Elf Skill Master

Chapter 159 The Attacking Wind Speed ​​Dog

Chapter 159 The Attacking Wind Speed ​​Dog
The Oath of Grass used by Geranium changed instantly, from green to red, and then the sea of ​​fire erupted, and the slow Huayan monster was submerged in the sea of ​​fire, without even a chance to share the pain!

The oath of fire just now!
The astonishment in Qianye's eyes flashed away, he never thought that Xiaoguang could use the vow combination skill in the wheel battle, and the effect was quite explosive!

Combination skill of the oath - fire, the official evaluation power is 150, the field becomes a sea of ​​​​flames, and the Pokémon on the target field loses 1/8 of its HP every round. It is powerful and has no side effects on itself, and the debuff effect is terrifying!
Hide the Oath of Fire underground, and wait for the next Yusanjia to appear. Through the perfect fit of the oath skills, the hidden energy will be stimulated to complete the combination!
It's an amazing idea. As a skill teacher, Chiba's first thought was whether to find a Yusanjia partner for the giant marsh monster?

"Flower Rock Monster lost the ability to fight, Geranium won, please replace the Pokémon!"

The referee's voice interrupted Chiba's fugue, he quickly took the Huayan monster back, and then looked at Xiaoguang with admiration.

"not bad!"

Another reason why Chiba has such a sense of identity is because Chiba taught Xiaoguang the oath skill, and now he can interpret his understanding of skills in a new way.

Just like a teacher, when he sees his students achieve something in the future, the feeling is very proud!


Xiaoguang smiled foolishly, and was very happy with Qianye's appreciation. After working hard for so long, doesn't it just need the approval of others?Brother Chiba's, parents', Pokmon's, long-term illness made him desire these things more than ordinary people.

"However, I will not show mercy! Wind Speed ​​Dog, prepare to fight!"


The tall and mighty Wind Speed ​​Dog appears on the battle field, handsome, powerful, and loyal, Wind Speed ​​Dog seems to be born to be Arceus' favorite child, a collection of thousands of loves in one!
"Is it really a wind speed dog?" Xiaoguang smiled wryly. Although the geranium defeated the unsuspecting flower rock monster, it was the result of the continuous consumption of the Tanabata blue bird and the fire beast without being restrained by attributes.

Moreover, the negative effect of the oath combo skill - fire is useless to the wind speed dog with the fire characteristics.

Now, that's the only way to go!Xiaoguang secretly thought, and then launched an offensive!

"Geranium, petal dance!"

"Another big move? Wind speed dog, hot wind!"

The petals all over the sky are full of murderous intentions, colliding with the extremely hot wind, and the sea of ​​fire left on Chiba's side, the whole site can't help but feel a sense of destruction in an instant.

"Strong crocodile, earthquake!"

Xiaoguang's voice suddenly came from the opposite side, and Chiba was startled. It turned out that this "beautiful" start was to replace the Pokémon, but it became a habit, and she even forgot that the game can be changed!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, substitute!"


Feeling the vibration from under his feet, the wind speed dog immediately woke up and activated the substitute!At the moment when the earthquake damage hit, let the substitute bear the damage instead of himself.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, sunny day!"

"Crocodile, please rain!"

"Sure enough! Wind Speed ​​Dog gave up on the sunny day and moved at high speed!"

Chiba has already seen that, except for the hard-to-target Huayan Monster, Xiaoguang has almost done targeted training and tactical targeting on the few Pokmon it often uses, and he doesn't have many Pokmon himself.

The crocodile is better at melee combat, so it can rarely take advantage of the increase in praying for rain, so what it waits for is the sunny day of the wind speed dog!

This is often the case with weather skills, and it is difficult to improve proficiency and development. Therefore, when most Pokmon use weather skills, they are extremely easy to be suppressed by weather skills that come from behind.

One drop, two drops, less than three seconds, a drizzle began to fall on the field, and the previous sea of ​​flames was gradually extinguished.The right time and place are all on Xiaoguang's side at this moment.

"Strong crocodile, water cannon!"

"Wind speed dog, super speed!"

The water cannon skill, which is powerful in itself, forms a bucket-thick water column under the boost of rainy days, and quickly hits the wind speed dog with great momentum!
Wind Speed ​​Dog's whole body began to emit white mist. There is no way. After Wind Speed ​​Dog enters the combat state, the body temperature will become extremely high. Part of the reason is that it is conducive to melee combat. In addition, the high temperature will make Wind Speed ​​Dog's cells active , to increase mobility, which is also the reason why many fire-type Pokmon are not physically strong, and they burn too fast.


The original red figure turned into misty white, but still handsome. By moving at high speed, the wind speed dog easily avoided the water cannon, and then quickly approached the crocodile!

"Crocodile, climb the waterfall!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Thunder Fang!"

The crocodile wrapped its whole body in the water, and rushed towards the rushing wind speed dog violently, and the wind speed dog also went head-on, but its eyes were quietly red, carefully observing every move of the crocodile!
The two sides approached quickly, especially the speed of the wind speed dog, which was so fast that the naked eye could only see a blurry shadow flashing past, and the wind speed dog had already arrived in front of the crocodile.



The two sides passed by each other, the wind speed dog grabbed the ground with all four limbs to slow down its inertia of retreating, while the crocodile flew upside down, and in the form of a day parabola, it fell into the mud!

The first confrontation, the wind speed dog, wins!

The camera turns, when the crocodile and the wind speed dog come into contact, the wind speed dog, relying on its strong physical fitness and the well-observed action track through the skill of seeing through, steps sideways to the side of the crocodile, and the thunder teeth bite the right arm of the wind speed dog, Then, using inertia, he swung the crocodile in a circle, and then threw it out!
At the beginning, Zhi Chongxiong used his rich combat experience to brush the "young" wind speed dog around, but now the battle experience of wind speed dog has been rapidly replenished, and it is improving every day!
"Wind Dog, Mad Volt!"


How can a little rain stop Feng Speed ​​Dog's fiery heart, besides, it's just a water-type crocodile, this dog doesn't just know how to play with fire!Surrounded by violent electric currents all over his body, the wind speed dog slammed into the crocodile that had just stood up!


The crocodile was knocked into the air again, and Crazy Volt caused great damage to it, and both Xiaoguang and itself could clearly feel that the difference was not just in combat experience.

More, it is strength!
"Big Crocodile, do your best for the final blow, the oath of water!"


"Wind speed dog, super speed!"

Seeing this, Chiba immediately thought of the combo technique just now, and reflexively let the wind speed dog rush over to stop it!

As soon as the crocodile put its front paws on the ground, the speed had already struck. It was knocked into the air for the third time, and the crocodile lost its fighting ability without any resistance!


Suddenly, the oath of water was activated, and the wind speed dog was standing at the original position of the crocodile, and a powerful stream of water hit its abdomen without warning!

The crocodile used itself as bait, and at the last moment gave the wind speed dog a lot of damage!
...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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