Chapter 1026 Give up 2
Qing Jue looked at Cang Yuan seriously as if he had made up his mind.

Cang Yuan squinted his eyes, and nodded seriously: "Yes, no matter who you are or what your status is, I like you, just you!"

"Do you like it enough to ignore other people's objections?" Qing Jue asked, pursing her lips.

"No one will object to us. We will be able to live happily ever after. You believe me." Cang Yuan shook her head vigorously, her father has already agreed, and Ye Rumu and the others have no objection, as long as Qing Jue is willing...they Just be able to be together!
"We are still not suitable now." Qing Jue wanted to try with Cang Yuan, but with his current ability, he couldn't do anything, and he couldn't offer anything to Cang Yuan, so he could only refuse.

"Why isn't it suitable? What makes you feel inappropriate?" Cang Yuan's mind exploded as soon as he heard it, and he couldn't calm down anymore, so he asked directly.

Qing Jue pursed his lips, looked at Cang Yuan, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything, looked at Cang Yuan for a while but didn't say anything.

Seeing clearly and never speaking, Cang Yuan's heart is ashamed, perhaps, as a girl, she shouldn't take the initiative like this, but if she doesn't take the initiative, with Qing Jue's temperament, it is estimated that they will not be able to walk together for the rest of their lives Bar?

But now that she has taken the initiative, Qing Jue still refuses, um, does this mean that they are impossible?
"I understand... I hope you can find someone who suits you." After Cang Yuan finished speaking, he ran away as if fleeing.

Looking at Cang Yuan's back, Qing Jue didn't know what to do.

The moment he ran away, Cang Yuan's tears fell down as if he didn't want money.

Suddenly I don't know where to go.

After thinking about it, the only option is to go to Muyan.

When Cang Yuan found Muyan, his eyes were already swollen from crying.

Seeing Cang Yuan like this, Muyan was shocked too!

Quickly asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you crying like this?"

Then he realized that being able to cry like this in the Twilight Academy must have something to do with Qing Jue!
"Did Qing Jue bully you?" Mu Yan said, standing up excitedly.

Cang Yuan pulled Muyan, shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's none of his business, I just feel wronged."

"Isn't he wronging you? Don't be afraid, I will help you get justice!" Muyan rolled up her sleeves and was about to go out as she said.

"But he still doesn't like me... He doesn't like me, and I'm wronged... Can you make him like me by seeking justice from him? No, it will only make him hate me even more!" Cang Yuan said with a sob.

Mu Yan froze all of a sudden, looked back at Cang Yuan, and said distressedly: "It's really not possible, we don't like him anymore, okay?"

Cang Yuan shook his head, "Not good!"

If she could let go so easily, she wouldn't be so sad.

"Okay, then let's just wait and see what happens. Cang Yuan, look how long you and Qing Jue have known each other! Maybe Qing Jue hasn't figured out whether he likes you or not." Mu Yan comforted.

At the same time, I am also feeling that the word love hurts deeply.

"Hmm..." Although Cang Yuan listened to it, she felt that there was no hope for her. In the future, she would pretend that nothing happened!

"Have you figured it out? Just figured it out! Qingjue has never liked anyone before."
(End of this chapter)

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