Elf Skill Master

Chapter 209 Registration begins

Chapter 209 Registration begins


The electric dragon suddenly let out a soft cry, and saw two elves, one big and one small, strike down an extremely thick and terrifying thunderbolt in front of them!


Maybe it's because of the electric element, or maybe it's the calmness of the electric dragon that made the young Thunderbolt very reassuring.

The thunderbolt beast's eyes reflected the scene when the thunder and lightning fell, and a trace of longing appeared in the thunderbolt beast's eyes at the same time.

"Mealy Maaly~"

The lightning color of the electric dragon is yellow, while that of the thunder beast is blue, but this does not hinder the communication between the two parties, especially the electric dragon also has a seemingly useless but rare positive characteristic.

The weak yellow communication and blue current are passed between two Pokmon, one big and one small, one yellow and one green. Their communication through current is far more concise and efficient than dictation.


The Thunderbolt Beast straightened its hind legs, and screamed cutely at the sky, and then... nothing more.

"Mealy Maaly~"

Dianlong gently stroked Thunder Beast's little head, just like Chiba gently stroked his head, while gently encouraging.


The beauty of Dianlong is elegant and gentle, which makes Luolei Beast, who just left his parents, very obsessed. It can't help rubbing against it, and then closes its eyes again, as if recalling the status and details of Dianlong's big sister when she used her skills.


The Thunderbolt Beast opened its eyes suddenly, a blue light flashed in the big and agile eyes, and the dark cloud seemed to have sensed the Thunderbolt Beast's determination.

A not-so-weak thunderbolt struck down, scorching all the nearby green grass to black!

Thunderbolt Beast was very excited, and happily yelled at the electric dragon, as if I am not too fierce, not so fierce!

Thunder, the ultimate move of the electric system, even the final evolved electric Pokmon, it is not easy to learn in time, but the little thunder beast has used it, and once again, everyone present clearly understands arrive.

The owner of the Chiba Pavilion has two brushes!

Looking at each one with admiration, envy, infatuation... Wait, what the hell is infatuation, there is no infatuation!
In fact, although the Thunderbolt Beast is young, it is very suitable for the unique skill of thunder. From the name, it can be seen that the thunder and thunder, isn't the corresponding skill of thundering?

Originally, it is not recommended for young Pokmon to learn extremely powerful tricks, but the thundering skill is not just about drawing their own electricity as an attack method.

Instead, by urging its own electricity, it guides the thunder and lightning in the sky to attack!It takes a lot of energy and mental energy.

Coupled with Thunderbolt Beast's natural compatibility with thunder, Chiba decided to try to let Thunderbolt Beast learn thunder as a graduation skill!Before that, Thunderbolt Beast had already learned how to charge and discharge, and overall it performed very well!

Next, the most incomprehensible combination of Hopping Pig and Natural Sparrow appeared. The two Pokémon just sat quietly, meditating, meditating, and meditating again!

Whenever the natural bird and the jumping pig opened their eyes, the natural bird seemed to have accepted the teaching of the jumping pig, and a skill was used out of thin air.

Then continue to meditate. If Qianye hadn't specially placed a clock beside them, everyone might think that what they saw was a picture, which is the result of fast forwarding.

When the natural bird displayed the fourth skill, the trainers sitting in the seats just twitched their mouths lightly, as if I will watch you perform quietly and will never be surprised again.

Apparently, everyone was a little tired from being surprised too much. They were really in a state of excitement all the time, and anyone who slowed down all of a sudden would feel tired.

Seeing this, Chiba immediately decided to end this session for the time being after playing the teaching video of Hopping Pig, and released the bay leaf instead.


Bay leaf rubbed against Qianye affectionately, and then quietly waited for Qianye's order.

"Bay Leaf, Sweet Aroma, Grass Flute"


The bay leaf swayed slightly, and then the green leaves above the head began to emit bursts of pink powder. The faint bay fragrance made everyone relax.

"Beibei~Beibei~Bebeli~" The gentle and melodious singing sound followed closely into everyone's ears. Although it was a grass flute skill, it didn't make everyone feel sleepy, but they felt extremely relaxed.

The weakened version of the grass flute, bay leaf learned the trick from Grandma Roland, which has a miraculous effect on soothing the nerves and relaxing the spirit. At the same time, with the sweet aroma, it is a housekeeping skill of bay leaf as a team doctor!
About 10 minutes later, some people began to recover gradually, only to feel that the fatigue of the day had disappeared without a trace, and felt that this kind of comfort could only be achieved by sleeping for eight hours a day.

But the grass flute + sweet aroma of bay leaves can shorten this time to 10 minutes!
After watching Chiba, the owner of the museum, take out one thing after another like magic that they have never seen before, no matter who it is, there is only one feeling.

This trip is worth it!

"Okay everyone, today the opening experience of the skill teaching center is almost over here. Finally, if you want your Pokmon to stay here to learn related skills, you can make an appointment at the front desk."

"Of course, you can also search for information according to your own wishes, buy special elf food, or stay and continue watching the remaining skill teaching videos."

After a pause, Chiba took back the bay leaf, touched Tiaozhu's little ears, and said, "Now everyone can move freely, and I will take my leave!" Then, she teleported and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"I go first!"

I saw a male trainer who was sitting near the exit whispered something to his companion, then ran out of the lecture theater and quickly disappeared without a trace!


After this run, everyone reacted immediately, and then many trainers who wanted to sign up got up and ran out. Obviously, skill teaching is not a matter of a day or two, and it may be scheduled for the year of the monkey later!
After a rush of people, only some neighbors watching the excitement, and breeders and observers who are not very keen on fighting are left behind.

Seeing this, some staff immediately stepped forward to continue Chiba's operations, those of the giant marsh monster and Ubo, the flower rock monster and the soul-hunting eye, and those of the bear and the baby bear.

Especially after the baby bear has been trained by Zhi Chongxiong, he has learned the skill of swallowing back, so that the rest of the watching people feel that they have earned it!
Running so fast, you haven't seen the exciting part!With such a mentality, I was still a little bit lost in my heart. People who didn't learn skills for various reasons couldn't help but relax.

As for the reception desk, it was already full of people who signed up for an appointment!
...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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