Chapter 212
Shi Huang shook his head and didn't speak, just strode forward without hesitation and walked towards the door of the teaching hall, obviously ready to leave.

Shi Ye's eyeballs rolled, as if his head had finally stopped showing off, and he followed his brother Shi Huang dejectedly, but his eyes still looked around from time to time.


"Huh? They're leaving? I'll meet them when I'm done working!" Qianye said slowly after finishing writing the last paragraph, buttoning the cap of the pen, and closing the notebook.


With a flash of light, Qianye, Zhi Chongxiong and Hopping Pig disappeared in place, teleported and activated!

"Brother, what are we doing now? Should we just buy a ticket to the Chengdu area?"

"Well, let's leave early, I'm always a little worried that the young owner will come to trouble us"

"Brother, you are too sensitive. Didn't he react at all after we all came out?"

"Blame me, blame me, I should have reacted sooner"

"It's just... eh!"

Ishino answered the words smoothly, but suddenly realized something was wrong the next moment!Turning around, Qianye crossed her arms and looked at the two brothers innocently.

"Hall... the owner, what's the matter?" Ishino didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake, so he asked stupidly like this.

"Well, I've got something to do, I'm looking for you." Qianye was full of smiles, as if I was very friendly and kind.

"Master Chiba, tell me what you have to say!" Brother Shi Huang knew the bad food from Chiba quietly appearing behind them, but his past experience made him quickly regain his composure.

Even, Shi Huang stepped forward without a trace, blocking his younger brother Shi Ye behind him, but he may have forgotten that his younger brother is a size bigger than him.

"Shouldn't you be the ones explaining something to me?" Chiba lowered her hands naturally, her momentum changed, she no longer had a playful smile, and looked at the other party with a scrutiny.

"We rely on..."

"Master Chiba, we listen to you!"

Shi Huang grabbed the irritable younger brother again, and quickly said, since Qianye came to find him, then everything he and his younger brother did must not have escaped Qianye's eyes.

Moreover, during the time when the two sides were confronting each other on the street, no passerby even glanced at them, as if there was only air here!
"elder brother……"

"To shut up!"

Seeing Ishino who still hadn't discovered the truth, Chiba couldn't help curling her lips, seeing that they were indeed brothers in appearance, but the difference in IQ was so big.

"Since I took my things, I have to explain something. It just so happens that I need some help here. Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Qianye waved his hand without waiting for the two to react, and Tiaotiaozhu used teleport knowingly, a white light flashed, and the three of them appeared again, and they had already returned to Chiba's office in the teaching building.

"Look at this." Chiba didn't say much, and threw a tablet computer to Shi Huang, and then lay on the armchair by himself, looking very relaxed.

They were teleported here without any struggle, and the two Shihuang brothers were shocked and speechless for a moment. You must know that the superpower Pokmon uses teleportation by itself and uses teleportation with others, which are two completely different concepts.

Seeing the jumping pig with ease.An obscurity flashed in the hearts of the two brothers, and it would be difficult to escape.

Shi Huang couldn't think of a solution for a while, so he just picked up the tablet computer and browsed the things on it casually.

"Huh? This is it!"

Shi Huang's eyes widened, and he looked at the information above with disbelief, then quickly slid his right hand, jumping and looking back and forth several times.

"Does it look familiar?"

"Eh..." Shi Huang was stunned for a moment, thinking of his current situation instantly, as if a basin of cold water had been poured from head to toe, and instantly woke up.

"Don't be so nervous, I just saw that you two brothers have been having a bad time since the Huoyan team disbanded, so I want to help you..."

As soon as he said this, Qianye found that the two people in front of him immediately became extremely nervous, and their right hand had unconsciously grabbed a poke ball, as if they were going to fight at any time.


"Jie Jie Jie~"

The blue light covered the two of them, but the strong tendons were useless at this time, and they couldn't even bend their fingers to open the elf ball.

The Huayan Monster abruptly pulled out a Ghost Stone from the shadow of his younger brother Ishino, but his eyes had circled and he had already lost his ability to fight.

"Hmm!" Brother Shi Huang looked at the fainted Ghost Stone, a trace of astonishment and distress flashed in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are really a spoiled brother madman, all the ghost stones used to save your life are put in the shadow of your younger brother."

Chiba sighed and nodded, and then said, "It doesn't matter whether you do it or not, I have to say, although you belong to the remnants of the Huoyan team, you two haven't done anything harmful, so I really want to give you A chance for a turnaround"

The two brothers were released from the mind control by the jumping pig, and they broke free all of a sudden, and they couldn't help panting heavily. Obviously, the two had fought a lot, but unfortunately it was useless.

After the two of them recovered a little, Chiba threw the uninjured tablet computer to Shi Huang again.

"Here is a job for you to sell these things at a low price through other channels and spread them as quickly as possible. Make sure that most of the trainers, breeders and coordination trainers understand this information.

"Actively spread?" Although Shi Huang was a prisoner at the moment, he still couldn't help looking at Qianye with a strange look, as if to say, are you stupid?

"Don't think about it, you don't even need to deliberately mention the existence of our skill teaching hall when spreading it, you just need to spread this knowledge as quickly as possible"

Shi Huang listened to this weird arrangement in a strange way, but the form was stronger than people, he didn't speak, and even his brain started to come alive.

"But your younger brother is rather reckless and not suitable for this job, so just stay with me and be a handyman."

"What!" Ishino thought that the owner of the pavilion really wanted to take care of his brothers, but when he said this, even a fool knew that he was going to be taken hostage.

It feels weird, bah!I'm not an idiot!

"Really, I'm doing this for your own good." Chiba lowered her eyes, playing with a poke ball model, and said softly, without seeming to care at all.

"I see, thank you Master Chiba." Shi Huang carefully turned off the tablet and held it in his hands, also lowering his eyes and said.

"Brother, I..."

"Ono is obedient, there is nothing wrong with the owner of Chiba here. When I finish the task assigned by the owner, the owner will definitely not embarrass us, right?" Shi Huang said, but his eyes turned to Chiba. The deputy swore to die without fear.

"Easily embarrassing you? I never embarrass you, it's because you think too much" be continued...

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(End of this chapter)

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