Elf Skill Master

Chapter 246 Dual Characteristics

Chapter 246 Dual Characteristics (Please recommend!)

After many battles, Chiba finally had a bold guess, that is, the flashing ball is probably a Pokémon with dual characteristics!
Sleepless + sniper features!
Sleepless, sleepless physique, will not fall into sleep, and has strong resistance to hypnotic skills!
For a sniper, when hitting a vital point, the damage becomes 1.5 times that of a normal hitting vital point.

Coupled with the sneak attack or cross poison blade that is easy to hit the vital point, once the critical strike is made, the power will be tripled, and the strengthening effect of the opponent's defense and the weakening effect of one's own attack will be ignored!

Moreover, after the string ball evolves into Alidos, it can comprehend the sword dance skill by itself, ensuring its output when there is no critical strike.

However, there are still great disadvantages in other aspects of lineball, such as lack of physical strength, slow speed, and low defense. The only sniper characteristic that can be used depends on the face.

But that's more interesting, isn't it?
Qianye grinned, gently picked up the ignorant string ball, and said seriously, "Since you joined my team, you must have the determination to become stronger! My training is very hard!"


Chiba's sudden intimacy made Xianqiu a little cramped, but after hearing Qianye's words, Xianqiu became quiet instead, and then nodded seriously, strength has always been what it pursues!
"Then, go ahead!"


Looking at the high-spirited string ball, Chiba's smile widened a bit.

Due to the need to train the line ball, and the surrounding low-level Pokémon are suitable for it to fight against, so Chiba's pace of progress is not fast, and it is even a bit of a trip to the mountains and rivers.

And the performance of the line ball during this period also made Chiba a little impressed, with a firm determination to become stronger, an unyielding will, a smart mind, and a strong fighting instinct!
It's hard to imagine that these things actually appeared on a small ball of thread. Although its talent is far inferior to that of Tiao Tiao Zhu, it didn't affect Qianye's attention to it at all.

On the online ball, Chiba saw the figure of Tetsuya Miaomiao, the kind of elf who becomes stronger by virtue of will is far more valuable than the naturally grown and stronger elves with extremely high talents.

Qianye also wants to know, how far can a ball with a talent that is only higher than that of the same race, but does not exceed the racial limit, go so far!
During this period of time, he was like a newcomer trainer who just came out to travel. With a ball of string that looked like an initial elf, it took him three full days to cross Route 201 and arrive at Zhensha Town.

And the little string ball has also made good progress, which makes Chiba very satisfied!

Instead of going to the Spirit Center, Chiba followed the roadside signs and came to Dr. Yamanashi's research institute first.

"excuse me!"

"I'm Chiba from Mizuzuki City, Hoen District, and I'm here to visit Dr. Yamanashi."

"Oh, you are Master Qianye, the doctor has an explanation, please wait here for a while, I will go to the doctor!"

A researcher with glasses looked surprised, and led Chiba to the living room of the research institute, and then hurried to find the doctor.

Chiba shrugged, took out some snacks and fed them to the Hopping Pig and the ball of string lying on its shoulders.

Zhi Chongxiong lay quietly at Chiba's feet. As the boss, it naturally didn't care about these snacks. It needed a lot of nutrition just after the string ball was subdued, and the jumping pig was purely greedy.

Soon, Dr. Yamanashi, who looked meticulous and even serious, came over and forced a smile on his face when he saw Chiba.

"Grandpa Yamanashi, long time no see!"

"Please call me Dr. Yamanashi in the research institute." Yamanashi looked very serious, but Qianye knew that the serious-looking old man in front of him was a very kind elder, otherwise he would not accept the task of distributing the Yusanjia.

You must know that once the Yusanjia is distributed to the new trainer's hometown, it means that Dr. Yamanashi will be responsible for taking care of all the elves sent back by the trainer, which is not an easy task.

"Okay, Grandpa Yamanashi"

Chiba replied solemnly, ignoring the horrifying researcher's assistant behind Dr. Yamanashi.

"You came just in time, I just need your help with something here." Dr. Yamanashi's face remained unchanged, and he didn't correct Chiba's address again, turned around and left.

Chiba grinned, followed, and came to the place where Dr. Yamanashi and the others usually do research. Chiba hardly knew the high-end instruments around him, but obviously, it had nothing to do with Dr. Yamanashi asking him to come.

On the research table in the middle of the research room, three elves who had just passed their infancy sat side by side obediently, not daring to move at all.

It is the three imperial elves, Bogaman, little fire monkey and tortoise from the Sinnoh area!

Seeing Dr. Yamanashi and the others approaching, the three young Yusanjia were stunned and did not dare to move. Obviously, Dr. Yamanashi, who usually puts your face on coldly, is quite a deterrent to the elves!
"Master Chiba, it's like this. Soon there will be new trainers to choose the initial elves, but there is a problem with Bogaman among them."

After Dr. Yamanashi came, the insightful researcher assistant stepped forward and explained.

"I'm not a master, just call me Chiba. What's wrong with Pogaman?" Chiba asked, reaching out to touch his head, looking like a Pogaman I'm very proud of, but was rejected by the other party. One dodged and dodged.

"Uh, I don't know why this Bogaman has been unable to use water skills since it was sent to the research institute."

"Can't use water skills?" It stands to reason that when the Yusanjia distributed by the alliance is handed over to the newcomer trainer, they will learn three or four basic skills.

A melee physical attack, such as grabbing, hitting, and slapping; a changing skill, such as screaming, tail wagging, staring, etc.; an attribute skill, such as bubbles, flames, and absorption.

Judging from Pogaman's situation, it should be that he can't use the bubble skill. Chiba looked at the very healthy Pogaman, and found nothing abnormal at the first time.

"How long has this been the case?"

"It's been a week and three days since I came to the institute," the researcher raised his heavy eyes and said solemnly.

"Is there a problem with the energy balance in the body?"

"No problem, water-type energy is 75%, flight-type energy is 5%, steel-type energy is 15%, and normal-type energy is 5%"

Chiba nodded. The other party's professionalism is admirable, so all the problems that can be thought of in the routine can be ruled out. It seems that we have to find another way.

"Why don't you come to a battle, it's easier to see the problem in this way"

"This...isn't that good?" The researcher's assistant was hesitant. He would gain experience in the battle, and maybe the level would be accidentally raised, so he wouldn't be suitable for being an initial elf.

"Enough is enough, I will pay attention to proportion"

"Yes!" Dr. Yamanashi, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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