Chapter 1011 Ganoderma lucidum 3
Being called by a name by someone who is only about 20 years old is like she is the same age as Ye Rumu!
In reality, she is thousands of years old.

"Then thank you Ganoderma lucidum." Ye Rumu thanked.

I also feel a little dumbfounded, so the spirit beasts also care about age so much?Ye Rumu hadn't noticed this problem before.

"No thanks, no thanks, all these years, you are still one of the few people who have not been scared to death after seeing me." Ganoderma lucidum waved its paw indifferently, anyway, the fruit of improving cultivation in the backyard is a waste.

It's not much use for her to eat.

After that, everyone walked intently and did not speak any more.

Ganoderma lucidum is really curious, what is the reason they came here?Could it be the same as those people, greedy for the treasures here?
However, as long as she is here, no one can take away the treasure here!So Ganoderma lucidum is not worried at all.

However, Lingzhi decided to wait until he got to the backyard first.

After another half an hour, he finally returned to the backyard.

As soon as Ganoderma lucidum arrived in the backyard, it immediately jumped up to a tree and picked two snow-white fruits the size of a fist.

Then he jumped up and brought Ye Xiaoye down.

As soon as Ye Xiaoye saw Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, she immediately rushed forward!
"Father, mother, I miss you so much! Woooooo... where have you been..." Ye Xiaoye didn't want to cry at first, but when he saw his father and mother, he couldn't help but feel wronged. It's a baby, so it's okay to act like a baby.

With that in mind, Ye Xiaoye leaned on Baili Yao's body.

"It's mother and father's fault, we didn't protect you well..." Ye Rumu said with a guilty face.

Ye Xiaoye quickly shook her head, crying to comfort Ye Rumu: "Mother, it's not your fault, it's because Ye'er is ignorant and doesn't know where she went..."

"Okay, don't cry, what if this matter is over?" Baili Yao said quickly seeing one or two crying so sadly.

"That's right, it's not a big deal! Anyway, you are all safe and sound now! Well, these two fruits can help you improve your spiritual power to the third to fifth level, so eat them soon." Ganoderma lucidum forcefully interrupted and stuffed the fruit into the hands of the two.

Ye Xiaoye saw that he didn't have his share, and asked a little aggrieved: "Then what about mine?"

"You are too young to eat it! If you eat it, your cultivation speed will not be so fast in the future, and you will not be solid! You are still young, so you have to do solid work since childhood! Your parents and you Different, they need to be super strong quickly, and then slowly get solid." Lingzhi explained!

After hearing what Ganoderma lucidum said, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, and got up to eat without hesitation.

Indeed, they are all so old, and they don't have a solid foundation like those who started cultivating at a young age, so they can only work hard to improve their cultivation.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips, "Although I didn't understand it, I feel like it's very powerful."

Ye Rumu suddenly laughed.

Lingzhi glared at Ye Xiaoye, and said, "Go and eat your fruit!"

Ye Xiaoye felt aggrieved, "I was eating, but you brought me down suddenly, and I haven't picked the fruit yet."

"Then what were you doing just now?" Ganoderma lucidum stared, feeling that she was asleep after staying on the tree for such a long time?

(End of this chapter)

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