Elf Skill Master

Chapter 230 Heavenly King Level Storm Salamander?

Chapter 230 Heavenly King Level Storm Salamander?

After defeating the Diya Sea Lion Clan, Chiba called all his partners back, and the massive group battle attracted the attention of many Pokémon in Meteor Falls.


A dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and then I saw a blue and red streamer flying quickly from the depths of the Zhen Meteor Waterfall!
The strong wind was the first to usher in. Tiaotiaozhu propped up a space barrier in front of Qianye, the corners of his clothes were blown loudly, and his face was calm, waiting for the arrival of the other party.


With blood-red crescent wings, strong limbs, and a thick long tail that waving gently in the air makes a burst of sound, the soft belly is covered by a hard carapace, and the powerful momentum is coming!

Fangyuan quasi-god, a dragon and a flying salamander!

There was another dragon chant that resounded throughout the Zhen Meteor Waterfall, and the restless wild elves all fell silent in an instant.

"This... is a bit big!"

Chiba muttered to himself, a normal salamander is 1.5 meters tall, and a slightly well-developed salamander with a height of two meters is already very good, but the salamander in front of him is probably more than twice the size of a normal salamander !
With such a huge body size, and the dragon chant just like commanding a group of heroes, Qianye only thought of one possibility, the Overlord Elf!

Compared with the overlord Iron Claw Lobster at the entrance of the True Meteor Falls, although the height of the two is not much different, their strength is completely different!

On the Overlord Storm Salamander, Qianye felt the same aura as grandpa's old friends!
"Heavenly king...or champion?" Chiba narrowed her eyes slightly, staring blankly at the slowly descending salamander without fear.

The stormy salamander on the opposite side was also puzzled. There were only two kinds of humans he met. They were either full of fear of it, or looked at him with greedy eyes, and then rashly provoked themselves. Needless to say, the final result.

But for the human beings in front of them, what does squinting mean?Both sides were looking at each other, and they were quiet for a while, and the scene was once very awkward.


Suddenly, a small gray iron head popped out from the broad back of the storm salamander. A pair of big curious eyes looked at Chiba, as if wondering why Dad didn't immediately fight him off this time.

"Baby Dragon!"

Chiba was startled, and suddenly remembered the first glimpse she had had when she came here for the first time!
Chiba felt that in places like the True Meteor Falls, other storm salamanders might appear, but the probability of a second baby dragon appearing at the same time was absolutely extremely low!

While having a long life span and great strength, the storm salamander is accompanied by an extremely low reproduction rate and a slow growth period.


Bold... No, it should be the unsuspecting baby dragon jumped off the back of the violent salamander, ran to Chiba's side in a hurry, and then turned to look at bay leaf.

"Vani Wani!" "I haven't seen you before, are you a new guy?"

"Bailey Bailey~"

Bay leaf barked twice, then looked at Chiba, meaning that I came with the trainer.

"Wani Wani?" "What is a trainer, can it be eaten?"

"Bailey... Bailey Bailey!" Bayleaf shook her head speechlessly. It also saw that the baby dragon was ignorant of the world, so it was not angry. Explain what a Trainer is.


Baby Dragon touched his little head, which had only a little feeling, as if no elf had ever treated it like this. The big guys always avoided him when they saw him, so boring!
One blue and one green chatted so brazenly, even Bay Ye even squatted down and changed into a comfortable position to chat with baby Longre.

Storm Salamander and Chiba looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong!


In the distance, a faint call woke up the somewhat confused Violent Salamander, right!I'm here to fight and expel humans!


The storm salamander roared, flapping its wings and attacking Chiba and the others with a hurricane, but it forgot that the baby dragon was still here!

"Vani Vani!"

The baby dragon's young body was easily blown up by the powerful hurricane. After a burst of panic, the baby dragon waved its short arms, as if it was flying in the air!
Sure enough, it is a baby dragon that is desperately eager to fly, but there is a waterfall in front of it. How about you being so happy regardless of the occasion!

Qianye and the violent newt were shocked at the same time. The first thought of violent newt was not to save the baby dragon, but to look back at his own cave, and found that the bad-tempered one, who regards the baby dragon as his heart The female storm salamander didn't observe this side, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly remembered.

The son can't be saved!

The first person who extended a helping hand was naturally the nearest bay leaf. Four vine whips stretched out. The baby dragon was tied up firmly. The hurricane has not dissipated for a short time. The baby dragon "flyed" in the sky like a kite. It's been a long time!

"Vani Vani!"

After the baby dragon landed safely, he ran to his father impatiently, said "Wanny" happily, then ran to the bay leaf, and said "Wanny" again.

In the end, he pouted his ass and faced his father, as if he was waiting for something.

Qianye watched from the beginning to the end in silence, clearly seeing the feeling that the baby dragon wanted to fly again!

However, how could the unfathomable violent salamander do such a bad thing...


The strong wind blew again, and a breath of cool air poured into Qianye's mouth, stopping his desire to complain!

Laurel Leaf frantically stretched out a cane whip to tie Lediandian's flying baby dragon tightly, and looked at the stormy salamander father and son in a very speechless manner, playing happily!

Another sound of dragon chant came from a distance, and I saw the father and son who were very happy, shaking their bodies at the same time.


The storm salamander seemed to have come to his senses only now, and quickly grabbed the baby dragon behind him, then yelled at Qianye in a low voice, and then flew away without looking back.

Qianye suddenly looked at the back of the violent salamander flying away speechlessly, so are you two invited by the monkey to be funny?
"Porphyrin!" "The big blue dragon told us to leave quickly. The battle just now attracted the attention of many leaders. If we don't leave, we can't leave with our strength!"

Tiaotiaozhu scratched Chiba's ear, and a slightly serious telepathy came!

Chiba frowned, remembering the care Bay Ye took for the baby dragon just now, so did the violent salamander not expel it, but let himself escape?
"Leaping pig, open the space door, everyone come back first, thank you!"

A series of red lights flashed, except for Hopping Pig and Zhi Chong Xiong who were still beside Chiba, the other elves all returned to the baby ball.

In the distance, Boss Kedora, Lizard King, Gyarados, etc. slowly appeared...

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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