Chapter 1037 Knowing the Truth 1
Seeing Ye Wuqing's nervous look, he stretched out his hand to attach the back of Ye Wuqing's hand to give her some comfort.

Ye Wuqing turned to look at Ye Rumu, smiled, and signaled that she was fine.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, there is no shortage of tacit understanding between them!

"Ye Wuqing?" Said the name Ye Wuqing, Xuezhu's eyes were in a daze, as if Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu were still there!
"That's right, Xuezhu, it won't be at this time, are you soft-hearted? Don't forget that you harmed Ye Rumu back then!" The man squinted his eyes, staring at Xuezhu coldly and said.

"Of course I won't forget, but what I want is Ye Rumu's death, what does it have to do with Ye Wuqing?" Xuezhu said coldly, Ye Rumu has been dead for two years, and she is gradually forgetting about it , however, now someone has brought it up!
However, this person was the one who helped her deal with Ye Rumu two years ago!
"Don't forget that Ye Wuqing is Ye Rumu's only good friend. Do you think Ye Wuqing will let go of Ye Rumu's matter? If Ye Wuqing knows that you killed Ye Rumu, do you think Ye Wuqing will let you go? So , Xuezhu, before Ye Wuqing knows, kill Ye Wuqing, and you can rest easy!"

The man's voice was full of allure, and people couldn't help but want to do what he said. In that case, would they really be able to sit back and relax?

"Ye Wuqing will not know about this matter. I killed Ye Rumu only because Ye Rumu robbed me of my No.1 position in the organization, so I disliked her! But Ye Wuqing...we used to have a good relationship, I don't want to kill them all. Besides, Ye Wuqing is no longer in the organization." When Xue Zhu heard that this person wanted her to get rid of Ye Wuqing, her whole body was full of rejection!

She didn't want... the only friendship she had in her life had disappeared in smoke!
In fact, she has a good relationship with Ye Rumu, but it's not as good as Ye Wuqing. In addition, Ye Wuqing is not the best one, so it doesn't hinder her!
"But Xuezhu, you have to understand that those who betray the organization must die! Ye Wuqing betrayed the organization, and she will die! Now, I will entrust you with this task, and you must kill Ye Wuqing! She knows the people in the organization There are too many things!" The man narrowed his eyes and said fiercely.

"But... Ye Wuqing just broke away from the organization, and did not join any other forces or organizations, and did not do anything harmful to us! Why did she refuse to let her go?" Xue Zhu didn't understand, she was usually cold and unapproachable. Xue Zhu lost her mind at this moment.

"Xuezhu! You have to understand that although she has no influence on us now, it doesn't mean she won't betray us in the future!"

"Our intelligence network has been transferred, and the location has been changed. Even if she betrayed us, so what? Didn't she find us? So, why must she die?" Xuezhu asked loudly in confusion. road.

"Because she left the organization, no matter who you are, if you join the organization, you will be part of the organization for the rest of your life! Unless you die and leave this world, otherwise, it is your mission to work for the organization!"

Xuezhu suddenly fell silent and stopped talking. Shouldn't she have understood this a long time ago?

Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing looked at each other when they heard this,
(End of this chapter)

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