Elf Skill Master

Chapter 153 Powerful Electric Dragon

Chapter 153 Powerful Electric Dragon
"It's going on now, the Fangyuan Alliance Caiyou Conference, the third round of the final competition, 8 to 4, the second round, the red team, the Asahara player from Enzhu City in the Joto area, the blue team, the Chiba player from Suijing City, In the first half, the field is a field of grass, and the game begins!"

"Do you have two electric dragons?"

"you guess"

Chiba smiled without saying a word, seeing Asahara's look about to explode, Chiba was even happier.

"Hmph, sucker puppet, I leave it to you, use the barrier!"

"Electric Dragon, thunder!"

"Let's go!" The sucker puppet is naturally very good at defensive superpower skills such as barriers, reflective walls, and light walls. I saw its hands rotate separately, and six thick and transparent barriers instantly wrapped around it. Nothing is missed!
Barrier, by creating a hard barrier, it can greatly improve its own defense.


There was a thunder on the flat ground, but a powerful and rapid lightning suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky, and it hit the sucker golem instantly!

The barrier above the sucker puppet's head persisted for only half a second before it was directly shattered. The terrifying thunder bombarded it forcefully, followed by a scream.

"Sucker puppet, the power is divided equally!"

"Electric Dragon, Electric Shock Wave!"


The electric dragon let out a soft cry, and an extremely fast current hit the golem's body in an instant. The strong paralyzing effect made it impossible to evenly distribute its power.

"Electric Dragon. Do it again, Thunder!"



There was another thunderstorm on the ground, and the powerful electric current instantly penetrated the whole body of the Sucker Golem, and the barrier had no effect at all!

From the beginning to the end, the electric dragon didn't even move its body, just waved its hand for the first three electric attacks, and the sucker puppet on the opposite side had lost its fighting ability!
"Completely crushed, Chiba's electric dragon is really scary, what happened yesterday!"

In the auditorium, Tetsuya brought Meow in boots with a pensive expression on his face. He couldn't figure out why the electric dragon changed so much overnight. The point is that the breath of the electric dragon is very stable, and he didn't break through to become the quasi-king The appearance, is it hiding clumsiness?

"The Sucker Puppet loses its ability to fight, please replace the Pokémon!"

"Damn it, this time you go, Dream Demon!"


A Pokémon floating in the air, covered in black and purple, with a huge gentleman's hat on its head, appeared on the field. At first glance, it seemed to be a gentleman waiter walking in light and darkness. It looked very handsome.

"Dream demon, ghost fire!"

"Electric Dragon, Power Gem!"


With the dream monster as the center, dozens of ghostly blue ghost fires emerged out of thin air, reflecting the strange body of the dream monster, it must be said that it is a bit creepy!
The red orbs on the top of the electric dragon's head and tail emitted a burst of white light, and then pieces of silver-white gemstones appeared out of thin air, slowly surrounding the electric dragon. I saw it lightly waved its right hand, and the power gems quickly scattered the fragile will-o'-the-wisps, even Carrying a part of the remaining will-o'-the-wisp, it hit the dream monster fiercely!

The dream demon screamed, and many parts of its body were faintly burned. Although the flame temperature was not as high as that of the wind speed dog, it was even more difficult to extinguish.

"Dream monster, strong mind!"

As soon as Asahara finished speaking, Chiba saw that its eyes began to turn blue. Obviously, it wanted to use its super power to increase the dream monster. It has to be said that, as the most common special ability of human beings, the development of super power is very rich. Amplification, debuff, defense, attack, control, etc., are simply panacea.


As a single-attribute ghost-type Pokémon, although its mental power is not weak, it does not mean that it is also very good at superpowers, but under the boost of Asahara, the mental power of Dream Demon is even stronger than ordinary superpower Pokmon How many points.

"Electric Dragon, Cotton Defense!"


Balls of white cotton wrapped around the electric dragon in an instant. It was strange to say that when the menacing mental obsession met the soft cotton, the cotton bounced easily like a giant jelly, and the mental obsession was completely removed. part strength.

The little bit of energy left hit Dianlong's body through the thick cotton, but it was nothing more than a tickle.

"It's this trick again, dream demon, subterranean surprise attack!" Asahara sneered, Dianlong's cotton tactics were famous in the first few games of the league competition!

The remaining few players will naturally study it, hoping that when they face the electric dragon, they will not be helpless.

"Is it possible to attack with hidden spirits? This dream monster is not low in talent."

Qianye raised his eyebrows, not every dream monster can learn this trick after evolution.Submarine surprise attack, use the strangeness of ghosts to disappear, and then ignore the guardian to attack!
"Electric Dragon, Electric Field!"


The electric dragon let out a soft cry, and then with it as the center, the entire field of grass began to change. The bright yellow electric light quickly covered the entire grass field, and the lush green grass was also covered with a layer of yellow, and there were traces of it from time to time. Arc appears!


Suddenly, the Dream Demon jumped out from behind Dian Long, and it was covered in blue-purple light, and hit Dian Long's back fiercely!


"Electric Dragon, discharge!"

Dianlong staggered and was about to fall to the ground, but at this time Chiba's order came quickly, Dianlong ignored other things, and used all his power to discharge. The dream monster who came close was already burned by the ghost fire, and now it It was convulsions caused by the ground discharge under the amplification of the electric field.

"Dream monster, same fate!"

"Dianlong, hurry up..."

"Electric Dragon and Dream Demon have lost their ability to fight, please replace the Pokémon."

Qianye didn't have time to make the electric dragon change its moves, but the dream demon led the electric dragon to end with great accuracy.Looking at Asahara on the opposite side, he had to admire that sometimes ghost-type Pokémon are really difficult to deal with.

The same life, parting gifts, curses, etc. do not require any hard power at all, and often changing lives can dismantle the opponent's carefully arranged tactics.

However, compared to the last electric dragon, which still needed to fight hard, its changes in this one can be described as very obvious.

First of all, the damage of all electric-type skills of Dian Long has directly increased to a higher level, and the mobile fortress has begun to take effect; secondly, Dian Long's trust in Chiba has risen exponentially. From the discharge attack, it can be seen that the execution of orders is much faster .

Finally, after the battle just now, Chiba found that the electric current of the electric dragon became more and more obvious. For a while, he thought of many training directions, such as repelling, penetrating, splitting, restraining, etc., combined with powerful destructive power , It's a little exciting to think about it!
"Then let's end this battle early, I've been waiting, Absolu!"

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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