Elf Skill Master

Chapter 163 The Final Begins

Chapter 163 The Final Begins (Fourth Update!)
"Next, I would like to invite the finalists of the Fangyuan Alliance Caiyou Tournament to appear. They are Tetsuya from Zijin City and Chiba from Shuijing City!"

"Tread, step, step..."

In the contestant tunnel, Qianye suddenly heard the crazy cheers of the audience outside, but she only felt the thumping heartbeat and the sound of footsteps under her feet.

Passing through the passage, the dazzling white light made Qianye close her eyes subconsciously, but her ears were not affected, and the deafening cheers almost drowned out Qianye's whole body.

Qianye regained his vision and looked around the auditorium. Wherever he saw, the cheers became more and more enthusiastic.

The final was really extraordinary, the number of spectators was far higher than before, maybe it was an illusion, Chiba felt that the venue for the final was much bigger, the audience increased even more, and there were no seats left!
No. 1 will always be remembered by everyone in the game. Although Chiba himself doesn't care about this very much, he knows that many people he cares about care about this.

The one who speaks disdainfully, but in his heart longs for his grandpa to care about his well-being;

Grandma Roland and Grandpa Zhengqi, who treat themselves like their own grandchildren, care about them in every possible way;

The former champion Dawu and the current king Genji who escorted him overtly and secretly cared;
Friends who travel together, Xiaoguang, Qingtian, Shiraishi and even Xiaozhi also care about them;

Ju Caoye, who practiced silently, and Dian Long, who was unable to appear today, cared equally!

Did I get so much before I knew it?Qianye's dazed eyes gradually became clearer. The more connections he had with this world, the more he recognized that he was a part of it.

The loneliness, fear and sadness that accompanied time travel have gradually disappeared, replaced by passion, expectations and dreams.

It is also my dream to let the people I care about get what they want!

"From now on, we will hold the finals of the Fangyuan Alliance Saiyou Tournament. The number of Pokmon used is 6. When one Pokmon loses all combat capabilities, the game will end. Do you have any questions?"

"No!" x2
"Then, the game begins!"

"Come out, flower rock monster!"

"Dunjia, prepare for battle!"

"Flower rock monster, shadow attack!"

"Dunjia, high-speed rotation!"

"Dong dong!"

Dunjia roared, and then his body spun violently. The next moment, Huayan Monster suddenly appeared beside it, but facing the spinning Dunjia, the shadow sneak attack could not deal any damage at all.

"Dunjia, rolling attack!"

"Flower rock monster, curse!"

With high-speed rotation and rolling, Dunjia's speed instantly increased to extremely fast, and without a moment's hesitation, it directly ran into the Huayan monster that hadn't escaped!
"Jie Jie Jie!"

Huayan Monster's body glowed red suddenly, and he didn't show any weakness in the face of the oppressive Dunjia. One-tenth of the physical strength!
"Dunjia, use your full power to roll!"

"Huayan monster, share the pain equally!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The Huayan Monster completely follows the fighting style of the ghost-type Pokémon. Various difficult skills are constantly used on Dun Jia. After the curse is over, what better skill is there than to divide the pain equally?
As for Zheye, he could only frown tightly and wait for the moment when the rolling attack becomes a big trend!
"Dong dong!"

Losing stamina for no reason again, Dunjia waited angrily for the ugly ghost in front of him who dared not confront it head-on. The muscular it naturally thought that it was a man who was about to face a head-to-head duel!

"Jie Jie Jie~"

Huayan smiled strangely, mocking Dunjia as a fool with only strength, who can only be played around by himself!
"Boom boom boom!"

Dunjia suddenly became angry, the power of the rolling attack increased explosively, and slammed into the Huayan monster again.

"Flower Rock Monster, Strange Light!"

"Dunjia, close your eyes!"

In fact, in the process of high-speed rotation, Dunjia seldom uses the eyes to observe the surrounding environment, but mostly relies on the sense of smell, hearing and touch.

It's just that the Huayan Monster's task is to delay time. Even if he doesn't use his vision much, his body's sense of balance is still easily damaged when he closes his eyes. So taking advantage of this opportunity, it is enough for the Huayan Monster to avoid rolling!
"Flower rock monster, ghost fire!"

"It's disgusting, Dunjia Flaming Fang Defense!"

Tetsuya was so angry with Chiba's scoundrel that from beginning to end, only one shadow sneak attack was considered as an attack skill, and all the others were negative skills!
"Ha ha……"

However, Dunjia's performance was equally astonishing, the rolling attack that did not hit the target did not stop, and even the use of flame teeth was performed while rolling!

Its proficiency and development are not low!
Rolling + flame teeth, from a distance, it seems that there is a huge flame wheel in the field, and it is more domineering and shocking. The ghost fire will be assimilated by the flame teeth outside after approaching, and it will not have the slightest effect!

Suddenly, Dunjia lost control and slammed into the wall next to him. People who were close even felt the ground shaking.

Dunjia, just like that was worn out by the Huayan monster.


"Dunjia loses the ability to fight, Huayan Monster wins, and the player replaces the Pokémon!"

"Huh... Come back, Dunjia, you've worked hard, I'll leave the cunning tengu to you!"

"Huayan Monster, come back too, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

"Wow!" The flamboyant wind speed dog let out a long roar as soon as it appeared on the stage, and then looked at the opponent, cunning tengu!

"It's really not given a chance!" Zhe also frowned, unexpectedly Qianye directly replaced the Pokémon, maintaining his absolute advantage.

"Cunning Tengu, Storm!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, move at high speed!"


Although the Sly Tengu is a Pokémon of the Grass + Evil type, it also has a deep understanding of airflow. I saw its leaf-like hands slapped suddenly, and a powerful airflow instantly hit the wind speed dog.

It's a pity that in the eyes of the wind speed dog, the speed is only average, not to mention that the high-speed movement has been used, and the wind speed dog has almost become a blurred shadow!

"Blow away!"

Tetsuya grinned, Chiba was suddenly startled, but another strange wind appeared in the field, a red light flashed, and the wind speed dog went straight back to the poke ball!

And the one who was forced to appear was the bewildered Hopping Pig!
"Haha, luck is here for me this time, cunning tengu, a surprise blow!"

"Jumping pig, move instantly!"


It's a pity that it's still slow. The cunning tengu is also very good at agility, especially in short-distance bursts. The jumping pig was kicked away by the cunning tengu who suddenly appeared, and the damage was not low!


Before landing, Tiaotiaozhu endured the severe pain and used teleportation to prevent himself from being injured again, but when he reappeared, it was directly above the field.

Hopping Pig looked at the cunning Tengu below with an angry face, and with a wave of his little hand, the whole field was covered by a mysterious cube.

Cheat space!

...to be continued...

 The addition is over, and I can only do this for a day as a turtle-speed codeword, so please support me a lot!

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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