Chapter 1024 Cang Yuan Comes Back 1
Mu Yan shook her head resolutely, "Cang Yuan, the so-called distance produces beauty, you can't be too clingy to Qing Jue, otherwise what if Qing Jue is afraid of you?"

"Ah?" Cang Yuan was a little flustered, has she been clingy for too long?

"Ah what! Did you hear that, you can't live too close." Muyan said domineeringly directly.

"Okay...but, sister Rumu, you and Qingjue have known each other for a long time, what do you think?" Cang Yuan asked.

"Qing Jue, it's hard for me to say. However, Qing Jue's temperament is withdrawn, so he often treats people coldly, Cang Yuan, have you really thought about it?" Ye Rumu asked very seriously .

Cang Yuan glanced at Baili Yao.

Listening to their conversation, Baili Yao thought about everything, and now seeing Cang Yuan looking at him, he slightly raised his eyebrows, and turned around and left as if nothing happened.

The corners of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched as he watched, and he stroked his forehead with some headaches. He forgot that Baili Yao was there just now!

And if Baili Yao knew what Ye Rumu was thinking, he would definitely despise her to death!

How could he even forget the fact that he was by her side?This is not paying attention to him too much!

After Baili Yao left, Cang Yuan said very seriously: "Sister Rumu, don't worry, my liking for Qingjue is definitely not the kind that happens every day! I like Qingjue, I like everything It surpasses myself! Sister Rumu, you can trust me to give Qingjue to me, I will definitely not let you down!"

"Pfft..." Ye Rumu burst out laughing, it wasn't that Qingqing said to Cang Yuan's father: Please give your daughter to me, I will take good care of her and not let you down.

Why are the roles reversed now?

"Did I say something wrong..." Cang Yuan blinked, then blinked again, looking at Ye Rumu and asked at a loss.

"Idiot, it should be Qingjue who said these words! Why did you say that!" Muyan glared at Cang Yuan.

Cang Yuan finally understood, stuck out his tongue and said: "But... isn't it that I haven't chased Qingjue yet? When two people are together, it doesn't have to be a man chasing a woman, I will definitely chase Qingjue !"

Mu Yan said seriously.

"Well, good, then you should catch up with Qingjue! When the time comes, it's good that you are happy anyway." Mu Yan said.

Qing Jue is a good man, indeed.If Cang Yuan can be with him, he will live happily ever after.

"Qing Jue is actually not so hard to chase, Cang Yuan, it's up to you to let him open his heart for you." Ye Rumu smiled, patted Cang Yuan on the shoulder, and walked away .

Baili Yao was waiting for Ye Rumu in front, Ye Rumu smiled and walked up.

"Some people like Qingjue's ice lump." Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and said in a disgusted tone.

Ye Rumu said with even more distaste: "Yeah, who else is more like Bing Tuozi than you? I don't even dislike you? It's amazing."

Baili Yao: "..."

The question is, does he have it?
Shaking his head helplessly, he followed Ye Rumu's footsteps.

Not long after Ye Rumu left, Cang Yuan, who had finished chatting with Muyan, also temporarily separated from Muyan, and Cang Yuan went directly to Qing Jue.

It seems that where Qing Jue will appear, now she can already know it like the back of her hand.

So he quickly found Qing Jue, this time, what he saw was still his back!

(End of this chapter)

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