Chapter 1022 Return 6
At this moment, there is another Cheng Qizhu listening in the ring space!
"Speaking of Dongfang Lingyue, she can be considered a legend!" Mu Yan said slowly.

"Oh? Legendary? What do you say?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows curiously.

At some point, Baili Yao and others came over, and Ye Xiaoye even lay on Ye Rumu's lap to listen to the story.

"Dongfang Lingyue came from the lower realms, and she was favored by the Saintess Sect as soon as she came up, and was chosen as the successor by the saintess who was appointed to teach martial arts in person. I heard that this was very enviable at the time!" Even when Mu Yan was speaking now, her tone was full of envy.

"Oh? Really?" Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows. Dongfang Lingyue is probably really good, but she has never heard of the Saintess Cult.

It is estimated that he has not been in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time. Ye Rumu really does not know where the Holy Maiden Cult is.

"Yeah, the Saintess Cult has always been the most influential existence in the world of cultivating immortals. Although the Saintess Cult is all women, no one dares to underestimate them! Hmm... that's beside the point. In the future, the Saintess Cult will have How amazing I will tell you, let’s talk about Dongfang Lingyue now!"

"Dongfang Lingyue practiced very fast at that time, and she was very talented and smart. She learned things quickly, and soon became the No.1 of the younger generation in the Saintess Cult, with a very high status."

"In addition, Dongfang Lingyue has an outstanding appearance. It is said that when others described her at that time, she was described as the most beautiful woman in the world, which attracted many outstanding men. However, Dongfang Lingyue always emphasized that she already had a sweetheart. She has been waiting for her sweetheart to come to her. However, thousands of years have passed, and she has not waited for the sweetheart she said to come to her."

"During the past few thousand years, Dongfang Lingyue has been waiting besides cultivating. Three thousand years ago, Dongfang Lingyue, who had suppressed her cultivation for more than 3000 years and never ascended, finally thought about it and released her spiritual power. Went to fairyland."

When Mu Yan talked about it here, she basically told everything she knew.

"That is to say, the current Dongfang Lingyue is in the fairyland, right?" Ye Rumu asked as if confirming.

Muyan nodded, "Others said that she should have left long ago, but she has stayed until now. After sitting for more than 1000 years, the position of saintess has been passed on to others. No one knows. She waited Who it is, I only know that she can't wait for anyone."

"Understood, Muyan, thank you." Ye Rumu thanked.

No wonder, if Dongfang Lingyue was really so outstanding, there would naturally be many people talking about her, but now, very few people know about her, that is to say, a long, long time has passed.

"You're welcome, but, sister Rumu, why did you suddenly ask about Dongfang Lingyue?" Muyan asked curiously.

Not to mention Muyan, the others also looked at Ye Rumu in unison, never heard Ye Rumu mention this person before?

Ye Rumu smiled, and said: "You also know that the time in the world of cultivating immortals and Tianyu is not the same, so the Dongfang Lingyue I was looking for was asked by Tianyu's old friend."

"So that's the case." Mu Yan nodded.

Then he looked at the crowd and said excitedly: "Cang Yuan said he would come over today!"

"Really?" Qing Xin approached and asked, and then cast a teasing look at Qing Jue who was standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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