Elf Skill Master

Chapter 240 The Ordinary Hopping Pig

Chapter 240 The Ordinary Hopping Pig

Tiaotiaozhu jumped happily on top of Chiba's head, ignoring Qianye's expression that was about to smoke with anger. Now Tiaotiaozhu is not paying attention to him more and more.

Can the trainer's head jump if it wants to?It's a pity that the Hopping Pig, who uses teleportation as easily as drinking water, will naturally not be caught by the "clumsy" Chiba.

Tiaotiaozhu just jumped around indiscriminately, swearing the excitement in his heart, this time Lucario is indeed a very formidable opponent, Tiaotiaozhu can be said to have exhausted all means, and only with the help of Chiba , barely won.

After winning, there is not much remaining physical strength, and now there is such a happy jumping around, it is often easy to be extremely happy and sad!

The jumping pig's spring tail landed on a very smooth stone. The jumping pig, who was already tired and slowed down in reaction, just slipped and fell, and fell straight and ate shit!
"Gulu Gulu Gulu..."



Chiba and Tiaotiaozhu were shocked at the same time. Most of the reason Tiaotiaozhu became stronger now is because of this mysterious and unusual super pearl!
Usually, Hopping Pig protects the pearl far more than he protects himself, but now his joy gives rise to sorrow, a pearl fell out without paying attention, and rolled all the way to the distance.


Suddenly, the super pearl hit a huge rock, and the rock seemed to be alive. It got up and turned around, and saw a beautiful pearl lying at its feet.

It's Longlongyan!


Long Longyan yelled happily, then picked up the pearl and stuffed it into his mouth!


The desperate and frightening voice of Tiaotiaozhu made Long Longyan almost choke. When he tried his best to swallow the super pearl, he saw Tiaotiaozhu, the peak elite, jumping towards him with red eyes!

Tiaotiaozhu's stature is small, but he has the aura of an elite peak and can't fake it. Long Longyan was so frightened that he turned around and used the trick of digging a hole, and disappeared instantly!


Tiaotiaozhu came to the entrance of the cave panting heavily, but Longlongyan had already escaped, and now it can't even detect superpowers after spending a lot of time!

Hopping Pig seemed to usher in the end of the world, staring blankly at the empty burrow, losing all vitality!

"Straight into the bear, wind speed dog, smell detection!"



The two Pokmon soon came to the entrance of the cave, carefully analyzing the remaining smell of the escaped Longlongyan, but as a stone-eating, pulling stone, what unique smell can Longlongyan leave behind as a stone itself?
"There must be the smell of Hopping Pig on the pearl, we will follow to find it!"

Qianye also quickly discovered the problem, but the pearl was swallowed by the Longlong Rock, and the smell left behind should not be much. It is not so difficult to find a Longlong Rock that can be seen everywhere on the steel island of Nuoda!
However, Chiba understands the importance of super pearls to Hopping Pig, and they cannot be lost no matter what!

Zhi Chong Xiong is naturally familiar with the smell of Hopping Pig, so it came to Hopping Pig mainly to comfort it.


The same is true for the wind speed dog, lowering its huge dog head, and resolutely assured Tiaotiaozhu that it seems that it will not give up until it finds the pearl!

Tiaotiaozhu threw himself on Zhichong Xiong in aggrieved manner, and then burst into tears, Chiba looked at Tiaotiaozhu with some affection, no matter what, Tiaotiaozhu was still just a little over one year old child, who suddenly lost Lost the most precious thing, grievance is certain.

"Okay, okay, time is running out, let's hurry up and look for it!"


Hopping Pig lightly hopped onto Chiba's shoulder, wiped away the remaining tears, and waved his little hand to tell Chiba to hurry up!
"Straight into the bear, wind speed dog, please!"



The two Pokémon started to search quickly, one left and one right. Jumping Pig quickly adjusted its state, took the recovery medicine Chiba gave it, closed its eyes and began to meditate.

Only by recovering mental power early can I join the search team and find the super pearl that is regarded as a treasure early!


Suddenly, a Kodora stopped in front of Chiba, and before the wind speed dog and the others could make a move, the jumping pig jumped down angrily, and with a strong mind, it hit Kedo hard. pull on the body!
Ke Dora lowered her body, and her powerful mental obsession made it painful, but Ke Dora, who was only at the peak of her growth period, did not lose her fighting ability under the mental obsession of Tiao Tiao Zhu's anger!


Panting heavily, Ke Dora's eyes turned red in an instant, and she slammed hard at the jumping pig!


Going straight to Xiongshen's rescue, he slammed Kedora aside, while Tiaotiaozhu stood there blankly. After losing the super pearl, it couldn't even kill a growing elf in seconds!

Seeing it, Qianye discovered for the first time that the super pearl had such a great influence on the jumping pig!Judging from the performance of the jumping pig just now, it is just an ordinary elite Pokmon.

That's why I met the steel system that is resistant to the super energy system and has excellent defense, so I can't kill it with one blow!


The Hopping Pig just sat there. It was the first time that it had lost its super pearl and realized that it was so...ordinary. Could this be the reason why it was so slow to break through to the Quasi-Uranus King?

"Hopping Pig!"

Chiba's serious voice came, and the Hopping Pig, who had never seen Qianye get angry, was suddenly shocked. It slowly turned its head and looked at Qianye with a serious face.

"Aren't you a jumping pig if you lose your super pearl?"

"Porphyrin..." Leaping Pig was a little at a loss. It knew that it was still a Leaping Pig, but it was very likely that it was no longer the exceptionally talented Leaping Pig.
"Do you think you can't become stronger without the super pearl?"

"Porphyrin..." Yes, but it should be very slow, and it must even evolve into an ugly Pupu pig.

"Or do you think I will release you? Or freeze you?"

"Pow..." Fangsheng probably won't be able to, but he definitely won't send me out to fight. I've really become a traffic pet and a translator.

"Tiaotiaozhu, I have heard all your thoughts!" Chiba had already walked up to Tiaotiaozhu step by step, and gently hugged it.


"Because the telepathy still exists, all your thoughts are transmitted to my mind! You are still a special Hopping Pig!"

"Porphyrin~" There was a gleam of light in Hopping Pig's gray eyes, but it was quickly covered up, it was just telepathy.

"Leaping pig, do you really want to become stronger?"

"Porf~" Tiaotiaozhu nodded hesitantly, but the loss of the super pearl made him lose the confidence to become stronger.

"Then do you still remember that Tetsuya has to meow?" Qianye smiled lightly, the existence of Miaomiao is simply the best example of Hopping Pig!


...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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