all birds, although there are not many Sanshen birds, they can always be seen all over the world, and there are countless related reports.

New Corydalis!
The place where the electric dragon was conquered was also the place where Celebi told Chiba that there was a definite existence of the divine beast Lightning Bird!
"But, I've been shopping all over New Viola before, not to mention the Lightning Bird, I haven't seen a single bird feather!"

Qianye complained secretly, but he could only follow Celebi's instructions to find the lightning bird after the desert dragonfly had a rest. be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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