Elf Skill Master

Chapter 242 Heart Qi Lake

Chapter 242 Heart Qi Lake

Chiba and Tiaodiaozhu were naturally very happy when the super pearl was lost and recovered, but Xuanjian was able to find the super pearl through the power of the waveguide, and Qianye didn't believe that he would foolishly treat it as an ordinary pearl.

Ignoring the happy Leaping Pig at the side, Chiba pondered for a while, then took out an iron-gray stone from his backpack.

Millennium Hard Rock!

This is what Qianye gained in Meteor Falls. The rather mysterious Zhengying gave him something. There are many good things in Qianye, but they are really suitable for giving away, and they are not of much use to him. There is only this One piece.

"As a thank you, please accept this hard rock!"

Xuanjian was stunned for a moment, he could indeed feel that the pearl of the jumping pig was extraordinary, but Xuanjian, who was concentrating on the power of waveguide, didn't pay much attention to the super pearl.

But I didn't expect Qianye to give back the gift because of this. The slightly dull Xuanjian didn't know how to refuse for a while, but the value of the hard stone was not high, so Xuanjian accepted it after thinking about it.

Chiba did not say that this hard rock is a very precious thousand-year-old hard rock, and Xuanma would not specifically investigate a hard rock that is not outstanding.

It wasn't until Boscodora, who was carrying the hard rock, suddenly became stronger and his rock-type skills became more and more terrifying, that he realized that this hard rock was not ordinary!
After bidding farewell to Xuanma, who still had to give experience in Iron Island, Chiba boarded the ship back to Suimai City, and Chiba seemed a little excited on the ship.

So far, all the elves he has conquered in the Fangyuan area, except for the auxiliary healing bay leaf, have all entered the quasi-king level!
Most trainers have a hard time owning a quasi-king elf in their lifetime, but he made all the elves become quasi-kings in the first year of travel!
In the eyes of others, Chiba is the so-called "other people's child", classified as a genius-level trainer!

However, Qianye, who was secretly complacent for a while, quickly calmed down. It must be more difficult for the quasi-king to break through to the king-level, and it is even more difficult for the champion.

However, Sirona, the current champion of the Sinnoh area, became the champion at the age of 18. In other words, can Chiba reach the championship two years later?

Impossible, Qianye shook his head, he is not a trainer who focuses on combat, skill teaching is something he can't give up, even teaching teachers is his main job.

After some self-reflection, Qianye recovered quickly. There is still a long way to go to become stronger. Fortunately, Qianye also has a lot of time, so he can't devote himself wholeheartedly to the improvement of his strength, but he can't stand still!
Chiba, who had adjusted her condition, looked at the looming Shuimai City in the distance, feeling beautiful for a while, let's be proud again!
Rest for one night in Suimai City, to recover from the recent dark wounds of Tiao Tiao Zhu, Chiba's next destination has been determined, Masa Town where the long-renowned Dr. Yamanashi in the Sinnoh area is located!
The research field of Dr. Yamanashi in Zhensha Town is the evolution of Pokémon. He has researched the three evolutionary types of Duckbill (Duckbill), Electric Shocker and Super Iron Tyrannosaurus (Super Armored Rhino).

Including the new evolutionary type of Ibrahimovic that has just become popular recently, Leaf Ibrahimovic and Ice Ibrahimovic were also discovered by Dr. Yamanashi!

In addition, Dr. Yamanashi is also responsible for the distribution of the initial Yusanjia in the southwest area of ​​the Sinnoh area, so he is well known by everyone!

And Chiba naturally visited Dr. Yamanashi as a junior, and the reason was because the "young" Chiba once gave Dr. Yamanashi a big guess.

Environmental factors affect the evolution of Pokémon!Such as Ye Yibo and Bing Yibo!
Of course, Chiba didn't say it directly, but Dr. Yamanashi, who has been doing research all his life, can naturally see through it and find out something else.


"Is this the Xinqi Lake of the three major lakes of Sinnoh?" Qianye set off from Shuimai City, all the way south, and came to the famous Xinqi Lake. Legend has it that one of the three holy mushrooms lives here!
In the northernmost part of the mainland is the Wisdom Lake, the westernmost is the Xinqi Lake, and the easternmost is the Lizhi Lake, where the guardian of the lake lives.

The so-called guardians of the lake are naturally Yuxi, Emrido and Yaknom.

In fact, Qianye is quite looking forward to whether he is the legendary "chosen one", waiting for the divine beast to show up on his own initiative, and then granting him new forbidden powers, wouldn't that be flattering?
Traveling in the Sinnoh area was not very purposeful, so Chiba immediately decided to camp by the lake!

"Come out, big guy!"

A burst of red light flashed, and all the elves that Qianye brought to Sinnoh were released!

Straight to the Bear, Hopping Pig, Desert Dragonfly, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Bay Leaf, Minions, and Torkby's Egg!
Chiba first handed the egg to Bay Ye, maybe because she was also taken by Chiba to travel since the egg period, or as a healing auxiliary elf, Bay Ye cared about the elf egg very much.

It first used the grass knotting skills to grow the green grass on a piece of land crazily, and then weaved it into a very comfortable nest, and then put the elf eggs in it.

Chiba was stunned by a set of smooth and smooth operations, but if Yue Guiye was willing, Qianye would naturally not stop it, and the elf eggs really needed careful care.

And other Pokémon also began to find their own favorite things to do. The desert dragonfly flew high and watched the beautiful scenery around.

Wind Speed ​​Dog ran to a big rock by himself and rested there lazily. He has inherited the morning light skill and likes to bask in the sun very much!

Tiaotiaozhu ran to tease that gentleman who wore glasses and ignored everyone!
Zhi Chongxiong obediently ran over to help Chiba tidy up things, set up camp and had already prepared lunch.

After a while, the bay leaf who had settled the elf egg also ran over, and waved the four rattan whips very skillfully, helping Qianye wash the dishes and chop vegetables, etc., which can be called a must-have elf for home travel!

After the lunch was almost ready, the bay leaf automatically acted as a microphone, calling out to the scattered elves.

The lunch was very sumptuous. Chiba bought up a lot of ingredients that Yoshien did not have in the Sinnoh area in Mizumai City, and put them all into the space backpack.

So at this time, everyone can be said to be full of food. Seeing the elves eating so happily, Qianye is very satisfied as their trainer.

Sometimes it’s like this, it’s an extremely happy thing to just enjoy food so happily without seeking fame and wealth, or gold and silver money!
However, when Qianye looked at a pair of elites, who was so gentle and used a knife and fork to eat like a human being, it felt awkward no matter how he looked at it!
...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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