Elf Skill Master

Chapter 255 Fighting the Heavenly King Class Again

Chapter 255 Fighting the Heavenly King Class Again

The light dissipated, Qianye squinted his eyes slightly to look at the situation on the scene, the Galaxy Group was led by a woman with fiery red hair in a silver uniform, surrounded by all green-headed boys, this strange dress made Chiba Can't help but want to complain.

As for the Kingdom of Flowers, Jie Mi has undergone tremendous changes at this time. Her chubby body has been completely stretched, and her small round eyes are now full of sharpness. The point is that she is flying in the air at this moment!

Jaime, sky form!
Compared with the land form, the sky form of Jiemi is more suitable for fighting. The distribution of race points has also changed from the original balance of 100 to the distribution of increased speed and special attack, and slightly weakened defense, which is more suitable for combat!

In terms of body shape, the sky-shaped Jiemi is a little less cute and a little more heroic, but she is still very cute. Among the gods and beasts, her appearance is also ranked first!

And behind it, there are densely packed flower elves, the overlord flower and geranium that belonged to the final evolution. Do your best!
"Rosredo, Poisonous Skeleton Frog, Sludge Bomb!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, venom impact!"

"Big-mouthed bat, air cutting!"

"Tank skunk, acid bomb!"

As the red-haired woman's Roseletto and the Poisonous Skeleton Frog launched an attack, the minions around her also launched an offensive, all of which were skills to restrain grass-type Pokémon, obviously planned for a long time!

And after seeing Rose Leiduo, Chiba also guessed that the other party's method of entry should be similar to her own, relying on flower elves!


Jie Mi yelled, and rushed forward without hesitation in the face of many skills that restrained it. Many rotating green leaves quickly appeared around her, and then turned quickly, forming a huge green tornado!

The first move is a grass-type big move, Flying Leaf Storm!
The flower elves behind were also not to be outdone, and the magic leaves, sun flames, and energy balls were released one after another!

The skills collided one after another, forming a huge collision. Due to the particularity of the poison elves, the explosion directly burst out a strong poisonous gas, which spread to the surroundings!
The Yinhe group was fully prepared and put on gas masks one after another. Jiemi's side was disturbed one after another without defense, and there were more than one or two poisoned people!

Jie Mi screamed angrily, and saw it fly directly to the place where the toxin was most concentrated, and began to absorb it violently!
Jiemi, the god of flowers, has the power to "purify everything". She can absorb toxins and other substances and transform them into her own power, and use this to use her exclusive skills, the seeds shine!

As long as it is a skill, Chiba, the homework skill teacher, has more or less understanding, and although the seed flash is powerful, it also has its flaws!
That is to transform skills by absorbing toxins, it takes a long time, but at this time, Qianye Mingming also saw the red-haired woman who led the Yinhe group and smiled strangely!
"Hurry up and help, jumping pig, attack with full range of mind power! Go straight to Xiong Shensu! Protect Jiemi!"

Sure enough, as soon as Chiba finished speaking, the red-haired woman's voice came out, "Rosredo, poisonous skeleton frog, double poisonous! Others, attack!"


At the critical moment, Tiaotiaozhu took Qianye and the others to the front of the Galaxy Group first, without any pause, and the full range of thought power exploded!Most of the poisonous elves were wiped out in no time!

The power of Hopping Pig's super power can be seen!In particular, the poisonous skeleton frog, which was restrained by four times its super power, was directly killed by a single move of the powerful thought power. You must know that the poisonous skeleton frog is already a quasi-king's junior elf!


Zhi Chongxiong's cooperation is also tacit. The moment he was teleported over, he had already observed the distance of movement, and he teleported to Jiemi's body with super fast activation. He protected the activation and blocked the remaining skills.


Jie Mi, who was absorbing the toxin, couldn't move, and it was so smart that it also realized how dangerous it is to absorb toxins in battle!

In the same way, they couldn't help but have a little more affection and curiosity for Chiba who came to help it, especially when compared with the bad guys from the Galaxy Cluster, this affection inevitably increased infinitely.

"Why are there trainers here!"

"Why is there a galaxy cluster here?"

Faced with the other party's questioning, Chiba Theory counterattacked back of course. After such a delay, the toxins around him were basically absorbed by Jie Mi, and the next moment a dazzling strong light was released from Chiba's side.

With her eyes closed, Qianye discovered that the power of the seed flash is one aspect. This powerful flash ability can make many opponents panic and at a loss!

No matter how powerful the elves with sense of smell and hearing are, they will inevitably become tense when faced with the sudden strong light, so when the light dissipates, Qianye finds that many elves have fallen on the opposite side.

"Damn it, I didn't want to use the elf sent by the leader." The red-haired leader took back his poisonous skeleton frog, and let the half-disabled Roseredo stand in front of him, then took out a plain elf ball, and threw it gently. out.

"Please, flame horse!"


With a milky white body, a raging fire on its back and a sharp white horn, the flame horse looks very good.

At the same time, the aura exuded by the Raging Flame Horse also made Chiba stunned, Heavenly King level!
"Jimi, be careful!"


Jiemi, who was flying in the air, looked at Qianye suspiciously. Although you helped me, it seems that we are still not familiar with each other, right?

Facing the divine beast Jie Mi, Lie Yanma's eyes did not fluctuate at all, the horse's hooves lightly stomped, and the whole body was covered with raging fire. It was so simple that it didn't bump into it like a heavenly king-level elf.

"Jumping pig, mind control! Go straight to the bear, super fast!"


The blue superpower instantly covered the flame horse, but Qianye found that the speed of the flame horse was only slightly reduced!


It started at a high speed, and the white streamer shot out in an instant, rushing fiercely towards the flame horse, but the flame horse calmly looked at the straight bear, and then at the moment when it was about to collide, the sharp horns were so casually lowered!

Zhi Chongxiong looked at the approaching sharp horn, and a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body in an instant, he couldn't even think of bumping into it like this!

The right forelimb and hind limb exerted strength at the same time, and the straight bear's whole body moved sideways to avoid it, but the next moment, the flame horse seemed to have understood the thought of straight bear, and the one-horn followed the trend and hit!

It didn't need any force from the flame horse at all, it went straight into the soft belly of the bear, and was hit hard by the flame horse's horn, and then fell directly to the ground, rolling a few times violently!
Chiba's heart stopped suddenly, this was the first time he saw Zhi Chongxiong being crushed by his opponent in terms of combat experience, and the price was very heavy!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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