Elf Skill Master

Chapter 196 Three Items

Chapter 196 Three Items
"The trainer who made the elf food is allowed to delay for half an hour. For the rest of you, please stand up and put the selected items on the front desk when you read the name." The very indifferent staff member read out sternly.

"Chengdu area, Tiexiu!"

"Ah I?"

Tie Xiu nervously squeezed out from the crowd, only to see that he was holding a huge Dream Demon and several other smaller dolls in his hands, exactly six!

"Boom!" Immediately, there was a huge burst of ridicule on the field, because Tie Xiu is so easy-going, but at the same time, he secretly regretted, why didn't he think of such a simple and clear method.

However, things tend to deviate in an extremely miraculous direction. When Tie Xiu took a deep breath, let go of the tension in his heart, and triumphantly put six dolls, one big, five small, and six small, on the front desk, ready to welcome his six companions. when.

But I found that the companions who sent me seemed... a bit too much!

"I'll go!" Tie Xiu yelled in horror, he could become an elite trainer just by making this step!
"Tiexiu, we are connected, the challenge failed!"

On the other side of the fairy playground, the twelve Pokmon were divided into two teams and confronted each other. When they saw the same lineup as their own, they were all stunned.

"This luck, absolutely!"

Chun nodded with a look of admiration, while Liao Qing turned his head proudly, "If you want to rely on opportunism to win, you will end up like this in the end!"

Qianye also couldn't laugh or cry, he was so lucky to not find this iron repairer, so he said okay, he can be the first to discover the map fragments in the hidden supplies in the second level.

It's hard to say, Tie Xiujian will win if he goes slanted, but who knows why there will be exactly the same team!The probability of this is probably too small.

Next, one trainer after another was called up one after another, and the order was completely disrupted, so there was a possibility that he would be the next one at any time, and this was also to ensure fairness as much as possible.

Chiba found that most people were able to attract their Pokémon, but the main reason for their failure was interference from other teams!
The Pokmon in the playground can't leave until the whole trial is over, so they don't know if their choice is right. If so, let's choose more times!

"Fangyuan area, Liao Qing!"

"Look at mine!" Liao Qing ran up excitedly, but she only had one thing in her hand, a love ball!
The six love balls were placed neatly, and as soon as they appeared in front of the elves, a team broke away without hesitation, and the leader was Liao Qing's Lizard King!

Seeing this, Liao Qing squinted his eyes. He obviously agreed with Lizard King's performance, and then bounced down to the ground. If there is no accident, the trial is over, and Liao Qing is a genuine elite trainer. !

"Next, Fangyuan area, Xiaomei!"

"Let's go together, Xiaomei, come on, you can do it!" Liao Qing cheered, he can pass this test, Xiaomei has no reason not to pass.

But at this time, Xiao Mei, who was usually very calm, blushed, and did not respond to Liao Qing's cheering. She just walked up hesitantly with a sealed dish in her arms.

"Please put the items in front of the stage!"

"Okay, okay"

Xiaomei seemed to have made some important decision, gritted her teeth, opened the dishes, and quickly placed them in front of the stage.

"What does it taste like!"

"Wow, it stinks, who is planting chemical bombs!"

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, but fortunately, the stink was fast and went quickly, but when they saw the fairy playground that was about to turn upside down, they finally knew that the culprit was Xiaomei!
"Cocoa!" Even the Flame Monkey, who was at the level of a king, couldn't stand the smell, and retched twice while clutching his nose!

Suddenly, a huge smelly mud ignored the Pokmon who blocked it, and rushed straight towards the food made by Xiaomei, and behind him were five other Pokmon who were dying of pain!
"Fangyuan area, Xiaomei, the challenge is successful!"

"Thank you..." Xiaomei quickly thanked her in a low voice, then turned around and ran over immediately. Seeing that she had passed the test like this, while the others were convinced, they were also thinking secretly, could she do the opposite?
"Next, Chengdu District, Gu Pei!"

"Hey, we're still getting together!" Qianye complained lightly, but he was still very interested in what kind of method Gu Pei used to pass the trial!
"How can this kind of level be difficult for me?" Gu Pei smiled confidently, and then took out the things he chose.

"Destroy death light, ultimate impact!" Chiba immediately recognized the moves corresponding to the two skill learning machines, which are generally one of the most powerful moves for special attack and physical attack!

For many Pokémon, they may not have used the skill learning machine since they were young, and they still have comeback tricks like destroying death light and super impact!

"Boom boom boom!" The Elf Playground seemed to be shaken, and a few giant Pokémons ran over quickly, surrounded the two CDs, staring at them with big eyes, ugly and cute.

Gu Pei walked down proudly, and when passing by Qianye, he still raised his eyebrows provocatively at him.


In the third round, not many people were eliminated in the city defense battle. Except for a few trainers who could not overcome the battle and the elves rebelled, there are still [-] people present.

Seventy people said it was a lot less, but they said it was definitely not too many. It seemed that everyone took turns slowly, but they saw the trainers calling their partners ingeniously.

Not to mention, it's quite interesting!And the time passed slowly like this, among them, Junyi passed by by luck, and it surprised everyone very much.

Jinhua failed!The temporary team leader of Sinnoh did not pass the extra round!Coupled with the eight trainers that Chiba "accidentally" killed, Daye's already dark face became even darker!
"Next, Yoshien region, Chiba!"

In an instant, the whole crowd fell silent. Out of the desire to watch the excitement, there must be many in the crowd who wanted to see Chiba get embarrassed!

After all, Qianye, who won the first place three times in a row, was so radiant that it made it difficult for everyone to breathe. As the saying goes, if a tree is as beautiful as a forest, the wind will destroy it!
Qianye stared ahead, and walked up to the stage steadily, without paying any attention to those complicated eyes around her.


Chiba seemed to have just thrown three stones casually, and then folded his arms and watched the situation in the elf playground. At this time, he did not use telepathy to communicate with the jumping pig.

No need, because when Zhi Chongxiong and the others saw the three props, they rushed forward without hesitation.

However, a sudden change occurred!
...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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