Elf Skill Master

Chapter 253 The Kingdom of Flowers

Chapter 253 The Kingdom of Flowers
"Sorry, the queen bee has been taken away for almost three months. The long wait made me think that I would never call her again, so I was a little excited for a while."

"It's okay, it's human nature." Chiba smiled and nodded, no matter how much money Kong Gu made with Queen Bee, at least he showed his sincerity just now.

"It's too distant to call you sir. If you don't mind, I'll call you by your name." Mr. Kong Gu said with a smile, his eyes flashed with deep admiration for Chiba.

"Of course, just call me Chiba, Uncle Kongu!"

"Hahaha, good call, since you call me uncle, I will naturally give you a meeting gift, which can also be regarded as a thank you gift for saving my Queen Bee!" Kong Gu laughed and patted Qianye's face shoulder, then turned around and found a few glass bottles from a cabinet.

"This is……"

"This is royal honey made by the queen bee herself. It's much better than ordinary sweetness!"

"Royal bee honey?" Qianye was not at all polite, she reached out to catch these small jars of royal bee honey, and observed them carefully.

The royal honey in the glass bottle is golden, without any impurities, thick and rich, but can easily let air bubbles pass through it, just looking at the appearance, it is incomparable to ordinary sweetness.

"Sweetness has two main functions, making food and attracting wild elves, and the attraction ability of royal honey is a hundred times that of ordinary sweetness!"

"Hundred times?" Qianye was stunned secretly, not realizing it was a bit exaggerated. If it was a hundred times, it might even attract divine beasts, right?

"Hehe, don't you believe me? You'll know if you have a chance to try it out, but be careful that you won't be able to deal with too much attraction." Kong Gu laughed and said, not caring about Chiba's suspicion at all.

"Then thank you, Uncle Konggu." No matter what, Qianye's trip has come to a successful conclusion after obtaining royal honey that is better than Tiantian.

After chatting with Sora for a while, Chiba offered to leave on the grounds of traveling. Mieko, who had been sitting obediently by the side during this period, was obviously taken aback, as if a little surprised that Chiba would leave so soon.

After the chat just now, Chiba also knew the identity of the simple girl, the granddaughter of Uncle Kong Gu, a young girl who was only 13 years old.

"It can be seen that Chiba, your strength is not bad. I just heard that your geranium has evolved in Yuanzhi Town?"

"Well, that child just evolved not long ago"

"Then I suggest you explore the depths of the sea of ​​flowers. If you are lucky, you may find something else."

"Other discoveries?" Qianye was puzzled, but did not continue to ask, but got up to leave.

"This Chiba seems to be very powerful." Seeing Chiba's disappearing figure, Mieko said in a daze.

"Being able to take back my queen bee from Hunter J without taking it as my own is naturally not weak. Don't think about Mieko. You can't involve more people in the matter of your parents."

"Hmm~" Mieko bit her lips and said nothing, but the firmness in her eyes flashed away.

Qianye carefully packed the royal honey into her backpack, looked at the vast sea of ​​flowers and thought for a while, and decided to follow Kong Gu's advice and look into the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

"Desert dragonfly, please!"


Obviously the strength and appearance are not bad, but it has only been the role of the mount. The hard-working desert dragonfly said that he didn't want to pay attention to Chiba, and rolled his eyes.

The vast sea of ​​flowers stretches as far as the eye can see, and the town of Yuanzhi is not divided into four seasons, so no matter when you come here, it is such a charming scenery, which is simply unnatural in Chiba's view.

After riding a desert dragonfly for almost an hour, Chiba didn't find anything else, except for flowers in the sea of ​​flowers.

There is only one kind of elf that can be seen, and that is the industrious three bees. Besides, there is not even a Mukle!
The breeze, the sea of ​​flowers and the three bees are all of the sea of ​​flowers. Sometimes, no problem is the real problem!Chiba patted the desert dragonfly's neck, signaling to land.

After finding a slightly open place, Qianye realized at this moment that the average height of the flowers had exceeded two meters when they arrived here, and they couldn't see anything after landing. Qianye frowned and looked around.

Zhi Chong Xiong and Jumping Pig are also on the alert, always on guard against emergencies.At this moment, the beauty of the sea of ​​flowers was quite creepy. Although the weather was sunny, Chiba still unconsciously tightened her coat.

"Geranium, come out!"


The warm and elegant geranium appeared beside Qianye, and a faint fragrance permeated the surroundings, and the uneasiness in his heart was gradually calmed down, as if the silent sea of ​​flowers around him became gentle.

"Geranium, let's go together"


For some reason, after Chiba released the geranium, both Chiba and Zhi Chongxiong unconsciously relaxed. This must not be just the effect of the fragrance of the flowers.

There is always a voice in their hearts telling themselves that there is real danger around them!


A crisp and tender voice came suddenly, and everyone stopped in place, and soon a pink elf stumbled out of the grass.

"Sakura Treasure?"


Cherry Blossom completely ignored Chiba's call, instead squinted his eyes, looked like he was precariously drunk, sniffed lightly, as if thinking of some fatal attraction, Cherry Blossom ran straight towards Geranium.


Yinghuabao's cheeks were flushed, and she limply rubbed Geranium's front legs, and then just lingered on.


Stretching out a vine whip, Geranium lifted Sakura Treasure, looked strangely at Sakura Treasure who hadn't woken up, then turned to look at Chiba again, indicating what to do.

"Just take it with you, the first elf has appeared, I think we may have found the secret in the sea of ​​flowers." Chiba blinked with a smile, touched Geranium's smooth head, a thought flashed in her eyes .

"Hey~ Hey~"

A walking grass wobbled past Qianye, and then belatedly turned to look at the strangers.

"Hey there!"

The timid walking plants squatted down one by one, turning into a seemingly flawless weed. Qianye looked at the cute walking plant with a funny face, did not disturb it, carefully bypassed the walking plant, and continued on its way .

When the second elf was found, Qianye felt a lot more relaxed, and the lush flowers and plants around him also thinned out, gradually being replaced by green grass.

When the field of vision suddenly opened up, Qianye looked at the scene in front of her with bright eyes, taking it for granted in disbelief!

Beautiful Flower, Big Food Flower, Overlord Flower, Cherry Blossom, Frog Flower, Shuttlecock Flower, Sunflower Monster, Miss Qun'er, Mrs. Huajie...

This is the Kingdom of Flowers!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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