Chapter 1017 Return 1
"Where are you going?" Lingzhi asked curiously, Ye Rumu came from Tianyu, is he going back to Tianyu?

"If you follow me, you will know in the future!" Ye Rumu smiled mysteriously.

However, Baili Yao knew where Ye Rumu wanted to go.

"Well, well, then you go in and take out the thing first." Lingzhi urged, she was still counting on this thing to find its owner!

Hiding the last, perhaps time-traveling thing, is a cave.

After a few people walked in, the lights inside were suddenly brightly lit, as if they were waiting for them!
Suddenly, a person appeared on the front wall.

Ye Rumu had seen this person before when he was at Yiming Peak in Tianyu, and he was the first saint of Yiming Peak!
That is, dreaming!

"You are finally here." Mimeng looked straight at the place where Ye Rumu was standing.

Hearing Mimeng's words, the dazed Ganoderma lucidum finally came to his senses, rushed forward and cried, "Master, it's me, I'm Lingzhi..."

But the ganoderma that pounced on it was in vain, and immediately realized that this was just an illusion.

"Lingzhi, don't cry, I've been waiting for you to follow her to find me." Mimeng smiled gently at Lingzhi.

Lingzhi looked back at Ye Rumu, and asked with tears in her eyes, "Is she?"

Mimeng nodded, then continued to look at Ye Rumu.

"Is senior waiting for me? Senior...why are you waiting for me?" Ye Rumu asked, looking at Mimeng, two steps forward.

"I'm waiting for you, of course I have my reasons, but you have to walk your own way, the secret, don't reveal too much. In this life, you are called Rumu, right?" Mimeng's voice was gentle, listening It makes people feel comfortable inside.

Ye Rumu nodded and frowned, "My name is Ye Rumu in this life, does Senior Mimeng know me in my previous life?"

It turns out, do people really have past and present lives?

Mi Meng nodded, "Is it more than acquaintance? Hehe, although you don't remember now, but one day, you will remember everything."

After hearing what Mimeng said, Ye Rumu's heart skipped a beat. Can you still remember what happened in the previous life, in this life?Why remember it again?

Before Ye Rumu had time to ask, Mimeng looked at Baili Yao again, squinted her eyes, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you are him. I didn't expect that you would still be entangled with each other for life after life... Anyway, The next thing will wait for you to think about it, and then you can decide."

The memory was too painful, and Mimeng worried that Ye Rumu would not be able to bear it.

She would never have imagined that in the first life, the vow that these two people made to be together no matter whether it was sweet or bitter, disaster or disaster, would still be effective now!

Mimeng sighed, hoping that when they all remembered, they could really make a choice.

Hearing Mimeng's words, Baili Yao's heart moved, and he asked, "Senior Mimeng, do you mean that Rumu and I are lifelong partners?"

Mimeng nodded and said, "That's what it means. Well, I can't say anything more. Rumu, here's what you want, so go."

With a wave of Mimeng's hand, a palm-sized disc was thrown out by Mimeng.

"The time and dynasties on this disc can be slid by your own choice,
(End of this chapter)

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