Elf Skill Master

Chapter 145 Waste Power Plant

Chapter 145 Waste Power Plant

There was some struggle in Electroshock's eyes, as if he was considering whether he should tell Chiba what he knew.

"beep beep~"

After a while, the Electric Shock Beast nodded with difficulty, called Qianye a few times decisively, and then pointed to his companions, the meaning was self-evident.

"I'm not a bad person..."

Qianye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't seem to restrict the actions of the other two electric shock beasts from the beginning to the end, but he was obviously not believed.

However, Chiba still took back all the other Pokmon, leaving only Zhi Chong Xiong and Hopping Pig. Seeing this, the Electric Shock Beast seemed to be relieved. ran without looking back.




Along the way, Chiba still didn't notice any changes in the power of taboo, and Qianye had also been to the direction where the electric shock beast was heading.

"Abandoned power station?"

Chiba frowned. The abandoned power station located in the center of the new Corydalis occupies a very large area, and there are many electric and steel Pokmon in it. Chiba also focused on searching there before, but found nothing!

Electric Shock Beast glanced back at Chiba, said something, and ran to the abandoned power station stubbornly.


"Forget it, let's follow up first"


Sure enough, looking at the disused power station that was getting bigger and bigger in sight, Chiba also had to think carefully, did he forget something during the previous investigation?
"Beep beep~beep beep~"

The Electric Shock Beast stood in front of the abandoned power station, pointed at Qianye and the others, and chattered a lot, and Qianye naturally looked at the little translator, Tiaotiaozhu.

"Electric Beast said that when it was still very young, it once saw the lightning bird suddenly come to this island and fly in here."

"Very small, how small is it?"

"beep beep~~"

“Just very small”


The information given by the electric shock beast is very vague. It can only be confirmed that the lightning bird has indeed visited the waste power plant, and it doesn't know anything else.


At this time, the electric shock beast ran into the power plant, as if...knows more!


With an order, one person and two pets followed quickly, but for some reason, the electric shock beast seemed to be deliberately pulling away, and the speed of running was much faster in an instant.

"Hopping Pig!"


The blue superpower covered Chiba's body, and most of his body weight was offset. With a single kick, Chiba could take a huge step and keep up with the electric shock beast effortlessly!

Electric Shock Beast glanced back, saw that Qianye was still able to keep up with ease, a little helpless, and also a little resigned to his fate, then slowly slowed down, and obediently led Qianye to turn left and right in the power plant to go deep go.

"Leaping pig, have you been to these places?"


"Where's the wind speed dog?"

Chiba took out the Poké Ball of Wind Speed ​​Dog, put it to his mouth and asked softly.


After feeling the poke ball shake twice, Chiba took it back with some excitement, because neither the Hopping Pig nor the Wind Speed ​​Dog had walked this path, that is to say, there is a real possibility that there is a lightning bolt inhabiting here bird!

The journey is long, and Qianye has been dizzy for a long time, and they can't tell the difference between the south, the east and the north at all. As they go deeper, there are fewer and fewer abandoned motors around, and then more and more green grass, black soil and some unknown places. glowing rocks!
And the number of wild Pokémon has also been greatly reduced, and there is not even any sign of biological activity in the back, and the brightly glowing rocks dazzle people's eyes.


Suddenly, some blue arcs flickered on the body of Zhi Chongxiong who had been following him all the time, and the surrounding luminous stones also instantly became much brighter!

"Go straight to the bear, what's wrong?"

"Magu Magu~"

Zhi Chongxiong yelled a few more times, and then a charging beam struck the wall on one side in an instant!

The next moment, with the hitting point of the charging beam as the center, the entire wall lit up in a ripple-like form, like circles of blue pulse waves, extending rapidly to the surroundings!

At the same time, Zhi Chongxiong screamed eagerly, turned his head to look, Zhi Chong Xiong maintained the state of releasing the charging beam, and could not move an inch!

"Porphyrin!" "The wall is actively absorbing its energy!"

The telepathy sounded, and Qianye's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly ordered, "Go straight to the bear and play with the mud!"


When Zhi Chongxiong heard Qianye's order, he immediately gave up control of the charger, a brown light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his front paws slightly.

Step on!

The soil under his feet seemed to have softened, forming waves that spread outward, just in time to collide with the pulse-like blue halo and cancel each other out.


Seeing this, Zhi Chongxiong took a step back without hesitation, and the charging beam was pulled away from it like a rope!
Without the energy replenishment of the charging beam, the blue wave suddenly lost its vitality and slowly dimmed.

After a while, nothing seemed to happen around, only Zhi Chongxiong's panting voice confirmed what had just happened.


"Have you lost nearly [-]% of your physical strength? What's going on here!"

Chiba took out a few energy cubes specially used to restore the elf's physical strength from the backpack and fed them to Zhi Chongxiong, while carefully observing the glowing rocks on the rock wall.


Suddenly, Tiaotiaozhu screamed, pulled Chiba's ear to one side, and forcibly turned his head to the other side.

In front of the empty road, the luminous rock illuminated it very clearly, but the electric shock beast quietly disappeared in front of their eyes.


Qianye swallowed quietly, the situation of the electric dragon made him worry, and the disappearance of the electric shock beast added to the fear, but this kind of adventure plot made him feel a little excited!

"Hopping pig! Straight to the bear!"



Hopping Pig's eyes were slightly blue, indicating that he was ready, and his superpower could be activated at any time. He went straight to the bear and ate the energy cube, walked quietly to Chiba's feet, raised his head and silently looked into the depths of the road, but in his eyes It's like seeing fire!
"Tread, step, step..."

Zhi Chongxiong walked silently, and Hopping Pig was coiled directly above his head, so the sound of Chiba's footsteps seemed abrupt and strange in the silent passage.

"If it's not too bright, it's really suitable for ghost movies..."


Tiaotiaozhu patted Qianye's head angrily, at this hour, he was still thinking about something weird.

"Ahem, alright, alright, let's move forward quickly. Finding the lightning bird and letting it help the electric dragon is the business."


Zhi Chongxiong rolled his eyes, stepped forward to explore the way, and the electric shock beast disappeared inexplicably, so they could only rely on their own groping.

...to be continued...

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(End of this chapter)

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