Chapter 1039 Knowing the Truth 3
However, such a smile, in Xue Zhu's view, is extraordinarily eerie!
However, these are all things she has done. Xuezhu never avoids anything. Looking at Ye Rumu, she returned to her usual indifferent look, and said lightly: "Then what do you want to do now? Kill me? revenge?"

"Well... I really wanted to kill you for revenge, but, I think, let you work for the organization all your life, without any freedom, and not being able to do what you want, it more uncomfortable to live than to die? What?" Ye Rumu didn't know what Xuezhu was thinking, but she and Ye Wuqing couldn't bear that kind of life anymore, in the organization, life was like death every day!
Xue Zhu's expression changed. It has to be said that after Ye Wuqing left, she also regretted killing Ye Rumu, and wanted to leave with her, but...she knew the methods of the organization. It is better to die than to live!She doesn't want to take such a risk!Because the organization has great powers, no matter where they escape, they will be caught one day!

"Wuqing, let's go." Ye Rumu took one last look at Xuezhu, turned around and left.

Ye Wuqing shook her head, looked at Xue Zhu with disappointment in her eyes, and left without saying anything in the end with Ye Rumu.

Xue Zhu didn't catch up, because she was no match for these two people, if she was alone, she could still win.

But what Xue Zhu couldn't understand was why Ye Rumu was still alive?And the appearance is really not quite the same. Could it be that it has really undergone plastic surgery?

If it is said that the appearance is completely ruined, and the plastic surgery is done to return to the previous appearance, it also makes sense...

Do not!That person is Ye Rumu, because Xuezhu can feel the familiar feeling that Ye Rumu gave her before!

Xue Zhu closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was no emotion in those eyes.

At this moment, she is just a cold killer!

After Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing finished shopping, they stopped staying outside and went back to their villa in the suburbs.

In the car, both of them were surprisingly silent.

When he got outside the villa, Ye Wuqing stopped the car, "I never thought that Xue Zhu would do this..."

"I didn't think of it either." Ye Rumu smiled softly, the unforgettable pain from before went deep into the bone marrow, making people shudder just thinking about it!

"I thought it was just that the organization felt that you were too capable and uncontrollable, and wanted to get rid of you. I also thought that the next step would probably be me and Xuezhu. Back then, I joked with Xuezhu I said that I really wanted to leave the organization. At that time, I saw Xuezhu was very hesitant, and I knew that Xuezhu would not be with me. Now that I think about it, in order to be the number one killer in the organization, Xuezhu even dared to design She was framed, how could she be willing to leave? Now, I still have to thank her for not exposing me and letting me die..."

Ye Wuqing was talking, tears fell down.

"Wuqing, don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with you." Ye Rumu comforted.

"How come it doesn't matter... If I knew about Xuezhu, I would have..." Ye Wuqing couldn't continue, even if she knew it at the beginning, what could she do?Expose Snow Bamboo?Then, between Xue Zhu and Ye Rumu, there is one person who will not be able to keep!
"Okay, don't think too much about it. In fact, maybe everything is predestined.

(End of this chapter)

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