Chapter 219
In the last competition, because the wind speed dog was not familiar with the road, he rushed over the cliff in a daze, and just fell down in a parabolic posture, one person and one pet were scared out of their wits!
At the critical moment, Mukehawk stretched out his paws and grabbed Chiba under his feet like a chicken, and he immediately reacted, took out the poke ball and took the falling wind speed dog back.

I can't even imagine being responsible for the consequences, and Qianye was sneaked back to the teaching hall by Mu Keyingti, and the people watching the excitement below were... let's not talk about it.

And the next day, the photo of Chiba, the owner of the very popular Shuijing City Skills Teaching Center, being carried back in embarrassment by a Muckhawk was posted on the Internet for ridicule and speculation by thousands of netizens!

This is also the reason why Chiba is so obsessed with Mukehawk, and after this battle, Wind Speed ​​Dog also vowed to defeat Mukehawk!



The moment it landed, the powerful air waves immediately lowered all the surrounding green grass. Fortunately, the strong limbs of the wind speed dog have a strong shock absorption effect, and most of the inertia is resisted after being slightly bent.

It's just that Qianye on his back is not so comfortable. The feeling of spitting out his internal organs made Qianye realize for the first time that the wind speed dog is just a crazy speed dog when he works hard!There's nothing wrong with it, Mad Speed ​​Dog!

At this time, the effect of super speed has not disappeared, compulsively let the ground speed dog run again!

The speed has not weakened much!
It also entered the forest almost simultaneously with the Mukehawk, but the Mukehawk still needs a process of adjustment, and a red figure passed it in an instant!

With the steepness of the cliff, Wind Speed ​​Dog has completed an alternative "curve overtaking"!

Mukehawk's eagle eyes sharpened suddenly. Unexpectedly, this wind speed dog was so desperate, it aroused its competitive spirit in an instant, and its seriousness increased several times in an instant!

From the rear, the figure of Mukehawk began to approach quickly. At this time, the vegetation in the forest became denser, and the wind speed dog was more like a speeding roller, rushing across the road.

Apart from instinctively clamping the wind speed dog's stomach and holding its neck tightly with both hands, Qianye can't do anything now, and he can guess that his feet are probably not his own at this moment.

The cold swishing feeling on my right foot is entirely because the shoes have fallen off!

"Wind... Wind speed dog, moving at high speed, losing for a week without food!" Qianye said in a muffled voice, it has reached this point, if it loses again, it will be too aggrieved!


Wind Speed ​​Dog heard the approaching crowing of the Mukehawk, and at this moment heard Chiba's threat again, so he couldn't control so much anymore, and started to move at high speed!
Countless afterimages began to appear, and high-speed movement not only increased speed, but also agility, so for a while, Wind Speed ​​Dog was able to selectively avoid some larger obstacles.

The afterimage of the wind speed dog is too obvious, and the well-informed Mukehawk immediately recognized this skill as a high-speed movement with increased speed!

There were also several afterimages on the body of Mukehawk, and Mukehawk also used high-speed movement!
"Impossible!" Qianye retorted instantly after observing the changes in the Mukhawk behind him, but suddenly he thought of another skill.


"Foul!" Qianye scolded angrily, this Mukehawk's sensitivity to speed was almost fatal, and the Mukehawk couldn't learn the trick of moving at high speed from the beginning to the end.

However, relying on its own observation of the wind speed dog, it did not hesitate to use the parrot to copy the high-speed movement!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, charge me with super speed!"

, Wind Speed ​​Dog is originally a hot-blooded fire-type Pokémon. Hearing Chiba's roar, it was also excited, and it didn't care how much physical strength it had, so it started at lightning speed!
In the rear, the Mukhawk, who was still accelerating, showed an incredible expression for the first time. Why did this big red dog accelerate again, and it was still accelerating explosively!
Did the parrot learn the wrong skill?For the first time, Mu Keying had doubts about his own judgment!
Ahead, several rays of sunlight slowly penetrated again, and the first thing Chiba and Fengsugou thought of was that there was another cliff.

Without Chiba's order at all, the wind speed dog automatically adjusted the running direction, but when the glaring sunlight completely shone on Chiba's face, he found that there was a huge lake in front of him!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, stop!"


One person, one pet was frightened out of their wits again, but the next moment, the front foot of the wind speed dog had already stepped on the water!

At the critical moment, the wind speed dog went crazy again, with only a slight force on the front foot, maintaining a forward posture!
On the heel, stepped on the same piece of water!Because the speed was too fast, the feet of the wind speed dog retreated immediately after touching it, and it didn't even fall off!

One step, two steps, three steps, the wind speed dog, relying on its strong physical fitness and extremely strong inertial speed, even circled a semicircle on the water surface and returned to the land again!
It's against the sky, my crazy speed dog!


When the wind speed dog felt that his limbs were safely stepping on the thick land, all the strength was like a deflated balloon, and all of it was lost at once.


Wind Speed ​​Dog lay on his side, Chiba untied his hands and feet tremblingly, and flung one arm and one leg to the other side.

The open palm of the right hand has turned white and purple, one can imagine how tightly Chiba was strangled at that time.

The feet are even more ridiculous, the shoes have long disappeared, the white socks have been completely torn, and only the top part with the tendon is still firmly tied to Chiba's leg.

The calf and the outside of the thigh were all cut open in various ways by the branches, and there were densely covered with blue or red scars.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, I can't feel my legs when I get up..." Qianye said slowly while lying on her back.


The four legs of the wind speed dog also lost a lot of hair, and the handsome and smooth hair was more like being bitten by a dog at this time, with one piece missing.

At this time, it was also extremely tired, and the wind speed dog bent its limbs, then turned over slowly, and continued to lie down.

Chiba's left hands and feet were exactly the same as those on the right, and they were even a little red and swollen because of being pressed by the wind speed dog for a while.


At this time, a black shadow suddenly blocked the sight of a person and a dog, and saw the Muke Eagle spread its wings to help them block the glare of the sun.

Then a few orange fruits were placed on the ground, and the Muckhawk fed them mouth to mouth in turn. The exhausted one person and one dog had no right to care about it at all, and could only silently feed them like two dead fish. Chewing orange fruit to restore strength.

That night, the topic about Chiba, the owner of the skill teaching hall, once again appeared on the homepage of the Elf Forum.

In the video, the owner of the Chiba Pavilion is riding the previous Muke Hawk, and the clothes and pants are all in tatters, and the leaking parts are densely packed with wounds! be continued...

 I posted a chapter of testimonials yesterday, and found that some people are still reading my book, thank you for your support!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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